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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 20: Bait and switch


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OOC: This is sort of a break of reality, but just go with it.

Chase was a bit surprised when Stephanie suggest a warp, and was about to object, then stopped upon realizing that he saw do direct disadvantages to it. "Where exactly are we?" he asked, not sure who would answer but not concerned at the time.


Conrad, however, wasn't in the same position. He merely saw Tessa looking confused. "Where's everyone else? Did something happen?"

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"I see no reason to walk." Morgan responded to Kelas. "As long as Stephanie can handle it, we should warp back to where we were; we will save quite a bit of time that way."


"Perhaps they left by magic." Xaver guessed. "Though to transport a group of that size means that they must have pretty powerful magic behind them." All the more reason to hurry. he thought, taking Kamilla's hand and leading her through the bustling city streets.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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In The City

They were walking at a rather fast pace and Kamilla's attention repeatedly shot down to her feet. She was nearly tripping over herself as they went along. A part of her couldn't help but want to say goodbye to some people, but Tessa had probably already left with them anyway, and if they did warp away, there was no hope of her catching them. Perhaps that was why they let her go.

Kamilla: You think it was a warp? Then them leaving me behind makes sense. Even if I could reach the church, they could escape again and we can't track them.

She suddenly became frustrated at the thought of them getting away with everything they'd done again and began ranting aloud.

Kamilla: That isn't right. Tessa ... why is she stuck with them? She's not a criminal and now they can warp around at will? They'll just start stirring up trouble even faster now.

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Right, she got mindwiped...right.

"Ah. I'm sorry....Fifth Circle? Excellent. Nice to find a competent mage here. Geraro's a dark druid, about 8th circle maybe in power, I'm not sure, but he's completely batshit insane and has no idea how to spy properly. It's great to see someone who knows what they're doing.

Repeating the incantation, Njordjenka's hand shook a bit during the spell circle, the lightning ball coming up and shooting a few sparks but dissapated immediately after a couple of medium power. Not anywhere near the amount of strikes or power of a properly cast Thoron.

Edited by Yoshimitsu
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"Unless they're forcing her along, this Tessa is a criminal by association. She's not a reformist and she's aiding the ones carrying the cursed weapons, so she's a criminal as far as I'm concerned." Xaver responded to Kamilla.

"They seem to spread calamity wherever they go, so their ability to warp around is rather distressing." Xaver said, noting the fact that this area of the market appeared to have been destroyed by powerful magic. "Hopefully the Grand Cleric can think of a way to stop them once you give them your report."

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Kamilla: N-no she's not a-

The unnerved girl had to stop herself for a moment. It would look like she was brain washed if she blindly defended one of them. Though it wasn't the time, she couldn't help but say something. Perhaps she could portray Tessa in a different light. It was what she believed was true at least.

Kamilla: I've traveled with them, Xaver, and if anything Tessa is a victim in all of this. Most of the others are violent idiots that took advantage of her kindness and dragged her and a few others along on their crime spree. (I ... don't think any of this matters to Xaver. Maybe it would be best if I just speak with the Grand Cleric and appeal for her then ...) You're right though. It probably doesn't excuse anything. I just know what I saw and ... and I believe that justice shouldn't be poured over the innocent as well as the guilty like a pot of scolding hot water. (If only I could have convinced her to leave sooner ...)

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"I suppose they could have forced her or some others to go along. I wouldn't put it past Colonel Kleine to do something like that." Xaver said scowling. "If she doesn't resist I suppose we could take her to have an inquiry with the Grand Cleric when the time comes."

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Competent Sage

"... Maybe you should focus on using a weaker tome, first, before moving on to Thoron...," Elle said, seeing the attempt at the spell just barely succeed. The sage paused for a second, to push part of her green hair off of her eyes, then added, "... I could possibly get a guiding ring for you, as well... It really is easier to manipulate mana with one."

