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That One Guy Who Sprites

Nanami Touko

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40 40 40 is a terrible color choice because it's a completely unrealistic color. Any black you see never has equal shades of red green blue. In fact, don't use any pure black colors unless you know what you're doing.


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40 40 40 is a terrible color choice because it's a completely unrealistic color. Any black you see never has equal shades of red green blue. In fact, don't use any pure black colors unless you know what you're doing.

...You do realize that (40,40,40) is the standard outline color (and shadow color) that every single battle sprite uses, right? And, the darker gray/black that was used isn't even pure black to begin with.

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Then I suppose you do realize there's a distinction between an outline and the actual colors in a color scheme? Just because a battle sprite uses black in its palette for the shadow doesn't mean the actual black is part of the design.

Yes, I realize that, but it has nothing to do with your previous post, what so fucking ever. I think you need to learn to think before you type before critiquing any other sprites, especially considering that most of us have significantly more experience than you do at it.

EDIT - And, if you were even remotely referring to the darker black colors on parts of the Druid's battle palette (which, given the context of your post, you weren't), you'd realize that someone had already commented on that aspect.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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Well, I'll admit you got me there. Turns out the colors are actually 48 48 48, 65 65 65 and 85 85 85! My point still stands.

You had no point to begin with. Your first statement made no coherent sense, and the other two have merely been trying to half-ass your way in a "debate" over the fact that your comments have fallacies in them.

A color scheme is a color scheme. The only "issue" with the palette for the Druid is the fact that one of the colors in the Druid's palette, used as a pseudo-outline color in places, is darker than the regular outline color, a point that was already made by someone and commented on by seph1212.

EDIT - I'm done derailing this thread. If you don't actually comment with something that's HELPFUL to the spriter and isn't a means to try to make your e-penis bigger, I'll gladly report further posts to the staff.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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Cazali, read over the rules in either the Code of Conduct or the Announcements forum. To be specific, section 2-4.


Please be constructive with your criticisms and avoid being offensive - you are not helping anyone the way you are doing things now. And most importantly, do not derail threads.

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Things are over now guys. Move on and get back on topic, I want to see more of your work!

B-B-B-But Tang, I-I just made that last post on topic with an edit... Aw, who cares XD




Edited by seph1212
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Things are over now guys. Move on and get back on topic, I want to see more of your work!

I edited the dumb stuff out and approved it again. You can't bypass me with on-topic edits >;P!

Edited by Tangerine
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An instruction has been given, everyone:

"Things are over now guys. Move on and get back on topic,"

Just in case it wasn't clear the first time, we do like warning when people don't follow in-thread instructions, you know.

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I love my meido dress design. :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

But, I feel the arm is seriously skinny. And lacks any muscle to even hold it up. There's also the joint at the elbow that you kinda just rounded off.

If you went by my sketch proportions, well.... I kinda drew it in fashion model. Just make the arm a px or 2 thicker and have a more... well, elbow-like elbow.

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I love my meido dress design. :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

But, I feel the arm is seriously skinny. And lacks any muscle to even hold it up. There's also the joint at the elbow that you kinda just rounded off.

If you went by my sketch proportions, well.... I kinda drew it in fashion model. Just make the arm a px or 2 thicker and have a more... well, elbow-like elbow.


I are no good with elbows @~@

But try to fix I shall.

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Good Trent.

Merc's ref is pretty sexy. Shows that whole, well, how'd I put it... pointed off thing.

Eheheh... That's why it's there XD

I just can't seem to get the elbow shape to look like an elbow, ref or not.

asdf, persevere!


Edited by seph1212
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Things are over now guys. Move on and get back on topic, I want to see more of your work!

I edited the dumb stuff out and approved it again. You can't bypass me with on-topic edits >;P!

(S)he looks amazing thus far! :)

Those boobs and the edits you did to the hair and face look flawless!

Can't wait to see it completed. :)

Edit: Damnit... I quoted the wrong person. Oh well, you get the idea. XD

Edit 2: I really have to start proof-reading what I type...

Edited by Ecut
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B-B-B-But Tang, I-I just made that last post on topic with an edit... Aw, who cares XD






Um, look. The waist should start a little further down, I think, or probably make the waist a bit thinner. The left arm OPV doesn't look like it's coming out right from the shoulder, in the sense that it seems too tilted diagonally (should be straighter). Right now it looks like it may be broken or dislocated, but that might just be a question of perspective and boob depth (and this is no joke).

Other than that

/fap fap fap

Edited by The Valter
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The face, hair, and boobs are really great. I totally agree with Valter about the left arm, though. The angle of the arm and the angle of the shoulder/sleeve just don't match.

Can't wait to see it finished :)

Edited by Astelaine
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The pink lines show were you need to follow shape. Remember the midline which I drew on the belly for a reference line. The cleavage is uneven making the close boob more oval and the other a circle., and the line on the left side <- for the boob needs to go. The elbow is pointy, cause right now yours looks like rubber.The reason the reference one is round is because different angle. You are holding the cake out, not foward. You missed some outline, cherry stem that long is distracting, and the fluffy is not fluffy but flat. Mimic the other side. you don't have to make her smile, that was jsut how long her mouth should be and the nose line needs to go down. The other pixels are wher eyou should show lips and chin contour. The close arm is a little thin. Use your judgement on making it thicker if you want to. Looking good so far though. :)

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You have no idea the pain that's been causing me.

and the fluffy is not fluffy but flat.

Huhwha? Is this where the blue oval is circling? If you've got any suggestions for that to make it not look as flat as it does, I'm all ears.

that was jsut how long her mouth should be

I'ma have to disagree, because another spriter told me it should be a long as it is, and, not that I don't trust your judgment, it's just that they've been doin' this for a loooooooong time :E

Shading this thing's going to be a monstrosity

Thanks! This is gonna make things go much smoother.

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Okay. I can respect that. I do recommend a little more defining though because it is kind of being lost in the shading. and with the flat part, raise it like you did on the opposite side. You know? It'll make it look like it's not glued to the arm. and Your welcome for the elbow :)

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