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What would you like to see in a new FE

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So far, I've liked the following features in Fire Emblem and I would like to see them in a new game:

  • Trainee classes
  • Branched promotions
  • BEXP
  • Third tier class...but capable of leaving the enemy alive for the skill to work efficiently
  • Lover&Support system combined

As for chapters, maybe new conditions to beat a chapter, maybe getting info, getting an item, protect someone, and other things.

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Cavaliers have horses. Armor knights have armor. Take the horse away from the cavalier, or the armor away from the knight, and presto, you've got a soldier! Then, you could give horses and armor and whatever else to other people to change their classes too.


nice Idea, but would this be the same with Pegasus' and wyverns? healer on a wyvern or mage on a Pegasus would be pretty win. Or thief in armor O.o

I think it's a good idea, but it would be very hard to balance out, I think...

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Yeah again. I think it's only shown up in FE4(maybe 5 I'm not sure). Anyways I thought it was a neat little feature and they should bring it back.

ah, didn't know

nice Idea, but would this be the same with Pegasus' and wyverns? healer on a wyvern or mage on a Pegasus would be pretty win. Or thief in armor O.o

I think it's a good idea, but it would be very hard to balance out, I think...

I agree on the mage on Dracoknight

but a armored Thief wouldn't work, speed would be too low to steal anything

I'd stay archer pegasus ( because of the wind acc will be lower but power will increase)

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quoting my other post....

So, perhaps in some installment in the far future, Fire Emblem would allow you to play in the perspective of different lords from different countries. There would be a set amount of chapters for each country’s campaign, but the player would be offered choices as to where to go/attack/progress the story. If you’ve played the total war series or something like Dark Crusade, you’ll know what I’m talking about. You can still recruit characters, buy stuff from vendors, armories, etc.

Choosing different paths could lead to different playthroughs, for example you can choose to recruit fast-attack myrmidons/peg knight characters first instead of the fighter/pirate characters. Of course, as you progress later on you’d have every class on the team to face the Big Baddie or if you’re evil, every minion to beat up the goodie-two-shoes with.

Also, each country’s job classes would have their own sprites/graphics. I mean, they’d all share the cavalier, mercenary, archer classes, but each country’s classes would have a different look.

Say there are three countries, A, B, and C.

Then Country A’s paladins would look like this :


Country B’s paladins would look like this:


Country C’s paladins would look like this:


I mean, they’d still be using axes, lances, swords, perhaps even have identical class growths. They’d just look different. I think this would help in the immersion. I don’t think it deviates from the mechanics of FE.

This might not go well with some people, but I would also like the choice to be evil. Not necessarily Nergal/Zephiel/Demon King evil, but for those who have played Dragon Age: Origins or Mass Effect you get to be a bit more....brutal with your choices. Such as, to secure a really good character's loyalty, you can choose to sacrifice the chance to save innocent civilians and such. You know, choosing between one's morals and extra treasure/weaponry to fight your enemies.

Not to mention, I kind of wish for generic characters to have a bigger impact. Not that they'd take over the story, but then maybe in some chapters there are some generics who listen to you (Radiant Dawn) and some who perform particularly outstanding can be given the option of becoming a named character with a custom look and possibly growths (3-13 Archer + My Unit). I'm not sure how that would bode with the story, perhaps there would be script for a custom unit and such, it would be better explained with the My Unit in New Mystery. A set script, but the character is completely customizable.

I also want more mission objectives, I think right now we have things such as...

Kill Boss

Defend Civilians

Destroy All Enemies

Survive for x amount of turns.


It'd also be nice if there were things that link multiple objectives together, such as

Take and Hold: Break through into some lighted tile/area and hold the area for x amount of turns.

Assassinate: Kill a target/boss, then get forces out of an area by exiting through some special tiles.. (I think we had that in FE 9)

Grab the Package: There's an item in some chest on the battlefield. Retrieve and win.