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A bit of relief washed over her and her steps became normal and more willing in moments. That was what she really wanted to hear. Some consideration.

Kamilla: Thank you, Xaver. (Please, Tessa. Don't stay with them. They're nothing but trouble.)

The Crow

In the distance a curious bird flew down upon the group and found a very nice spot to perch on Pary's shoulder. Viveka looked on in a bit of shock at first but then smiled at the peaceful bird. She wasn't sure what to think since she'd never seen a wild crow land on someone's shoulder before. It wasn't long before a white-ish paste appeared and began oozing down the back of Pary's shoulder.

Edited by Phoenix
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"I have plenty of mastery over Thunder and Elthunder. But a guiding ring would be very appreciated. It would greatly benefit the mission if we're both carrying them. Now let's try this again."

He recited the incantation again, drawing the spell circle. His voice paused a second too long during the incantation, his hand trembling a little. He summoned a large orb of thunder with a few lightning bolts shooting out of the orb.

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Caw was a very disoriented crow. Master had sent him out to look for that green-haired guy with that pretentious pigeon, and Caw obediently followed. Of course then the man just had to go into a city. There were even more damn pigeons here and some idiot pegasus tried to charge and gore him.

Then Caw tried to follow one of those giant lizards that was with all those people, but the green-haired guy wasn't with them. Luckily he had found himself a nice lady crow to spend time with, so things weren't too bad. Then that green haired guy showed up out of nowhere and Caw had to say goodbye to his lady friend so he could follow him. Master was probably nearby and the guy was alone for once so Caw went off to report.

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"Right then," Kelas replied, "I'll try to get people moving." She shuddered a little as she turned away: while warp magic related to staves, and belonged to the gods, it still seemed uncanny. She headed over to where Arrin sat, talking with the unfamiliar healer.

"Intriguing," Arrin was repling. "I'm not sure I... quite understand all of it, but I can see where it's coming from."

"We're moving out," Kelas announced. "You feeling all right?"

"I'm fine," Arrin told her, getting to his feet, "but should you be up right now?"

"Oh, I'm all right," Kelas assured him. "Kid did a good job." She gave Beau a grateful nod. "Come on, head over to whoever has the warp staff, I've got to fetch some of the others." She headed back to Isotov. "Looks like we're finally getting ready to go."


"I guess I'd better go," Arrin told Beau apologetically. "Are you continuing on your way, then?"

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Iso had to give up for now. If it was time to go then he would simply check through the numerous pages later. He calm shut the book and Proxima vanished in his hands as he stood up. He quickly donned an upbeat face and nodded.

Iso: I'm ready. Hmm. Alferis. I said I'd talk to him about the demons once we got back but I'm not sure if I can trust him to handle this with a cool head. That alone is a big risk.

That was when something interesting but also unnerving entered his mind. A memory about Miranda.

(Miranda: Tovy, try not to get angry at the demons so much. People who get angry are even easier to manipulate than regular idiots.)

Iso: (What did she mean by that?)

(Miranda: If I know the enemy is enraged by the loss of his family and coming straight at me to exact revenge. He falls under my control. He goes exactly where I expect him to. It doesn't matter that it's short notice. Being predictable handed me control over the situation and now we fight on my terms.)

Iso: (Right. That's what she meant. We'll come at them like idiots if we don't control our hatred. So I guess that means we have to do something about that. With Shanice dead I'm fine now. Maybe Kelas is too now that Arrin is alright. Anyone helping us needs to be at their best. Not pumped up on revenge. Alright, remember, remember, remember.)

By now his eyes were closed and his lips were repeatedly forming the word "remember" right in front of Kelas.

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Tas, the baby wyvern, and Namid had meanwhile all drifted into a sound, peaceful slumber.


