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My account at FEND got suspended...


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Warned again? ._.

Nothing much.

Lol, I'm thinking it was what I said to Nayr.

Finishing a paper and then playing Etrian Odyssey III.

What's the paper about?

And I've never played that game, any good?

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What's the paper about?

And I've never played that game, any good?

The paper is about GW Leibniz's Discourse on Metaphysics. It's almost done, is fairly short (2k words), and is summarizing and then critiquing the idea he lays out about how god created the best of all possible worlds.

The game, which is for DS, is great. It's a dungeon crawler that's been described as a roguelike, although it's got a pre-set map instead of a randomized one. It has a lot of interesting classes which I admittedly haven't experimented with very much.

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/Bans you from FEU



Oh wait, I'm not banned there. p_p

I'm not inactive, I lurk. ;3

The paper is about GW Leibniz's Discourse on Metaphysics. It's almost done, is fairly short (2k words), and is summarizing and then critiquing the idea he lays out about how god created the best of all possible worlds.

The game, which is for DS, is great. It's a dungeon crawler that's been described as a roguelike, although it's got a pre-set map instead of a randomized one. It has a lot of interesting classes which I admittedly haven't experimented with very much.

Hm, sounds like quite a task, and 2k words? *tips hat to you*

Hm, religious, I better steer clear of that. p_p

Hm, Dungeon Crawler?

Is that something like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon? :S

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Yeah we're -just- back up to like, about 50 posts each day. But I kind of prefer this since I can check once every other day and not miss anything. Plus we suck at being active, think waybackwhen, we were so active that the site would get bogged down in gateway timeouts and shit during peak hours every day.

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I like a decent amount of activity, I'm usually on during the slow hours of the forums, due to time zones and stuff, so I have to wait until my eyes are falling out of my head from lack of sleep before reaching a decent time with a decent flow of activity. p_p

All in all, I'm glad I have so many forums in my bookmarks, means I can stay up all night and just luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurk.

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Hm, sounds like quite a task, and 2k words? *tips hat to you*

Hm, religious, I better steer clear of that. p_p

Hm, Dungeon Crawler?

Is that something like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon? :S

Ya, don't get me wrong, I'd steer clear if I had a choice. But I FAILED the class freshman year because I was lazy and didn't do any work, so I'm retaking it for an A so my GPA can be all shineyyy. Shiny shiny shiny. The cool thing is that the class is being taught by a different teacher and the assignments are shorter! (3 papers instead of 4 for one thing)

It's kinda like mystery dungeon, but the combat isn't map-based. Instead, you run into random encounters like you would in final fantasy or dragon quest or some such.

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Ya, don't get me wrong, I'd steer clear if I had a choice. But I FAILED the class freshman year because I was lazy and didn't do any work, so I'm retaking it for an A so my GPA can be all shineyyy. Shiny shiny shiny. The cool thing is that the class is being taught by a different teacher and the assignments are shorter! (3 papers instead of 4 for one thing)


Lol, I was lazy my entire education, I dropped out and now have no life and future. c:

I'm from Aus though, so that makes me a part of a majority down here. :v

It's kinda like mystery dungeon, but the combat isn't map-based. Instead, you run into random encounters like you would in final fantasy or dragon quest or some such.


*googles for ROM*

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2k words used to be a lot. Then I realized it's really not if you stop trying to write what you think the professors want and just write your own thoughts on the subject, which may require some actual effort, but not as much as guessing what they want to see. Try to make it as fun as you can't, I mean.

Sometimes it can't be helped and you just get terrible assignments. I can write thousands of lines of code in a programming language or thousands of words for some prose in a good hour but two fucking thousand words on something no one cares about takes me a while.

What a wonderful grading system that is.

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