Sneak: Remain undetected by the enemy through fog-of-war/staying close to some spellcaster or whatever, then give them a massacre when you've reached your objective.

Play The Dummies: Bait two factions to fight each other, then hide. When they're done wearing each other out, mop up with your own force. (So that would mean you're the third faction)

"Instead of enemy units disappearing when killed, have their bodies stay on the battlefield, so by the end of the map, you can enjoy the massacre you caused even more." - Awesome forumite

I'd also like to see new classes too.

FEDS allowed us to play as ballisticians, I heard there were knights who could wield both tomes and swords in the past FE games.

As much as I would like to see Pikemen or Men-at-Arms those classes are probably overlaps with existing classes. However, they could exist as branched promotion path choices...like a hybrid, although it would probably make things too complicated.

Pikeman - Promotes from soldier, tosses the shield (less defense, more speed) to use lances in both hands (more attack). The fighting style would be like the Recruit class for Amelia in FE 8, but more professional and well-trained of course.


Man-at-Arms/Legionnaire - Promotes from Mercenary, counterpart of Hero, gains both armor and shield. Basically a sword/axe wielding Hero with less speed and more defense. Probably won't jump like a Hero, but would have his or her own unique moves.


Actually New Classes

Pavise Crossbowman - Ranged unit that is the bane of enemy ranged units. Perhaps crossbows can be affected by strength unlike FE 10, basically it's a heavily-armored archer wearing a big shield on his/her back. So, I guess like a ranged general. Slow, pretty good defense, better skill than a armor knight, has a defense bonus against ranged attacks both physical and magical... Can counter melee attacks? Dunno.


I'm not sure what everyone's opinion is on gunpowder, so I think I'll leave that out for now. So far my friends have taken either a neutral stance and placed their faith in IS or suggested a whole era switch, that is, going from the Medieval Age into the Renaissance/Early Gunpowder ages where everything gets more colorful.

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Other fun objectives:

- Get certain units to certain points in a given amount of time

- Persuade the enemy commander, but if you kill too many underlings, you have to kill him/her instead

- Steal and escape with a given item, and if the enemy gets it and escapes, you lose

- True weaponless sneak mission - if you're seen, you need to run, or you'll die

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Male Pegasus Knights. Those damn pegasi need to stop being so sexist and remember the original pegasus rider was a guy.

In fact, I'd love most if not all classes to be available to both genders. Male Troubadours, female Fighters... maybe not male Dancers or female Berserkers though.

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What if boots were an equippable item instead of a consumable one? Like knight ward and all those things from FE9. So instead of going to one character forever it'd just take up an item slot. And then you could take it off and give it to someone else.

boots? Do you mean boosts? They did that in fe4. When you had enough money, it was kinda broken. Can't beat the arena? Strap on a shield ring + defender sword. Can beat the arena but want more exp? Elite Ring. etc, etc. Even passing around speed ring got a couple of characters to complete it or at least go further a few times.

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What if boots were an equippable item instead of a consumable one? Like knight ward and all those things from FE9. So instead of going to one character forever it'd just take up an item slot. And then you could take it off and give it to someone else.

Sounds like Celerity.

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What if boots were an equippable item instead of a consumable one? Like knight ward and all those things from FE9. So instead of going to one character forever it'd just take up an item slot. And then you could take it off and give it to someone else.

You mean basically like the Leg Ring in FE4. IMO stat ups were better that way.

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Sounds like Celerity.

Yeah, that or

You mean basically like the Leg Ring in FE4.

But as for this

IMO stat ups were better that way.

I certainly liked them more since I could transfer them whenever I felt like it, but they are somewhat game-breaking at times. Imagine doing the same thing in a game that allows you to freely trade items around. Everyone who arena abuses would be arena abusing with +5 str/skl/spd/def/res. Even efficient players would probably find some broken thing to do with that. Whichever unit is best suited for boss killing in a particular map, for example.