"Ah, right," Beau replied with a nod as he stood up and began burshing himself off, "Well, I guess this is where we follow our own paths again." He looked back to Arrin with a smile, "Thank you for talking with me. Perhaps someday we will meet again, Arrin. You can always ask for me at Bellmire Estate if I'm there. Though I can't say the guards will believe you... Ah! I know!" Beau took a ring out from a fold under his sash and handed it to Arrin. It looked similar to the signant Beau wore on his right index finger, except the gem inbeded in the band - which was brass instead of gold - wasn't as expensive a purple gem as the polished, round one in Beau's signant. "I didn't mean to bring it with me when I set out, but it's a sign that you're allowed to see me at Bellmire Estate. I had actually brought three in accident, but I already gave one of them to someone already. This is the second one. If you come to see me, then I'd like to hear about how much you learned about magic. Oh, and I'd rather you not give it to anyone since it gives you access to the estate and I'm already not supposed to be giving these to just anyone," the young hier informed. "Oh, and one question... You see, because I'm supposed to associate only with the upper class, I rarely get to speak with anyone of my own age. So... I was wondeirng if..." Beau grew a little embarassed at his lack of knowledge in this field and how much it was showing. He shifted his eyes so he wasn't looking at Arrin, very uncomfortable, "Are we...friends?" (There. I asked it. Argh, I must seem so uninformed to not even know that!!)

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Iso: H-huh?! Yeah. I'm fine. I just need to make sure that I don't forget what Miranda told me about having anger issues. It ... might get us all killed which is why I'm worried about Alferis. He's not pestering us because hunting demons is a fun sport or something.

He then remembered that he hadn't seen Alferis' face in awhile either.

Iso: ... and that mask ... did they injure him that badly?

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"Ah... thank you," Arrin replied, uncertainly accepting the signet. When Beau asked if they were friends, he smiled. "I suppose we are," he replied, offering a hand to shake.


"I don't know what happened to him, but I'm not at all sure he's all right," Kelas replied, glad that nothing was actually wrong. "It's only now he's been wanting to go after the demons, too, and doesn't seem to be paying much mind to whether whoever he's asking is up to the task. We're not gonna win this by charging in... so I dunno if it's even a good idea to bring him when it is time to attack." She sighed. "It's easy enough to get hurt when everyone's thinking straight."

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Hearing the affirmation, Beau looked back to Arrin, a little surprised but smiling. (He...didn't chastize me. This could possibly be...a friend? Ah, how wonderful!) He gingerly gripped the older boy's hand in the handshake. (This means an agreement, usually. I suppose it means the same thing in friendships.) He was over-contemplating everything, but Beau, himself, was unaware of this, watching the up and down motions of the handshake as though it were some sort of code to be cracked.

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Iso: I'd ask him to let us handle it but who am I to do that? I was thinking we might talk him out of it if we could convince he's going to endanger us all but I don't know. I need some help here. ... when we talk to him we need to find out exactly why he wants this so badly because he's way too adamant right now for this to just be about some bodily injury.

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"You know I'll help, right? We'll find out if there's something wrong with him, and then if the others're still behind us, I guess. I'm not going to back off just because we got the tomes back. Those bastards nearly killed my brother, you, me. I'm not going to let any of 'em live, and I won't let anyone's madness get in the way if it comes to that." Kelas sighed. "But come on, let's get ourselves off these godsforsaken plains first, before we're ambushed again."


"Well, I'd better go," Arrin said. "Hopefully I'll see you later. Be careful, there are dangerous things out here." He turned and headed over to where the others were gathering to warp. I hope nothing happens to him... he seems knowledgeable, but a little... lost, he thought.

