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FE10 GBA Sequel (kinda) (Name Pending)


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Encouragement isn't always good :/ It's sometimes kinder to shoot an idea down and save them the time they'd have wasted the encouraging them to keep going. Hacks themselves aren't finished in a week, decent ones take longer then the summer holidays, requiring a fair amount of dedication over a significant period of time.

I'm not concerned with the mugs at all, since they're one of the least important features of a hack, and there's plenty of spriters around willing to help/touch up or even make mugs for people. At the very least, a "new hacker" shouldn't really be aiming for ASM related stuff. Hacks have a high enough fail rate without worrying about ASM.

Better to have tried then not at all = False, as the wasted time could have been better spent.

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....An hour?

Oh hell no, if you're looking for high quality mugs for this, you'd have to get spriters who want to dedicate themselves hours upon hours to this project.

A customized mug does not take an hour.

A splice, sure, a custom, no way.

A custom at the very least takes about 4 hours.

Don't recall saying it would be custom.

But realistically, if he wanted workable mugs, the right materials could get the job done in about an hour, though realistically, it would depend on the character.

Edited by bunny: Now with Pancakes
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For now, could you stop saying my mugs sucks and maybe explain why?

For now, new Mia Version:

And how can it be difficult? Except the Laguzes (animations mainly), Anima magic (triangle will be put together finally) and daggers (said how I fixed/will fix it)

post-1223-042860300 1286447647_thumb.png

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For now, could you stop saying my mugs sucks and maybe explain why?

Badly drawn, terribly shaded, and they don't fit in the slightest with the look and feel of either the GBA games or the Tellius series.

And how can it be difficult? Except the Laguzes (animations mainly), Anima magic (triangle will be put together finally) and daggers (said how I fixed/will fix it)

Now, I'm no hacker by any means, but even I know this is...you're underestimating the difficulty of this SOMEWHAT. And when I say somewhat I mean you seriously need to rethink.

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Because they aren't shaded properly.

The nose is too high up, the mus themselves are too small, FEGBA mugs at least to to the shoulder, as SoC said.

The hair isn't shaded properly either, it's solid shading(filling places with 1 color) that isn't right for GBA mugs.

Jaw line is a bit wonky as well.

Basically, its gonna take a lot of time to make this hack, and it's mugs. You'd have better luck looking for other spriters and asking them if you could use their mugs in this hack, then you'd just have to worry about hacking.

The reason for dis-belief in this hack, as many others said, is the fact that you come up with this huge project, and don't show any signs of making any progress with it. Nor does it look like you know how to make it all.

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Again, I don't know how much experience you have in hacking, but if it's near zero, then going in to this thinking "how can it be difficult" is going to screw you over big time. How? I don't know. But I've yet to see a FE hacker complete a project and say they encountered very few hiccups. And those that have dedicated a good few months to the project.

Do you have such dedication? That's not something I'm supposed to tell you :/ But do you know what you're doing..... well at present you have a nice idea, lets see how compromised it'll be at the end.

To be completely honest, I don't like your idea, not because it's bad, not because it looks unlikely, but simply because I don't enjoy fan made sequels. It can be done well by some. But turns out crap from most. But this is just personal preference. I really hope you're not going to be stupid/immature and start telling people to "get lost" if they don't support your idea. And you haven't yet, which has upped my impression of you. (It counts for nothing though).


Mugs..... Hmmm, well I disagree that their "rubbish". I however do think it's a different style from the normal GBA FE mugs. And would be appaled if you mixed in a splice with those customs. It would just look wierd. Either way I don't see an issue with your mugs as long as you can maintain that style for the whole cast you'll be introducing.

A key point I'm not impressed with however is your aim to have "Most of FE10's characters will be playable."

I don't know how long you plan to make this hack, but having more then 1 character introduced per chapter gets stuffy IMO. Even if you started with a large selection to start with, I'd suggest focusing on a certain character (Ike, Sothe, Mia, whoever you like) And then pulling in their relations in. There really is no point in having some characters. :/ (Having them as NPC being much more preferable)

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First off, your mugs need shading, they're too small and they just look sloppy and blob-like in general.

And here is what we're all skeptical about:

From FE8:

-Travelling on the map

Have fun with that one. That'll either require extreme events or ASM.

-Laguz with weapons:


If you can find a way to make new weapons without replacing any old ones, sure. If not, good luck with that.

-Manage Items will be replaced with Replay Level

...It's called ASM.

Most of FE10's characters will be playable and new characters will be playable.

There isn't enough data space in FE7 for that unless you feel like giving us 87134 versions of the same generic.