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I certainly liked them more since I could transfer them whenever I felt like it, but they are somewhat game-breaking at times. Imagine doing the same thing in a game that allows you to freely trade items around. Everyone who arena abuses would be arena abusing with +5 str/skl/spd/def/res. Even efficient players would probably find some broken thing to do with that. Whichever unit is best suited for boss killing in a particular map, for example.

From what I played in FE12, the conventionnal arena (note : not the preparation screen arena) does not count added bonuses from orbs or Rainbow potion, and they funtion exactly like FE4 rings, though you don't have one giving movement or anything with skills.

Another thing I liked back in FE4 is that the enemies who had them, droppable or not, also benefitted from their bonuses. A good example I can think of is André's knights in chapter 4 and 5, who all have a +5 Defense ring on top of their Hero Bows.

Edited by Gengar
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From what I played in FE12, the conventionnal arena (note : not the preparation screen arena) does not count added bonuses from orbs or Rainbow potion, and they funtion exactly like FE4 rings, though you don't have one giving movement or anything with skills.

You could perhaps do so that way. Still doesn't help prevent +5 to every stat against a boss. And with the trade command, you can attack with one unit at 2 range then attack with another unit at 1 range and they'll both have a +5 to everything.

and yeah, fe4 arena lets you. The thing is you cap money at 50000 and it costs 40000 to buy the elite ring. You get 20000 back, so it only costs 20000 per character to pass it around, but this still prevents you from buying the elite ring and even one other ring to help you fight. Unless you are Dew or a child or Dew or happen to own the bargain ring, of course. Anyway, it's still enough that I can pass the speed ring around for certain characters.

And Zeus only has 19 AS. Bow users get to face 12 AS.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Haven't played FE4 in a while, but I do vaguely remember him, yeah. Gave a bit of trouble to my weaker units. Swordies can handle him fine, and a few of the stronger dudes, but the others...

Emperor class and a light weapon that can drain HP kinda does that. Especially with 19/12 AS that can double.

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A ton of my guys had trouble, yeah. Hell, Celice sometimes has to employ Tyrfing. The only dudes I remember getting through flawlessly are the Issacian trio and my Holy Weapons guys. Most had to whip out their Holies too.

I ended up passing Lakche's (note: heavy SM favoritism on my part) Hero Sword to a few others and they still can't beat him. ANd that sword has a ton of crit.

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You could perhaps do so that way. Still doesn't help prevent +5 to every stat against a boss. And with the trade command, you can attack with one unit at 2 range then attack with another unit at 1 range and they'll both have a +5 to everything.

In a system where rings like such are tradeable, I don't see why bosses couldn't have a few rings on themselves. A big issue would be to make the thieves unable to steal them, a bit like in FE9 where you can't steal an equipped weapon or item.

Perhaps if there would be a system that would limit the number of rings by themselves. I'm looking a bit at a completely different game of course, but Diablo only lets you wear 2 rings. Implementing something like this for FE can't be that bad.

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A ton of my guys had trouble, yeah. Hell, Celice sometimes has to employ Tyrfing. The only dudes I remember getting through flawlessly are the Issacian trio and my Holy Weapons guys. Most had to whip out their Holies too.

I ended up passing Lakche's (note: heavy SM favoritism on my part) Hero Sword to a few others and they still can't beat him. ANd that sword has a ton of crit.

Shouldn't Fee be able to win with a Slim Lance? 6 wt on a 30 spd unit. Or nearly 30 spd, anyway. I wonder if passing the Earth Sword would help more, though it would be expensive to use. Earth Sword at least prevents Big Shield. 5 wt, so you'd need at least 25 spd to double, but still it might work.

Hero Lance would mean you need a speed ring, so maybe not that. 28000 max needed, though, so not too bad. You'd still need 26 spd before the ring to not get doubled and 27 to quad. I suppose the 36 mt is also a pain when you consider each hit recovers hp.

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