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A good interaction is not always a friendly interaction

Agreed/same here @ that general idea, I'm not sure if it bothered anyone in the first place, but I figure it should be made clear just in case. If I don't want my character anywhere near someone else's, I'll go ahead and keep him away (though the reverse isn't always true; the fact that a char isn't near mine doesn't necessarily mean I don't want any interactions with that person, sometimes things just work out that way).

But this might change if people continue to skim/not read posts, cause really, that's not cool. Not because I'm offended that you aren't reading my posts (well, ok, that might be part of it), but mainly cause the story can't flow or really work at all if no one keeps up with what anyone else does.

...That said, I'm used to waiting patiently for RPers who are busy, and I really don't mind, so no worries here. Or from any of use LotErs, for that matter.

Same. I have plenty of other RPs to be doing, and I'm used to/prefer a slower pace than this has had for most of its posts (granted it has slowed down lately), so don't feel rushed.

In other words, I'm basically waiting to advance the story until everyone's more or less caught up, so we don't have more weird time paradoxes.

I wouldn't worry about weird time paradoxes, they're pretty much inevitable in RPs. I prefer to just embrace them, as long as they're not too painfully obvious and logic-breaking.

Edited by CATS
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Did anyone else read the part where Ivan told Bullet and Izuman to cook the squirrels and rabbits? Or did I imagine that this morning when I read it?

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Did anyone else read the part where Ivan told Bullet and Izuman to cook the squirrels and rabbits? Or did I imagine that this morning when I read it?

I thought I read that. Then again, it was 8:30 AM, so I could have been hallucinating it. [/is not a morning person]

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I find the entire situation kinda amusing. Hey Cocytus, get me out of stasis, I'll just do some character development like Ivan/Lat are doing to waste time. At your convenience, though, minimal posts are just no fun.

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If you feel bad at it, come up with a post to replace it at some point. Over-apologizing is a sign of weakness.

That said, take your time, doesn't look like this RP is quite in the rush it was at first anymore. I much prefer it like that anyways.

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>_> This seems a bit unfair.

Sad part is, it just happened again yesterday. =/

Will probably *properly* intro Cy in a while. Sort of busy with other activities and the other RP.

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Read posts, do not skim, plox

Does everyone do this in LoAF?

Clearly, one can deduce whether an entire group of RPers skim or not based on one RPer.

Obviously, "everyone" isn't meant literally. I'm sure CATS's not stupid enough to think that a random group of RP'ers that got together all skim posts. And I'm interpreting that as an exaggeration. However LoAF participants have admitted several times to not reading posts at all and just skipping them. And it's not just one or two people. It couldn't be helped when it was progressing at 100 posts a day though IMO. It's just not practical.

As for skimming, I'm trying to read things properly, but my mind has a habit of wondering when faced with text XD So I usually have to read it twice before understanding the post. I don't actually cut the amount of time I spend reading posts by skimming, but I'm just that stupid >_<

That aside, If everyone doesn't mind the pacing as present, it might be more ideal then what we had going for the first few days. Since I'd rather not spend the first three hours after I wake up on RPing XD The "New RP" steam has kind of disappeared so I'm expecting people to start disappearing soon. For those who are no longer interested in participating it'd be great if you could leave a note here. I won't hold it against you, and your welcome back anytime, it's just that I don't want to leave Talgusta without everyone (bar a few exceptions who want to deviate).

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I dont want to quit, I just find the situation has completely divulged my character from everything else.

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Well, I'm really just trying to not get too far ahead of everyone. Besides, I really can't plan out what exactly my character is going to be doing until after this section gets resolved, since I see several paths to take for Arias...

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EDIT: And RP, just do whatever suits you best. We're not going to judge you. (Well okay, we might, but still, do what you want.)

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