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Lumi's Spritastic Coffeeshop.

Thor Odinson

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I'm doing the full set, so that'd include battle animations as well. Sorry.

And as you can probably tell, I've been doing that. Hero Seth has messier hair and SM!Seth from LOOOOONG ago had long hair.

For the Halloween contest before I go off to calculus again~ (I can never focus, can I?)




Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Calculus takes a lot of time, so don't worry that we'd yell at you for not providing us with sprites.

I'm having a little trouble spotting Lakche in that. And you could probably add some more depth to that thing on her chest.

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Added that.

Made a new version where the hair's more true to the reference photo. Customing hair gaaaaah.


Also proof that I used Lakche--


Think of it as Visual Kei makeup. For the most part, people look vastly different with and without their makeup on.

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Anyway, some edits:

Added shading to Teru!Lakche~


Fixed some angle stuff in DK!Seth


Changed hood per Lord Glenn's suggestion (in my other topic in FEND)


Now on to Sage.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Sage!Seth looks nice, but he looks kind of Druidy. I imagine a sage would be wearing a circlet on his head and wear robes with a big-ass sash thing. But they're your sprites :)

LOL I wasn't thinking

Edited by Ken Zomg
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Sage!Seth looks nice, but he looks kind of Druidy. I imagine a sage would be wearing a circlet on his head and wear robes with a big-ass sash thing. But they're your sprites :)

That was the druid, shes doing sage next.


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Thank you. :3


Made changes to nekkie!Seth base, so he doesn't look so hunched over like in the last one


I felt like spriting the Seth in my sig so...

Bandages are worse than hair to custom. I swear.

Blood is fun though.


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General Seth.

Probably has 3269082068 mistakes, but eh, I got distracted with shiny armor.

'Zerker Seth next.

After that, Bishop, Warrior, Sniper, Horseman/Nomad, Lord, and Assassin. And whatever class I forgot. No Ballistician or Manakete, though.

Which one should I do?


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