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Games you are impeccably good at


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im good at team fortress 2 but thats probably just because i have alot of game time racked up. Im bad at any game the simulates driving in any way shape or form. From Gran Turismo to mario kart... i suck. There has never been a driving game that i was good at even a little bit. Im basically evey clip you see on those "world's wildest police videos".

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I'm above average in most games I play. I can kick some major arse in Prince of Persia games and Trauma Center. I'd also like to think that I'm good at FE games despite almost never playing hard modes. I'm not that great at Super Smash Bros. and I'm pretty damn awful at the early resident evil games (I blame the controls...)

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Back in the day, I was great at SSB Melee.

Back in the two years ago, SSB Brawl.

Right now: Ridge Racer 64, Paper Mario games, and any Mario Kart I get to spend time with. Oh, and Skies of Arcadia. Right now I am pretty darn good at MKWii. My casual friends don't like playing with me.

But I'm quite bad at First Person Shooters. Not even the third-person kind, just the first one. Though perhaps I should try a single-player FPS out sometime and see how that goes.

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Terrible at FPS. Just thought I would throw that out there.

I am unreal at Wave Race 64, Star Fox 64, Star Fox Assualt, and Banjo-Kazooie, and great at Zelda games in general, Fire Emblem, as well as NHL games. I'm also pretty decent and Mario Party, Mario Kart, and Smash Bros.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I suck at FPS. End of story.

Other than that, I'm fairly decent with most other types of games. Racing games, not that good, but RPG's are probably my strong point.

Read: Etrian Odyssey in particular. Got the grip of how stuff works really well now. When I eventually get EO2 and EO3, I'll probably be really competent at them in time.

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I am awesome at FPSes. Borderlands, Bioshock, Halo... Even though Bioshock and Halo are piss easy and Borderlands just requires Med Kit Eating if the going gets rough (Salt Flats and Sledge's Safehouse).

I can't play 3rd person shooters though. That's specifically Gears of War 2.

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I am the master of the Egg Emergency game on Pokemon Stadium 2. I have gotten a perfect score on Very Hard before.

As for actual games I'm incredible at, I can't think of any off the top of my head. There's always people who are better than me at every game I play.

As for games I fail at, Mario platformers and just about any game that requires a lot of thinking before action, LOL. Strategy is not my strong suite.

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Just had a chance to play IIDX with hold notes. I did pretty good for a sight read, so I'm maintaining my music game "talent".

U ever play Rez?I mean, that's more of a 3d SHMUP with music, but I feel like rez is one of those games that isn't a music game but IS a music game.

Edited by SeverIan
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U ever play Rez?I mean, that's more of a 3d SHMUP with music, but I feel like rez is one of those games that isn't a music game but IS a music game.

Er. . .what? I'd answer this, but I have no idea what you're asking.

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Playstation 2. It was one of the newer games on the system when it came out.

It was like five minutes long, but it was a really cool game.

So the odds of me finding this. . .are about the same as me finding Baten Kaitos Origins.

I'll keep an eye out for it. Thanks!

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I consider myself good at Metroid Fusion to the point where speedrunning in a single sitting is just how I play normally now. While it once took me 4-5 hours (not including deaths causing restarts) it now takes me about 1 hour.

I've also gotten much better at Fire Emblem in general. The first time I played FE10 NM I found it pretty tough. Now HM almost seems too easy (NM is a joke). The trend follows for other FE's. I couldn't even beat FE7 HHM the first time I tried it, and wouldn't have dreamt of trying to rank it. Now I am (hopefully) nearing completion of an S rank run.

There are likely more that I just haven't played in a long time. Donkey Kong Country 2 would probably be one if I picked it up again. WindWaker likely is.

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