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Glad to see more help! So Vxvalareven, What exactly about Durarara!! fits my terms? I looked it up on wikipedia but it didn't give too much of an explanation... So I was hoping you could help clarify what about it that you'd think i'd like...( I really hope i'm not coming off as stuck up, or snobby or something by saying this, I'm just trying to formulate an idea for an anime based on all of your opinions)

Durarara!! has a phenomenal story, and extremely likeable characters, as well as action that's pretty fun, and its also pretty novel in the way things happen. It basically follows a series of connected events in a sort of seedy city, often making it so you don't really understand what was going on until the very end of that bit (this is done quite well). I guess a major theme in it would be things not being as they appear.

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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann's scale becomes so utterly large by the end of the series that it justifies a watch in and of itself. This is ignoring the interesting characters, catchy tunes, and the over-the-top-awesome burning heart theme.

This man speaks truth. I'd recommend listening to his advice and anyone else who has suggested Tenga. It may seem mindless at times, but you don't care cause everything is awesome and over the top, and that's before you start thinking about the plot.

Woo run-on sentence.

Also FLCL and Cowboy Bebop are must watches. Both are incredible and highly recommended over and over.

Another random suggestion is the Big-O. Think Batman with giant robots. Been a while since I've seen it though.

Edited by IntegerZero
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Scryed definitely. Don't know how I didn't mention that earlier. Everything about it is ridiculously amazing and well thought out to the tenth degree. At least till you get to some certain designs in the last 1~2 episodes. Kazuma is the kind of character that in some ways you really admire, even if he is really simple. Also, just about everyone in the cast is really entertaining.

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If you are into mecha genre then macross frontier, zero or plus will be fine. Gundam 00 is a good series for a newbie who have never watch any gundam series in his life. Basquatch if you like a little sport-mech combo. There are Unicorn but I doubt you will not understand it.

Into comedy genre? Ika musune, Mayoi Neko Overrun, Mitsudomoe, Minami-ke, my sister cant be this cute may be a good choice.

Ecchi fan, huh? Seikon no Qwaser, Kampfer, Sekirei, Queen Blade, Yosuga no Sora are your best bets here. A certain Index, Railgun, Koi hime are your friends if you are into loli.

Want a dark or serious anime? Shiki is the first thing I recommend, Ghost Hound is another good series. Claymore, Ga-rei Zero, Otome Yokai Zakuro are also fine.

Edited by Ga-rei Sulley
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Railgun has a ton of filler, but it's relevant filler (heh, oxymoron). There's also Shirai's antics, which irritated me after the first episode. . .but when she's serious, she's awesome.

Lastly, the first opening kicks all sorts of ass, and the official music video for it plays off the series.

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Are you talking about Clannad? It's my absolute favorite series out there if that says anything about what I think of it.

Oh sorry, i meant Gun x sword...but now that i've sat in school and thought about it...i think a break from action oriented anime might be a good thing and instead watch a simpler one like clannad...which, despite having only watched one episode, has been on my mind all day...

I really think i'm being way too picky...It's like i'm looking for an anime just like code geass...but the only thing that fits that description is code geass itself...

What i need is to just enjoy code geass for what it was and move onto a new anime...one with fresh ideas and such just like the transition i went through by going from Dn Angel to Code geass...one was nothing like the other but both are equally as memorable for me...

So on that note...what's a good anime...Of any genre...(Though just not too much ecchi and dark themes)

I feel like i'm repeating myself...Probably cause i am...but fear not i've finally reached somewhat of an idea of what to watch!


EDIT: After deep consideration...sort of, I've decided to watch clannad, as it's simplicity will help alleviate the stresses of daily life, as entertainment should...Well thanks guys!

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Yay!!! (Excuse the double post)

I finished Clannad...After having spent 8 hours watching the rest of it in one day...

I'm a little confused ats to what to do next though... Obviously the instant answer would be to watch the next series but i'm a little hesitant. This is due to what happened when i watched code geass. I watched most of the first season, then Boobtube found a way to spoil the ending for me, then i trucked through the remainder of the first season, then about a year later i finally am debating on watching the second season. Unfortunately this phenomenon happened again for clannad...

Youtube yet again spoils the ending to the series which like code geass is huge...As such, despite finishing the first season, i'm a little hesitant on watching the second season especially with how it ends. odds are i'll wait for a while until i watch the second season/ any other anime ( I take long breaks that way i can dwell on the series.)

