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If you voted Tory...


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Most of the "communist" nations use "People's Republic" or "People's Democracy" in their names to attempt to make themselves sound less fail.

It does rather piss me off.

That's my point. People call themselves all sorts of things, but that doesn't make it the truth.

... I don't like totalitarian states in general. Or an ideology that makes everyone the fucking same. GAH.

That's just the thing, Communism =/= Totalitarianism. A totalitarian state, or even a state that MAKES everyone the same is not the stated agenda of the Communist. Ultimately, what Communism is is simply a state that cannot occur. In a Communist society that theoretically followed Marx's teachings to the point, every single person would have an equal amount of control of the government. If it could actually happen, it would be pretty great. The problem, of course, is that it doesn't function. No civilization on Earth has ever been truly Communist, and no human civilization will be, it's just not possible. What appears to be Communism in reality is either just a facade for a regime, or some doomed and foolish attempt to reach an unreachable goal.

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Do you think it's true that I'm slightly authoritarian?


Honestly, you're not making a particularly "strong" claim, so it's much more believable. First of all, you're claiming to be "slightly" authoritarian, and second, authoritarian is (at least to me) a word with a negative connotation, and of course we're on the internet, so it seems unlikely you are trying to decieve us into allowing you to rule over us tyrannically.

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That's just the thing, Communism =/= Totalitarianism. A totalitarian state, or even a state that MAKES everyone the same is not the stated agenda of the Communist. Ultimately, what Communism is is simply a state that cannot occur. In a Communist society that theoretically followed Marx's teachings to the point, every single person would have an equal amount of control of the government. If it could actually happen, it would be pretty great. The problem, of course, is that it doesn't function. No civilization on Earth has ever been truly Communist, and no human civilization will be, it's just not possible. What appears to be Communism in reality is either just a facade for a regime, or some doomed and foolish attempt to reach an unreachable goal.

That, I'm aware of.

But I must hope you realize, that my experiences with the Chinese Communist Party is terrible. It's like the Nazi to a Jewish person to me.

But typing out the Chinese Communist Party takes too long, and I don't think people will understand if I just put it as CCP.

And because of that, my hatred of the party rolled over onto the system itself, even though the government in China isn't communist in practice.

I hope you understand.

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That, I'm aware of.

But I must hope you realize, that my experiences with the Chinese Communist Party is terrible. It's like the Nazi to a Jewish person to me.

But typing out the Chinese Communist Party takes too long, and I don't think people will understand if I just put it as CCP.

And because of that, my hatred of the party rolled over onto the system itself, even though the government in China isn't communist in practice.

I hope you understand.

I understand, it just doesn't really make any sense. I mean, the Government of China also says it's a "People's Republic". Do you hate the Chinese people (as the "People's" part claims that the country is run by the people)? Do you hate Republics? They call themselves these things, despite not necessarilly being these things in practicality, just as they call themselves Communists without actually being Communist.

But by no means do I have a problem with you hating Communism. :P

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I hate the people who blindly follow the government and does everything that the government tells them to do despite being wrong.

And like I said before, unlike people or republics, I dislike even the concept of Communism to start.

Because of the nature of mankind.

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North Korea's even worse than China.

Which is saying something.

North Koreans are brainwashed by their government believing that North Korea is the greatest country ever even though they've never been taught anything about other countries unless it's like bad events. I don't think they even know much about South Korea. It's also quite lulzy how internet and cellphones are non-existent over there

By the way, out of curiosity if you don't mind saying. How is your experience with the Chinese government assuming they did something to affect you and your family directly?

Edited by Joey
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I believe it means that there will be more "rich" students, and far less "poor" students. It won't benefit anyone, but those who can barely afford University now won't be in a good position if/when prices are risen.

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I believe it means that there will be more "rich" students, and far less "poor" students. It won't benefit anyone, but those who can barely afford University now won't be in a good position if/when prices are risen.

I know, and I was saying I thought it fairly obvious that the poorer students will be less likely to be able/willing to pay higher prices.

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I seem to remember their manifesto talking about cutting these fees

I believe it means that there will be more "rich" students, and far less "poor" students. It won't benefit anyone, but those who can barely afford University now won't be in a good position if/when prices are risen.

Not true, this return to elitism will benefit the wealthy as they'll lose competition from poorer families who can no longer afford this bullshit.

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I know, and I was saying I thought it fairly obvious that the poorer students will be less likely to be able/willing to pay higher prices.

I see, yeah.

It benefits everyone who doesn't go to university, since they don't need to pay for it.

It's one way to create less professional and skilled workers, since less will attend University.

It almost seems like the government wants only the most well off people to get into Uni and get the best and highest-paying jobs out of it, while the poorer people can't afford Uni, and get stuck with the lower paying jobs and don't get a chance. Making the rich richer, and the poor poorer. That's why I hate this government.

There's also many other reasons. One being they're stopping the free bus pass for over 60s by next year. My grandmother is 60 next year, and by then it will be too late for her to get it. Not owning a vehicle, she relies on the buses alot to visit my mother, do shopping, etc. And buses are fucking expensive, like £4.75 for a day ticket. Hell, she could buy a couple of slippers for herself every week for those prices.

The winter fuel allowance for OAPs? That'll be cut too.

One of the government's advertisement slogans were "We'll cut the deficit, not the NHS." And what the fuck are they doing? Cutting the NHS. Hard.

The cuts may be necessary, however only the people who are well off won't be feeling the sting so much, if at all. It's the people with low incomes who will be stuggling the most over the next few years. The cuts are too many and too deep, not that the Conservatives actually give two fucks about those who aren't minted.

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I seem to remember their manifesto talking about cutting these fees

Not true, this return to elitism will benefit the wealthy as they'll lose competition from poorer families who can no longer afford this bullshit.

So you don't believe that people from poorer backgrounds deserve a chance to attend university and earn themselves a great job by the end of it, despite how hard they are willing to work?

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