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Gallerie des Vampyrs.

Vampire Elf

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Jerrike is getting a new mug :D yay, over all the toher ones, the 2nd one is my favorite so i sorta wanted to get that vibe again in his new mug, but I also wanted him to look more like me, so i used my personal mug as a base(and vika's hair, cause i'm lazy, still needa re-shade some of the hair cause it's messy shading still in parts)

anyways :D


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(Just so everyone knows incase it wasnt clear, only the new(half-done) Jerrike is the one I'm working on, I don't plan on messing with his earlier mugs haha, the first is like 4years old ish :| Yay for massive improvement)


Old -> New

Yay Hassar Update

Update includes:

Now 100% Vamps mug, removed the last remnants from Nayrs, mainly because his had a completely different angle to my overhaul on it and I saw no real reason to keep a tony part in it that I felt I needed to write a paragraph about when posting Hassar so as not to steal credit for Nayrs work.

[spoiler= Nayr's Hassar mug]dac14c098a9637eb8f7be898f5c2e956.png

Better/cooler hair


Colour fix

Collar fix

Vest edges pointed(to look sharper on the backgrounds in game)

Jaw made more masculine

Face made more Bishie o _ O

Feathers tidied

Headband fixed

Sleeve fix

:D Yay LISTS!!!!

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I dno, while his chin is quite long, I dont necessarily see it as a problem, like, it's well sprited and stuff and it kinda differentiates him from the other characters /mumbles to self oddly.

I might well see if i can work it as a pixel shorter, but I'm quite pleased with how he is, and if that didn't work out and i had to leave his chin as is I wouldn't be dissapointed :D

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While I agree, that is pretty damn awesome, I have one sliiight thing that kind of bothers me: her expression. It seems really... gentle compared to ALS's and Lumi's own version. For the most part it's really just that the eyebrow doesn't seem as arched as in the other 2, and it makes it seem a lot less... fierce, I guess. (ugh can't think of the word I want to use here)

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Oops, I commented on her hair in the Christmas thread before I saw her here. Anyways, it looks lovely :) However, I agree that the ponytail part is shaded with more depth than her bangs/crown, which has too much of that lightest color. Give it some more shading/sections of darker color and it will be perfect.

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Guess Who? (I seriously hope you can actually guess who it is haha, this took me a while!)

Going to work on facial resemblance a bit more in the morning, till then I'll leave you with Karel were he in FE9

*I got a little lazy with the hair, but I did edit it some from Lucia, just not all that much, dno if I'll change the hair, I might make it less Lucia if I'm bothered.*

A far bit of custom work and alot of splicing tiny parts together :| so time consuming!

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Yay for much updated Karel, that now looks a lot more like Karel :| I did a side by side and I was sad that I thought the old one looked like Karel.

His OA was my main ref.

@Xiltas, if you check his OA it looks quite crazed, I went for that look more than his GBA mug's look.

Edited by Vampire Elf
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@Dancer, I think I have some of my old ones on the first page of my fend topic, I used to do fe9 mugs, though they were all quite messy and stuff, that stuffs from years ago, a while b4 I actually joined and posted it on fend, this one i actually put loads of effort into and a lot of custom work, most of his face is now custom :D I'm very pleased :D

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