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I have returned


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Okay so I learned some things ... not really.

Anyway some of you may have noticed I haven't logged on til like twenty minutes ago today since ... the 30th I think. Well I just needed to let you guys know that I'm not actually dead. Damn close call though. I'd come back if I actually died but that'd take a millennium.

Anywho the story starts somewhere along the lines of some random asthma attack. I decided to stop acting tough and get my parents whom I've been conveniently mooching off of to take me to the hospital. Soon as we get there ... "it gets worse". Keep in mind that the day this happened was on the 30th IIRC. I was having trouble breathing and suddenly passed the hell out after they stabbed me with a needle of some kind.


I wake up on Octorber 3rd with absolutely no idea what the hell has happened or why my throat is so scratchy. My dead worried mother proceeds to explain that I went into respiratory arrest and had to be ventilated (that means a tube in your friggin throat FYI). Apparently what was five minutes for me turned into three days for everybody else and my father also had to be hospitalized for something or other.

In the time I was unconscious I learned that I was actually awake for some of it as I went on to write a despairing little note to my mother and also commented on some things.

As for the two days I spent awake ... that was far less exciting. I pretty much spent the whole time whining about the morgue robes they make patients were just in case they die and staring at the hot nurse (There were enough to give me hope and make me wonder why I tolerate such a meek little single existence). After that was all said and done we leave the hospital today and I find that my room (I use the master bedroom because I'm a conartist mind you) is a no fly zone until they clean it up and make it safe to breathe there again.

I guess the moral of this story is when you see a hot nurse, best to just ask her out. Why worry that you're half naked and smell bad at the time. If a woman can fall in love with you in that kind of state, you've got a keeper ... or a freak ... I don't which.

Post note: I'm on my mother's laptop so I can't upload any pics or work on any projects right now so consider all spriting projects and the like on hold for the moment.

Second post note: No IRC til I get unlazy enough to install it on this laptop.

Edited by Phoenix
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Wow. Your room must have something pretty toxic, then. 0_0

Welcome back. Glad you didn't ignite the oxygen tanks.

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Sadly the whole house isn't a very asthma friendly place. They just tucked me in a spot where I'm not likely to keel over while they start cleaning the whole house. I've been lucky not to have an incident like this before though this whole coma thing is relatively new ... and scary >_>

*kicks the dumb oxygen tanks over out of spite* ... those could have come in handy sooner >_>

@ Psych

I passed the hell out after I went to the hospital. Neither of those explanations even ... ah never mind.

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Man... I knew something bad had happened (though my guess as that your mom died, so I was kind of wrong, but you and your dad were hospitalized, so I guess that counts...)!!

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My dad goes to the hospital for multiple reasons though the primary one is developing a very high tolerance. It took them four tries just to sedate me and I'm not my father lol. Probably would have taken eight or nine on him.

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I expected something like

I have returned...

From the fires of hell.

or something like that. I'm disappointed.

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Just found out from my parents that I was lucky to make it out of the hospital alive at all. During the time I was unconscious, one of the nurses lit up a cigarette in room 220 (room I was held in at first). I had been moved into another room for emergency care just minutes earlier and was fortunate enough to not be killed by the resulting explosion or the smoke inhalation(in my case it could have killed me since I was already suffering from oxygen deprivation). The nurse who lit up the cigarette survived fortunately, but was unfortunately severely burned and is probably still in the hospital herself.

So yeah I'm even luckier than I thought I was :blink: (it'd be ironic for a firebird to die in an explosion not caused by either myself or a close relative :/ )

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