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Lumi's Spritastic Coffeeshop.

Thor Odinson

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General Seth.

Probably has 3269082068 mistakes, but eh, I got distracted with shiny armor.

'Zerker Seth next.

After that, Bishop, Warrior, Sniper, Horseman/Nomad, Lord, and Assassin. And whatever class I forgot. No Ballistician or Manakete, though.

Which one should I do?


The trimtasticness is all over the place angle wise.

Go for sniper.

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General: Fixed version.




Looks a lot like the Hero one, actually, though partially because I don't have many good references for Berserkers. So most of this is still made of various Heroes, though yay for Hawkeye's ponytail.

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New Personal Mug~

Yeah. The frame placement is totally wrong, probably. I'll ask Astra for that later.

Besides the face, everything else is FC'd. Face is a combination of Karla and Louise because I don't trust myself with faces on such a tiny canvas. EVER.

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I should, shouldn't I? Then I could also boost everyone's growths to 255. :awesome:

Lesse, I could have Seth as regular Seth, Joshie as regular Seth, Gerik as Hero Seth, Cormag as DK Seth, Gilliam as General Seth, Saleh as Sage Seth, Knoll (with boosted defense and luck) as Druid Seth, and I'll reclass Franz to 'zerker and make him 'zerker Seth. I'll take Eirika's place myself. 8D

Yeah. I noticed that. But a straight ponytail is boring and that's the best I can adjust the curve (damn 16 colors. Always torturing us CG artists like that) so I'm just leaving it as is.

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How about you be the female lord, Paladin Seth is the male lord, every other Seth as everyone else, and Gheb is the Demon King?


New Personal Mug~

That's pretty good looking. It's for Tales of Serenes, right?

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It's for my hack, guys.

Frames are indeed off, and the skin color palette could be better.

Shading is also a bit rough everywhere, and a couple instances of pillow shading on the cape and hair strand that falls down of her right (Our POV)

Don't worry Lumi, I'll fix the nose in the end.

Edited by Adell
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Kit fixed the frames in FEM, so that's out of the way.

I hate FE shading.

Gotta go find a cap reference now. aznswordmaster pointed out the hair strand issue in FEND, so I'm going to fix that as well.

Will have an updated version soon.

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