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FE10 GBA Sequel (kinda) (Name Pending)


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Okay so my friend and I are working on an hack of FE8 of a quick Sequel of FE10. Here's the features that will stay in there:

From FE8:

-Travelling on the map

-Branched Promotions (for the characters that will be able to promote)

-Critical Bonus

From FE10:

-Laguzes (replacing monsters)(need sprite sheets for those. Help would be appreciated)

-Skills (Critical Bonus, Beastfoe (replacing Slayer), the three anima magics having effectivess bonus for each laguz tribe, Fortune (Hoplon Guard) and Nullify (Fili Shield))



-Different kinds of Longbows

-Magic Weapons (That's from FE9 though)

Things that have dissappeared in both:


-Monsters (Replaced with Laguzes)


-Transform Gauge

-Most Daggers

Other new features:

-Laguz with weapons:







White Dragons=Light Magic

Black Dragons=Dark Magic

Red Dragons=Anima Magic


-Tower of Valni replaced with Tower of Guidance (characters in the aren't chosen)

-Lagdou Ruins replaced with Training Camp (Might be explained later)

-Ephraim and Eirika's routes are replaced with Beorc and Laguz route

-Manage Items will be replaced with Replay Level

Here are the chapters that we have the idea for:

-Search of the Archrival

-Return of the Brigade

-Extreme Delivery

-Laguz Emancipation Mission

-Defending Castle Gallia

-Bar Fight

-Greil Mercenaries

-Hatari Desert (Beorc)

-Hatari Desert (Laguz)

-Daein's coronation

-In search of the gold

-Stopping the Thieves

Most of FE10's characters will be playable and new characters will be playable.

Screenshots may be coming soon.

The choice of the name is between Tellian Stories and Fire Emblem End of Radiance.

Edited by Jean-Marc
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Let's see...

Firstly, this is going to be VERY, VERY complicated. Firstly changing Manage Items to Replay Level is going to take either some ASM or careful knowledge of events (and the second option might not work). Also, the laguz thing is going to take either A) ASM or B) careful manipulation of promotions.

Secondly, if you plan to add in Fire, Thunder, and Wind magicks, that's also gonna take some ASM. As is Daggers, although you might be able to replace that with Anima.

So, yeah. A lot of work.

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Actually, we decided that daggers, like in PoR, wouldn't have weapon levels, and would be swords with the Wo Dao wepon Lock and the Wo Dao would be open to everyone (like in RD) and Laguzes would work like dragonstones.

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This sounds interesting, I hope the project goes on. If you any help with dialogues or things like that, count me in.

Maybe I could help in the design of a few sprites (I have a splice of Jill if you want to use it), but I would take some time with others.

Edited by Light Lord
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That would mean making a custom animation for EACH and EVERY axe user.

The Bolt Axe was doable for Arch because of the fact that Axe is locked to Hawkeye only (Not a PRF weapon, but he's the only axe user on that chapter).

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But yeah, like in Elibian Nights, Bolt Axe won't be in many chapter if it's in more than 1 chapter.

I'd be interested in the Jill.

Prologue is in the making.

Help for sprites (mainly laguz sprites sheet) would be appreciated.

Here are the first portraits. If someone can do modifications and make them better, it would be appreciated too.

post-1223-090238900 1286150779_thumb.png

post-1223-025786300 1286150789_thumb.png

Edited by Jean-Marc
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Looking at the technical side of things, I'd worry about making appropriate graphics later. And focus on whether it's possible to achieve what you're aiming for. If you've got experience in hacking roms and ASM then you probably have a good idea of what you're going to do. However if this is your first attempt, it sounds way too ambitious unless you're willing to throw in a lot of hours to learning the technical rubbish.

Before you say you're dedicated and going to see this through to the end, don't. I've heard people say that and give up far too often."I'm different, I really mean it" doesn't mean anything either, since there's no point in trying to convince me. Being completely honest with yourself, do you personally believe in your mind that you have the patience to make such a complicated task? If in doubt I suggest shelving this idea and going with something alot more simple. (Maybe a FE hack consisting of only 6~12 chapters) to get a feel of hacking.

Though of course, if you're experienced at this, you can disregard the above :/

Crash and burn is my opinion of where this is headed. Feel free to be offended, doesn't hurt me :P

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Oh, really? I didn't know that.

But that's beside the point. Those mugs suck. He needs new ones. Someone will have to make them for him.

I'm not volunteering. Mainly because I can't custom to save my life.

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....An hour?

Oh hell no, if you're looking for high quality mugs for this, you'd have to get spriters who want to dedicate themselves hours upon hours to this project.

A customized mug does not take an hour.

A splice, sure, a custom, no way.

A custom at the very least takes about 4 hours.

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Mia kinda reminds me of Kain.png

Rule of thumb: Mugs should really NOT remind me of FE1 Cain.

I've given up spriting, but...I guess I could offer critiques.

Edited by Furetchen
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Sorry, Uphir, but I'm with everyone else here.

He comes in, super daunting project, and then he asks everyone else to make animations and sprites for him :/

It's kind of annoying. At least, if he had some maps, or some event data down, we would be more inclined to help. Hell, I'd try it if he had at least SOMETHING.

But, there's nothing. No maps, no events, just an idea.

Hence why some of us don't think this is going to go anywhere. Sorry if you feel we're being too harsh, but, eh, truth hurts .__.

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Well, if you think about it, the only reason we're skeptical is because he's shown no reason for us to be faithful. If someone like Arch or SoC had posted this topic, we'd be all over it. But this guy has no street cred, awful mug-making skills and an idea.

So I will be watching this. If you succeed, I will applaud you. If not, I won't be surprised.

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