So basically what i'm really asking is despite how it ends, is it worth it?

(I don't know!)

Je ne sais pas! What should i do? Thanks again for suggesting Clannad I throughly enjoyed it, i'm just hesitant on going right back into all the drama if the only outcome is a spiral of sorrow and whatnot.


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Yay!!! (Excuse the double post)

I finished Clannad...After having spent 8 hours watching the rest of it in one day...

I'm a little confused ats to what to do next though... Obviously the instant answer would be to watch the next series but i'm a little hesitant. This is due to what happened when i watched code geass. I watched most of the first season, then Boobtube found a way to spoil the ending for me, then i trucked through the remainder of the first season, then about a year later i finally am debating on watching the second season. Unfortunately this phenomenon happened again for clannad...

Youtube yet again spoils the ending to the series which like code geass is huge...As such, despite finishing the first season, i'm a little hesitant on watching the second season especially with how it ends. odds are i'll wait for a while until i watch the second season/ any other anime ( I take long breaks that way i can dwell on the series.)

So basically what i'm really asking is despite how it ends, is it worth it?

SPOILERS I realize it's sad in this season because of nagisa's death, but is only that? Because of the ending i'd gotten the assumption that it was only based on nagisa's death and Tomoyo trying to overcome it, though in a bad way. But is that all it is? I'd prefer not to watch something that's only gonna' bring me down. Could someone also provide a time frame for each episode? For example Episodes 1-5 are right after the first season and the 6-10 re based several years later or whatever. If it is sad i want to know how long, you know?

(I don't know!)

Je ne sais pas! What should i do? Thanks again for suggesting Clannad I throughly enjoyed it, i'm just hesitant on going right back into all the drama if the only outcome is a spiral of sorrow and whatnot.


It's good that you did mark them at least, but you should use spoiler tags like this just to be more safe.

From what you're saying it doesn't sound like you have quite the right idea of what really happens in the end of Clannad, although it still does suck that some of it got spoiled for you. If you enjoyed the first season you should definitely enjoy the second season despite what's been spoiled; it's truly beautiful (the movie actually spoils the series as much as you've been spoiled, and that came first anyway, so a lot of people already knew that part).

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Yeah i just realized that..........BUT IN DOING SO I JUST SPOILED MORE!!!! AUGHHH!!!!


[spoiler="]I found out that they redo it all or whatever and then they all live happily together...Which is nice...But i just ruined it more. Why can't i just let things be...

( The function stuff isn't working for me so...just don't read it if you haven't seen the story and i'll edit it later!!)

But anyway...Regardless of that unfortunate spoil then more spoil...It does sound alot less sad then i thought...But i spoiled it anyway as such, i dunno it's just seems like it goes from normal then forks on a long path only to return back to the good path, like ( here's a bad end but then after seeing all that bad crap here's a good end....It feels kind of moot to watch if it's going to go on an emotional roller coaster only to return back to the beginning and disregard all that happened...I might just leave it at that...First what do you think, please make it as unbiased as possible...


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Yeah i just realized that..........BUT IN DOING SO I JUST SPOILED MORE!!!! AUGHHH!!!!

This is why I've made a habit of never looking up info for a show in a place like Wikipedia where spoilers can come out of nowhere.

First what do you think, please make it as unbiased as possible...


In the end it makes more sense than it may sound like it does now, and everything that happens is not exactly "disregarded" either. I suggest you just watch it without reading anything else on it to avoid possibly being spoiled even more (though now there isn't much else left to say).

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In the end it makes more sense than it may sound like it does now, and everything that happens is not exactly "disregarded" either. I suggest you just watch it without reading anything else on it to avoid possibly being spoiled even more (though now there isn't much else left to say).

Well i get that...but it's like this...why get on this emotional roller coaster if it's gonna go back to where it was to begin with? I get that things aren't disregarded but...when you look at it...or rather when i look it, you could very well just take the first couple episodes that eventually lead up to when ushio is born then jump to the later ones when shes "born again" but nagisa doesn't die then call it a day. It just seems like it's an unnecessary emotional roller coaster ride...Maybe you don't agree, but am i at last making sense?

I guess i don't want to jump back on an emotional roller coaster ride if it could simply be summed up quickly rather than going through that long ride.


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It's your choice whether or not you want to watch it. I'd suggest you do to see for yourself since you may still love it regardless of what you know. And it really does make more sense in the end than it does with your current knowledge.

