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That One Guy Who Sprites

Nanami Touko

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Tear it apart, kill it, burn it, I don't care what you do as long as it helped me make this look better.

This is Lynn, one of the main characters of an Untitled RPG Lol, someone else making an RPG with RPG Maker that's getting FE style sprites.

I really want to make it look better, so, if anyone can offer any advice, it would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by seph1212
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Firstly i love the hair ~. you've pulled that off really well.

It's over all a really pretty sprite. But. the body needs some shading work Sir Seph. The far arm in my opinion is shaded too light near where her clothing ends because there wouldnt be much light hitting her there. Also the shirt/dress. Where her bewbs are, it would be more clingy, so more shading round there at the bottom would make it look more realistic. Since hopefully she is wearing a bra..to stop them falling too low.

and maybe this is just personal preference, but i think her eyes are too dark. they look slightly lifeless. maybe a lighter grey?

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That's it? Nothing else?


I'm trying to figure out how to word this thing I feel weird on, but I'm bad with words so gimme a second.


Here. See the area in the back? I fee it's a bit too skinny, the way you sprited her. The angle shows that she'd still have more meat there unless she's anorexic or something, and even then the arm would be located differently.

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Ok I'll try to be as precise as possible.


She has no torso atm, it's a sort of cylindrical lump, have a look at the highlighted red on my examples for halfbodies and you can see that although neither has "realistic" proportions(soldiers scary anorexic and Niime has a wasp waist) they sorta have a human feel to them, this is what anime generally does, they get proportions and exaggerate, breats, hips, waists, necks etc, but you want to keep some semblance of human proportion in this thing ;) The arms look alot like dangling lifeless sausages, try giving the far arm a bend or something to make it more interesting :D and try and keep a faint curve in shapes, humans very rarely have completely straight lines for anything. I've done an ink over on your extended mug of alot of the things that I think need fixing, some are just personal preference, like how the hair sits in the ties(i think it should bunch up a bit before the tie) and how it goes down her back, for the most part though it relates to her bodies form so keep that in mind, you're more than welcome to use it as you see fit whether as a new outline, a reference or w/e else.

The shading leaves alot to be desired, I think that although you've kept it simple it's come up very blob-like in parts, I agree with Reaper, her eyes are very dark, and her hairshading is very messy.

Thats about all I have to say for the moment, i'm happy to go a bit more in depth into shading after you've tried to fix some of this stuff though ;)

EDIT: I didn't see your or lumi's above posts as I was writing mine during haha, but most of it still stands.

Edited by Vampire Elf
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Holy shit.

you're more than welcome to use it as you see fit whether as a new outline, a reference or w/e else.



Totally did just that.

Thats about all I have to say for the moment, i'm happy to go a bit more in depth into shading after you've tried to fix some of this stuff though ;)

Bring it ;) Any critique you can give to help make this look better would be greatly appreciated.

I'll get better! I swear it! One day, I'll post something, and you wont think anything is wrong with it! XD

EDIT: D'y'all think the neck is a little bit too long?

Edited by seph1212
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Im glad someone like Vamp has joined to do critiques like that. PLEASE GIVE SOME FOR ME!!!

Seph, that looks great!

Seriously :D

And, thanks :3

EDIT: Oh, and expect a lot more of these, since I'm obligated to make them for that RPG XD

At least It'll help my spriting.

Edited by seph1212
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Are they all going to 1 scale? or just whatever height? because he needs to be taller if they are, even with Lynn at her new height.

Lynn: needs more whites in her eyes, atm all she has is Iris, pupil and shine, no whites around them(mainly on the near side of the near eye) Other than that i'd just suggest taking a look some referances of how cloth falls and working on the shading around her breasts, cleavage is another thing you might want to work on in this mug/body.

Katan: the lines that seperate katan's armor are kinda pillow shaded, I dont know if you want it to look indented or if it's seperate plates, but if it's indented then try and add some depth, if it's seperate platesthen you want to signify that by shading as if they dip splightly where they touch, because I think that's kinda the look you're going for.

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Anyway, some of the chestplate shading kind of irks me, particularly the part below his neck. It looks like you intended to stick some 3rd color in, but didn't.

Also, the leather straps (?) can't seem to help but look a tad pillowed, especially the one on the bottom, below the chestplate.

Lastly, he needs back surgery.

EDIT: Ninja'd. Stupid dishes.

Edited by 47948201
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I dunno 'bout the far eye now, I think I put too much white into it even though it was just one pixel

Also, shading around the chest is better?


Taller, and I think this is what you meant by dipping? I didn't quite understand what that meant man, I need to research these terms

@479 what d'you mean he needs back surgery?



Edited by seph1212
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I think it may have been because of the angle he's standing, looks a bit uncomfortable.

IMO it looks a bit odd.

It might not be the most comfortable of poses, but it's still humanely possible, so I'm not going to work over the entire sprite to change it.

At least, not right now.

Edited by seph1212
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