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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 21: In Destruction's Wake


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Luc Altair

As Luc finished his words regarding Dimitri, he slipped a glance back to Princess Charlotte and Kelas. It seemed they had finished their own discussion, and Kelas ran off shortly after. Excellent, Luc thought. "Ah, excuse me, but I must continue my rounds," Luc said and walked away without a second glance. Leaving like that was rude, but he needed to continue on and--dang, he should have asked Alferis first. But no, returning now would just be awkward, so the cavalier continued on.

"Princess Charlotte," he said as he drew closer. "I ah--" What should he say? His condolences? Questions? Pity? "I've been asking around the camp for opinions on where we should travel next, and I'd like yours..." Luc figured just asking the basics would be best for now. "In addition, Fargo will be controlling that carriage over there, so if you'd like, he would be happy to give you a ride."

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The back and forth between the two continued, with Tessa managing to dodge one of Reika's incoming strikes, yet the thief girl was tenacious, and somehow landed yet another hit on her. It was surprising, quite surprising for her. In all the fights up until now, she could count the number of times she'd actually been struck by a foe on one hand, and here that number had essentially just doubled, in the span of minutes. Not only that, but with the heavy exertion, early in the morning, she was starting to work up a healthy sweat. While the troubadour felt confident enough in her stamina to last considerably longer, she also knew that they still had a long day of travel ahead of them, and that exhausting her reserves now would be an unwise waste of resources.

Inhaling deeply, she breathed out a silent prayer, and resolved to end it with a single decisive strike. Drawing on the strength of the goddess, she enveloped her blade with a swirl of soft, swirling magic, invisible to the naked eye. Fortifying herself, both in strength of arm, and steadiness of aim she advanced. First, there was yet again, two quick strokes, which she didn't bother attempting to actually connect with, using them solely to draw Reika off-guard, before she smiled, and delivered a hefty blow with the flat of the blade to the top of her opponents skull. As the metal of the sword made impact, the loving warmth of the spell penetrated the woman from the top down, seeking to remove the will for further conflict. If all went according to plan, the thief would be left a slight headache, but on the whole certainly no worse for wear than having spent the evening prior with too much drink.

"Being beaten by a little old thief girl, you say?" Tessa replied to the taunt with a smile, as the match concluded, not letting it get under her skin, but rather on the contrary almost enjoying it. "Though you were handling yourself quite well for a time there, it looks like The Lady's favor was with me today at the end."

Nodding respectfully, she continued, "Though I must say... you've certainly taught me that I still have much to improve myself..." Extending a hand in a show of sincerity and sportsmanship, she finished, "If you wish another bout some time in the future, I think we would both continue to benefit and learn."


{Tessa's Counters: No Arcanium, No Hawkeye, Stat Shift 2 Res -> 2 Spd}


Hit: 5 + 2 = 7 < 9 Miss!


Hit: 3 + 2 = 5 < 9 Miss!

{Tessa Phase: Arcanium Active, Hawkeye Active (5 points luck), Stat Shift (1 Mag -> Skill, 1 Mag -> Strength)


Hit: 3(roll) + 2(skill) + 1(statshift) + 5(hawkeye) = 11 > 9 Hit!

Damage: 5(roll) + 2(strength) + 1(Arcanium) + 1(statshift) = 9 - 0 Res = 9 damage!

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"Mmmmph," Reika grunted, rubbing her head. She couldn't believe it. Beaten by some slip of a girl. A priestess no less. Clearly she was slipping! And that was unforgivable.

"Whatever. Don't get all cocky," Reika snarled, getting up. "Just be thankful this wasn't a real battle or I would've killed you for that. Bah! I won't hold back so much next time." Whirling around clutching her head, everything started spinning around and Reika fell on the ground, clutching her head in agony. Everything started getting...weird again.

She pulled herself up quickly, not daring to show any weakness and backed away sheathing the sai.

"How much longer am I going to last like this?" she whispered deathly quiet, making sure no one heard her.


Those two guys

"Huh. Well, I wonder what we're going to do now. Head out of the forest, but there's that town that bard told us to go to. Still, wonder if the others'll follow her advice," said Alferis to Aiya, breathing a sigh of relief that the two men left. It would be a boon to Aiya, allowing her to calm down better.

"C'mon Alfie! Aren't you going to show me the rest of the boys? They're all men in uniform and there's as many women here as men. C'mon!"

"Dimitri just hold your horses. Thought you were a big strong Zaftran nomad like you always brag. You don't need me at all to talk to people."

"But how am I supposed to know who the leader is?" Dimitri pouted, folding his arms at Alferis. "Shouldn't we let him know about my offer?"