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I get that...It's not that i'm against watching it or can't make sense of it. It's just that it seems like this...to me at least...

Code geass shall be used as my example. Let's say lelouch gets the geass blah blah blah, then r1 goes through as it is but instead of nunally getting captured at the end lelouch goes rogue, C.C. then finds nunally and gives her the geass to fulfill the missing lelouch's wishes. Then the story progresses like nightmare of nunnally ( Or something like it....i've never read it...) in that nunally takes over and yadda yipdee doo. then we get reunited with lelouch shiz happens nunally and lelouch confront charles and marianne or whatever. But nunally dies ( Oh noez) leving lelouch wounded to take them down. He manages to but soon his eyes close. Then he awakes realizing he is in the classroom ( Where r2 begins)

Then r2 continues as is...

Can't say i'd watch any of that inter part if it meant that it was just going to be a "what if" then replaced by a different reality, this one being the actual one. Maybe clannad doesn't do this, maybe that's exactly what you're trying to say...But...well perhaps i'm being obstinate but i truly don't see a reason to even get into it, even though i'm not getting the full picture...i feel like i got enough of it to understand that it does what i've said and as such i've not really a reason to go through all that if i'ts going to from point A to B then back to A'. A' may not be the full picture and you need to have watched B to get all of A' but A and A' are still the same thing just a little different ( As the naming of these points A and A' suggest)

Perhaps i'm being one minded...but at least i hope that i'm not being stupid about it. I realize i'm not getting the full picture but...i believe i've got enough it regardless of not going into what happens in point B. This is not to say that i don't like it...i just don't feel the need to watch it if it's going to do is do a semi what if segment then return back the way there were supposed to be. it's like they made a bad ending then made the real ending or the true ending...( simply put it's kind of like when they kill off a character only to bring him back a couple chapters later, we get the pain of losing him and the what if he died scenario, but then ultimately the writer change his mind and brings the character back. S o why do it i think...to send your fans on that emotional coaster...and when you're looking at from the outside in you don't want to jump it since you already know how the roller coaster ends...)

Well that's enough from my rant/Essay, I can't thank you all enough for your suggestions and the series i chose. Though i'll likely not watch the second series for reason's stated above, I throughly enjoyed Clannad, despite stepping out of my "comfort zone". It made me realize the importance of family and friends, it made me laugh and cry ( Not really...but i definitely cried on the inside.) and best of all it made just love life. The ups and downs of this show made me realize that life is a long ride. it's tough sometimes, it's hard, but at the same time...it's the best thing you'll ever have, no material thing can compare. So...just live it!

Alright enough of my lameness...Thanks everyone...i feel like i've learned alot of things, that i wasn't even thinking about before this. And so To all who suggested Clannad and all who made it...

Thank you...so very much...


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Well that's enough from my rant/Essay, I can't thank you all enough for your suggestions and the series i chose. Though i'll likely not watch the second series for reason's stated above, I throughly enjoyed Clannad, despite stepping out of my "comfort zone". It made me realize the importance of family and friends, it made me laugh and cry ( Not really...but i definitely cried on the inside.) and best of all it made just love life. The ups and downs of this show made me realize that life is a long ride. it's tough sometimes, it's hard, but at the same time...it's the best thing you'll ever have, no material thing can compare. So...just live it!

If this is what you thought of the first season, there's really no reason not to watch the second. No amount of spoilers can ruin the actual ride it takes you on. It's like, do you never rewatch shows just because you already know everything that happens? I myself have already seen all of Clannad twice and will definitely watch it again in the future.

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No no, i get that completely...i'm actually kinda rewatching code geass...so yeah...

Here's how it really is...my thoughts up to now are just a way for me to say i watched and it's over...that they lived happily ever after with no if ands or buts. I still haven't watched Code geass r2 but i will someday...regardless of the spoilers...same with clannad, some day i might go muster enough courage to ride that daunting roller coaster for all that it's worth and watch the entirety of clannad after story, but for now...it's over...

With what i've seen of all of the first season and the ending of the second season...it was a great ride but it's over...A beautiful conclusion to one of the most thought provoking anime's i've ever watched. I'll never forget anything about this anime...

And with that...i think i'm done with anime for a little while...I've got alot of stuff to think about/ change in my life...But i'm not about to get into that... Thanks for the suggestions and ultimately the choice. This has opened my eyes to alot of things...

I'll see you all some other time...Thanks everyone...



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