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Classes HnH - FINAL PART


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Master Knight 14

Trueblade 23

Sage 26

Valkyrie 20

Hero 7

HEY HEY HEY. Im staying away from trueblades. Eff off

Edited by Spykor
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And Iris! Lumi will be disappoint. Tsk Tsk.

Who are you to impose yourself on what Lumi may or may not think? There is an understanding between us, that you fail to have an unadulterated standpoint. Really, who's to say you understand me more than Lumi, or understand Lumi, more than I? Ever heard of unconditional love between friends? Liking someone no matter what they do? One small thing shouldn't destroy something built up in what seems more than a life time.What make you think this way? Your misconceptions may cause ill-will or a rift in our group. Understanding should be a virtue. Kindness is. To put simply, this alludes to, watching what you say. Now, can you reflect upon what you have said?

... I've been doing too much English essays, excuse me. c:

/goes to write essays

Master Knight 14

Trueblade 23

Sage 27

Valkyrie 20

Hero 5

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either they are still wreaking vengeance for the premature death of the Swordmaster, or, hey, there's only 5 left and there's not many options.

I apparently am enough to make them lay off Master Knight at least until Hero is dead. Iris supports Sage. Ein supports Valkyrie. Lumi supports Trueblade.

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Master Knight 15

Trueblade 24

Sage 27

Valkyrie 21

Hero 0 *Saves*

I assure you. Sety and Pent are two Sages you don't want to call squishy.

It's inevitable. I already decided that sacrifices must be made for Trueblade to win. I love the Hero class--- it's my second favorite tied with Paladin, but Trueblades are still top priority.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Who are you to impose yourself on what Lumi may or may not think? There is an understanding between us, that you fail to have an unadulterated standpoint. Really, who's to say you understand me more than Lumi, or understand Lumi, more than I? Ever heard of unconditional love between friends? Liking someone no matter what they do? One small thing shouldn't destroy something built up in what seems more than a life time.What make you think this way? Your misconceptions may cause ill-will or a rift in our group. Understanding should be a virtue. Kindness is. To put simply, this alludes to, watching what you say. Now, can you reflect upon what you have said?

... I've been doing too much English essays, excuse me. c:

/goes to write essays

I..was only kidding. :mellow:Besides, what makes you think you know Lumi better than I do? >8D

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Screw Erk I have Pent and Lucius. And Lucius is the squish Bishop here. *squish squish*

I can never train Erk properly. Lucius's insane RES is too useful on Phantom Ship that I have him lolsolo all the shamans besides the boss.

FEDS has the Cav!Merric option to boost his defense in sacrifice for some Mag, and he potentially gains a bit of STR which helps his AS with the heavier tomes. I generally keep Lena Bishop for Restanking.

Screw everyone in FE8 I have Seth.

I'll admit out of the sages I use, Yuria's a bit squishy, but she has Resire to make up for that.

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Oh hey, 5 posts!

Darn, who to hurt? I still owe Narga. So do I go for my Awesome Sages or my Lovely Valkyries?

Mist is a Valkyrie.

Sages it is.

Master Knight 15

Trueblade 25

Sage 25

Valkyrie 21

Edited by El Rey León
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I'll admit out of the sages I use, Yuria's a bit squishy, but she has Resire to make up for that.

Yeah, I don't rely on Resire to keep her alive unless I've got her boosted by Celice and at least one Charisma-bot. But when I do? Exact opposite of Squishy, frankly.

When she's not multi-supported, sure, she's squishy, but that's why I'm careful with how I use her.

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I have her lover-support with Skasaher as well.

It works out since Ska, being epic and manly that he is, will still get damaged.

Relive is go there.

I guess you are guaranteed to take damage in FE4 if you're hit...


What better way to demonstrate FE4's damage system than with video?

Edited by Ein Lanford
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This is tough. Iris is on my friend's list and Ein isn't. But I tend to like Valkyries more than Sages.


Master Knight 16

Trueblade 22

Sage 23

Valkyrie 21

Maybe I'll just alternate.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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