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The reason for dis-belief in this hack, as many others said, is the fact that you come up with this huge project, and don't show any signs of making any progress with it. Nor does it look like you know how to make it all.

^Pretty much sums it up.

I've helped out a lot of people on their little hacking projects. Even spent some time teaching them how to be "innovative" with the Event Assembler/FEditor Advance/Nightmare/GBA Graphics Editor/you name it... Most of them just disappeared. Don't say "But I'm not like them"... because those words don't mean crap to me. I've only heard it about OVER 9000 times.

So far, only about 5% have been diligently working on their hacks. You know who you guys are. I appreciate that you people almost proportionately as much as I am pissed with the people who basically spit on the hours of work I did for them.

You basically have to put in the effort first. Show us you've worked on something with screenshots or something. That's what we expect before we contribute. Just look on FEND at the amount of custom sprite requests for projects that just die. Or FEU in the showcase topic with the amount of hacks that were presented and that "they weren't gonna drop".

That is the reason for our skepticism. We're not trying to DETER you from your ambitions. We're saying that you should learn to manage your ambitions before declaring that you're going to do something that you probably (again, saying PROBABLY) don't know the first thing about.

My suggestion is to read up on the basic stuff that people ALREADY know how to do, and then work your way up to projects like this and Arch's stuff. He has the experience and even some "top tier" hackers like Nintenlord who basically know how to reprogram the game.

That is my input on this entire thing.

For now, could you stop saying my mugs sucks and maybe explain why?

Oh boy... Which part do you want me to destroy with specific criticism? (If you survive, you WILL get better)

The graphics department... or the hacking plans? Or both?

I will say this though... you look like you have a better starting point than me for making customs.

If you're looking for a Mia mug, Aeorys/Anonym already made one on FEND...



so it'll be public use as the previous one was. Feel free to use it if you'd like.

Public use permission... so basically, you're free to use it as long as you just don't claim you made it. Giving credit to her would probably be a respectful way to say thank you though.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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  • 11 months later...

But yeah, like in Elibian Nights, Bolt Axe won't be in many chapter if it's in more than 1 chapter.

I'd be interested in the Jill.

Prologue is in the making.

Help for sprites (mainly laguz sprites sheet) would be appreciated.

Here are the first portraits. If someone can do modifications and make them better, it would be appreciated too.

I saw your idea, and I would love to help anyone who would be willing contribute to the Tellius series. I know that this isn't much better, but I hope that this does help. :)

FE10 Sequeling help.bmp

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You guys are all bitching about eventing and ASM for things that already exist in FE8, see: World Map traveling. Also, implementing the Anima Triangle isn't impossible, making it a triangle is hard, but at least putting the spells in is easy. There's a slew of monster weapons, dummy weapons, and useless items. He's hacking FE8, not FE7.

The mugs, yeah they look bad, and you're all degrading a hack that has barely started simply by its graphical quality. Seriously, give the kid a fucking break. Not everyone is a perfect spriter. Maybe offer legitimate critiques instead of being all "it sucks". You do realize that's why people are up in arms about the spriting community at large, because the people who are good at it refuse to offer critique and instead offer the same useless comments? Get over yourselves, people.

As for the hack itself, you're all seriously flipping shit over this. There was never a set requirement of what had to be posted here; be it an idea, a hack with some progress, or a completed hack. Sure he's shown little premise that he is an expert but that doesn't discredit him, maybe he does know mapping/eventing/et cetera. You're all basing your arguments on a few minor details and completely tearing this person to shreds. Shame shame.

Protip: don't judge a fucking book by it's fucking cover.

//end rant

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LolCraig. Just lol. The sprites are horrible. And you can get butt hurt and say whatever you will about the spriting community, but there should be some sort of standard that someone has to hit before they can be critiqued.


How the fuck do you critique pure shit like this? It's chunky, it's mis-shaded, it has horrible anatomy; he'd be better off remaking it from some silly splice. And it was explained why the mugs were bad, but apparently that didn't matter to this guy, who couldn't even see why the mugs were bad. That's sad. That's really, really sad, when you can't even see why something as bad as the aforementioned mug is bad.

And of course were going to discredit a giant idea when the person has shown little expertise in any form of hacking-- and he's made question topics for things like Nightmare, so there is no "maybe he knows this blah blah blah", Craig. If he doesn't know Nightmare, he doesn't know eventing, the world map, etc. You're making the assumption that he does on the same grounds that we say he doesn't, so shut your double standard up.

Protip: don't judge a book by its cover. Judge it by the contents. And right now, this book is thinner than an elementary school agenda.


EDIT: btw we're both gonna get warned for necro-ing tralalala.

Edited by seph1212
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