"I'll give you a description. Her name is Morgan, she's a shaman, has light purple hair and she likes to stay back a good distance from everyone. She's a quiet woman and her voice is a little cold. You'll know it's her when you see and talk to her."

"Acch! A woman leading! What happened to good old men? You're a sucker for broads yes?"


"Acch," Dimitri muttered wandering off.

"You'll have to excuse him," Alferis said to Aiya. "He's an odd man. Likes other men. Never seen anything like it. You'll have to admit, it's a good thing Damian didn't stay to see him. Ew," Alferis shuddered at the thought.

"Still, while I've known him since, well, a good portion of my life, I would not trust him. At all. He's under the guy who kicked me out of this resistance I was part of and that guy was little more than a bandit. Was my new boss before he kicked me out. And Dimitri stayed under him, last time I saw him. Just keep an eye on him."

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Arrow of Destiny

The arrow flew out of the stranger's bow, rocketing directly towards the infected horse. A moment later, a small amount of blood gushed out of the mounts' eye, as it toppled over, dead. As its' host died, the plague too perished, ceasing to consume the flesh of its' victim. Putting the bow away, the stranger approached Adam, quietly observing the grieving boy.

"...Kid, I wouldn't stay here long," he rasped. "The rot might come up here, eventually. Go to the capital, and just try not to die."

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Xenia sighed "I suppose I can trust your judgment on the matter for now. Just...be careful all right? I don't want to find out the man I've been chasing all these years was actually a weakling." she said, turning to leave.


"From what I heard, the group is going towards some undead dragon next which sounds like a worthy goal to me. But after that...maybe I should return home. I am closer than I have ever been, and with Jace otherwise occupied I may not get a better opportunity. As princess of Jerdon it is my responsibility to care for my people and what better place to do that than from the country itself? And a crraige ride would be lovely, thank you." she said, bowing to Luc.


After watching the match between Reika and Tessa end, Morgan vaguely remembered something about people clapping their hands together after such an affair. What can one possibly gain from doing such a thing? The human fascination with pointless gestures baffles me. She went up to Tessa instead.

"That was a good performance, one that you would not have been able to do just several weeks prior." Morgan began. "As you may very well know, our second encounter with Helenos is looming, and it is time to assign this ancient blade to a wielder. Morgan took out the sheathed sword and presented it to Tessa. "I thought you were the best of the available candidates." she finished.

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Luc Altair

Luc nodded. "Very well. A few people have expressed interest in moving into Jerdon next as well. And I shall inform Fargo the next time I approach him." Luc looked over at his subordinate to confirm the other man was still working. "Is, there anything you need?" he asked.

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"Don't worry. It's not like I'm going to teach him how to make and use technology long since forgotten by this world and preserved only in records locked away in the TISME archives." she said with a smile before looking to Howard. "Come on. Let's go."


"Ummmm... Thanks I guess." said Esphyr as she picked up the grass and slowly backed away from Kiev.


"I don't know. I mean, I don't know anything at all about women. All I know is that they are beings which I am supposed to love and care for, and in return they love and care back for me." said Altion before dropping his head down between his knees. "I don't even know what makes them so different besides their higher voice and long hair. Oh... And those strange curves. It feels so weird though. I see them, and I like them. I don't know why though. I just wish that they would notice me. Ugggg.... I'd rather not have breakfast if you don't mind. I don't feel like eating."

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Ivanko and Ixion

Ivanko: Now that would be a shame, now wouldn't it? Heh. Safe travels, Xenia.

Outside the building over in the clearing, Ixion looked back up to his towering giant preparing to leave.

O'Donnel: I don't see a saddle on that thing, Ixion.

Ixion: Hmph.

Suddenly the beast opened its mouth up crying out at the sky and then it looked down on its master who was subtly instructing it through the mind. It opened up its mouth as wide as it could and came down on him aiming to eat the dark druid alive! O'Donnel had to leap back to avoid being killed! As the beasts jaws came down around Ixion, the ground broke away ravaged by the impact!

O'Donnel: IXION!!!

With its master now inside, it began to burrow, each of its incredibly flexible rows of teeth digging away at the dirt and rock. The creature dug itself into the ground in under a minute leaving a massive hole that collapsed on itself. The ground shook lightly for a few minutes until Ixion and Tartarus were too deep underground to effect the surface. They were tunneling to the Septimus base in Irvinheim. A test to prepare for the attack that would be the undoing of the Citadels.

O'Donnel: The boy is mad! How is he going to survive in the belly of that beast for half a day?! Goodness ...


Mana's reassurance only seemed to help Stephanie. Karina was simply tired of all the supernatural beings lurking around. Miranda was only trying to find ways to amuse herself.

Karina: Fine, whatever. Enjoy your time with that chimera I suppose. