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Divulged? Not to my eyes you haven't XD Your character is a big a mystery as Snike and Cynthia's character at the moment.

That said, the above is not pressure for people to start participating or encouraging people to post more. But more just a future note. Those who have not entered yet are welcome to remain on the sidelines for as long as they wish. And if you want to jump on the sidelines for a few weeks that's fine as well.

It might just be my english, but is "Divulge" the right word to use there? If you meant something like dis-attached or left-out. Then there's not much I can do, as I've stated a few posts up, the best path to take is to force an encounter. You could try to be gungho and retake the fort by yourself and meet up with Beatrice/Arias, Or wonder around and stumble into Hubert, Lat/Iva/And+Co, and Naomi's still probably still heading towards a city nearby if you want to find her, she'll most likely try and hire you as a bodyguard.

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His character might be able to do that, but I'm afraid that Arias is more or less bound to go save her (again).

EDIT: And RP, just do whatever suits you best. We're not going to judge you. (Well okay, we might, but still, do what you want.)

Whatever you say, Cam Cam

Edited by Cocytus
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EDIT: And RP, just do whatever suits you best. We're not going to judge you. (Well okay, we might, but still, do what you want.)

This is being sigged.

Divulged? Not to my eyes you haven't XD Your character is a big a mystery as Snike and Cynthia's character at the moment.

That said, the above is not pressure for people to start participating or encouraging people to post more. But more just a future note. Those who have not entered yet are welcome to remain on the sidelines for as long as they wish. And if you want to jump on the sidelines for a few weeks that's fine as well.

It might just be my english, but is "Divulge" the right word to use there? If you meant something like dis-attached or left-out. Then there's not much I can do, as I've stated a few posts up, the best path to take is to force an encounter. You could try to be gungho and retake the fort by yourself and meet up with Beatrice/Arias, Or wonder around and stumble into Hubert, Lat/Iva/And+Co, and Naomi's still probably still heading towards a city nearby if you want to find her, she'll most likely try and hire you as a bodyguard.

Ill think on it after a sleep. Thanks :D

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>_< Okay, so you've already met up with Beatrice, but somehow got left behind and now plodding around on horseback...... :/

Hmm well, you could delete your last post and have actually followed Beatrice, the jump from "camp" to "seige" was a bit sudden I suppose, though it's a common occurence in RP's, you've seen extremes with the Talgusta->Elrest teleportations.

If CATS, Purg, Fush, Cam and Sage don't have any objection I might speed up our camp fire until next morning soon, unless there's objections. The main interaction between the former three seem to have ended, and the later two don't seem to have much to say. So "They all ate meat and slept happily ever after" Poison XD works for me.

To regroup all existing characters (bar Hubert who's somewhere?) I think a commotion at Talgusta is the only way to go. Bullet would probably take the attack as a chance to get revenge, Shizunai propelled by honor and whatnot. Not sure about the other three, but Kieru could wander over due to simple curiosity.

Beatrice really has no reason to head to Crestia as far as I can tell so meeting up with her before leaving Talgusta would be appreciated. As an extra note, please don't dispatch troops from Crestia to Talgusta. Way too early for any troops to be arriving. If you need troops draw them in from the other forts in Talgusta province.

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Cool with me. Bullet would probably just head over to the fort to see if there were any new developments. (Read: Any new info regarding the status of his revenge.)

Edited by Camtech075
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... *cocks shotgun*

Then you know what not to call me. <_<

On a more constructive and relevant note, Arias might well be headed to Tolmaeus to speak with the council. Then again, he might be seeking to infiltrate Granford, to learn the truth about the war.

Any thoughts?

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Well Cocytus, if you still want to hang with me, Beatrice was planning to assault Granford after seizing Talgusta. Talgusta isn't much more than a distraction to pull the main Gran forces away while she can attack the slightly less defended Gran fort.

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Then you know what not to call me. <_<

On a more constructive and relevant note, Arias might well be headed to Tolmaeus to speak with the council. Then again, he might be seeking to infiltrate Granford, to learn the truth about the war.

Any thoughts?

I think it'd be better to have Arias head to Crestia for infiltration. That way, we can all meet up there.

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That idea is flawed based on the current plot of the RP, by which I mean Crestia has only been playing defensive thus far in the war, and has no idea why it was attacked.

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I think it'd be better to have Arias head to Crestia for infiltration. That way, we can all meet up there.

Well, that seems like a bad idea. Granford is the aggressor in this conflict, and Arias isn't going to find the hidden reasons behind the war in Crestia.

If memory serves, Granford's invasion was rather sudden, brought on by a change of heart of the Archbishop, et. al. That's where the truth is going to lie, which is where Arias is going to want to head.

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I'm cool with it.

I actually do read all RP posts, but when I read anything, I have a bad habit of skimming, even when I try not to. I try to read really closely but I had a sinus headache today and multitasking so....yeah.

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I don't mind the group not always being together, but I don't want one group in Granford, and the others in Crestia. Unless of course people want to direct this RP towards PvP? As a general rule, I want the group to be in the same province/area. I don't mind if Arias wants to deviate from the group and head to Tolmaeus with a friend while everyone else heads to Crestia. But I am going to say that if you split from the main group then I can't look after your plot. Meaning anything that happens is started and reacted to by yourself. I also don't want Arias in Tolmaeus arriving a day after the others arrive in Crestia. Generally, the timespan taken for inter-provincial movement is two or three days.

I'd also prefer people try to stick together unless they have a reason they want to be apart. It's easier to manage and I'd prefer people to interact with a variety of people opposed to just their select group of friends. I don't want to see a LoAF support system replay. (Yes I'm slandering LoAF XD) Kieru's been mainly internal so far, but she'll be getting alot more verbal as more people make their way into the group.


That'd be great considering the "trio's" mentality on the fort.


Read above, are you sure? Or do you want to convince others to head to Tolmaeus?

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Read above, are you sure? Or do you want to convince others to head to Tolmaeus?

It's tough to say. On the one hand, I'm pretty sure that Arias said that Talgusta to Tolmaeus was 10 days to 2 weeks by foot. Obviously, if a horse showed up, it'd be 2-3 days, but still, that's a lot of time for Arias to be out doing other things, and he hasn't exactly gotten reason to head back to Tolmaeus either. The thing is, I believe that I hinted that the Tolmaean leaders have devices similar to Sending Stones for telepathic communication, so it's not necessary for him to go back at this point for that reason either.

Also, on another (semi-related note), what do you see the group doing?

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If CATS, Purg, Fush, Cam and Sage don't have any objection I might speed up our camp fire until next morning soon, unless there's objections. The main interaction between the former three seem to have ended, and the later two don't seem to have much to say. So "They all ate meat and slept happily ever after" Poison XD works for me.

go for it

as someone correctly pointed out, the campsite was just a time-waster anyways, something to do while waiting to see where you wanted to go, what with you being the RP creator/leader and all (though it seems like you're pretty open-minded anyways, which is cool)

as for LoAF, i was just curious if it's an SF tradition to not read posts and somehow cobble a story together anyways

and as for where to go, i can invent reasons to go pretty much wherever

And uh, you want me to quit? I don't seem to be doing very well and everyone seems to hate me.

Not trying to be melodramatic but still.

not sure who this is directed at, but no i don't want you to quit

reading posts would be nice though

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