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Beau only watched Arrin leave for a moment before shifting his eyes more studiously around the camp. There were a lot of people here. If he wanted to find some of this group again, it didn't look like it'd be hard. That was all the information he needed for now. Having donned his usual, cold expression, the young heir turned back to the direction he had been travelling and began leaving the area. It was a little tempting to haire some of the mercenaries here for his own perposes, but it was simply less complicated to travel alone. Also, that way it was less likely for people to notice him if he wanted to remain hidden.

ooc: I'll probably have him run into the group or whatnot some other time. Also, someone is going to have to wake Tas up if they want to bring him along. XD

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On Their Way Back

With the group members healed and the chaos beginning to fade into memory, Stephanie took her place at the center of the group and waited while the others were all gathered over to her. When Isotov and Kelas arrived, Iso could sense that Stephanie was giving off a normal aura. Before that she felt like a hybrid of some kind. Flowing with dark magic as well.

Iso: Uh, Stephanie?

Stephanie: I will be fine, Iso. I do have to ask that as many of you that are able lend me some of your power though. Without your help, we won't make it very far in this transit ...

Iso: Energy channeling? Well. I don't mind ....

Lev meanwhile had ventured away from the gathering group and came over to the slumbering Tas. He knelt down with a casual look on his face.

Lev: We're ready to leave, Tas. Come on. It's time to go.

After a few minutes, the group was ready to part and were all gathered around mounts and all. She held out her staff in front of her as they orb in top began to give off its bright glow. Isotov and the other practitioners placed their hands on her and the staff fed on the excess mana. A new giant circle appeared encompassing the entire group, and as its light rose above their heads, there was nothing left underneath and they had all disappeared.


In the center of the courtyard a bright circle appeared on the ground and expanded nearly dozens of meters before raising up and revealing the party. The warp was successful. Stephanie still collapsed but was caught by Isotov and held up.

Stephanie: Oh my ... I sincerely hope I am not required for such a task again.

Iso: Well, thanks anyway. You saved time and some of our lives, Stephanie.

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"Uggg... By the goddess!" as soon as the warp had taken place, both Esphyr and Altion had fallen to their knee's once again. As the world about them changed to that of the castle courtyard, Altion could feel a sudden upheaval ripping through his belly, churning about as if it was a soup pot. Gouts of gas from the upheaval rose up as they etched away at the inside of his throat, causing Altion to let loose a massive belch as he doubled over in pain, stomach acid etching away at the inside of his throat. No scream of pain or voice of suffering came for him, just silent bearing of the pain of the warping as he lay upon the ground.

Esphyr faired better by comparison, yet still suffered badly from the warp. Pain was shooting through her body, yet she had thought to mentally brace herself for it, for what little good it had done. Her joints felt both stiff and as if they were being bitten by a thousand ants. She tried to move, to lessen the suffering, only to have it wash over her like a sudden chill, causing a thousand goosebumps to burst forth over her flesh as her eyes rolled back in her head and a whimper of pain slipped from her lips.

Yet they were alive; and thusly greatful for the warp despite the pain.

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Namid was growling at the ground, curled up into a tight, brownish-green, scaley ball, covering his head with his wings. Tas was standing, but had a hand on Namid's side and the other hand covering his own eyes. "Ugh... Have we landed yet?" he mumbled to himself.

Lev's warning had been short-notice and thus the eggs were still under Namid's wing-arm. It had been difficult to get the mountain wyvern to waddle over to the female staff-wielder and again the partners found themselves a little disoriented and dizzy - this time, however, was worse than the first. The one that fared the best, actually, was the hatchling. He had since hopped off of Tas' shoulder and was perched on Namid's back, croaking a sort of laugh at Tas and Namid's condition.

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"Gah!" Kelas had been caught off-guard by the warp and lost her balance, stumbling forward. As she picked herself off the ground, she caught a reproachful look from Amari. The mare had been spooked by the warp, and took off at a gallop towards the pasture where some of the other horses still were held. "Think next time I'll walk," Kelas grumbled shakily.

Arrin had also been unbalanced, warping mid-step. He toppled over. "Fascinating," he managed as he sat up. "I've never warped before; that was interesting." As he got up, his stomach growled: he was still hungry. "If you need me, I'll be in the kitchens," he announced, heading off in search of food.

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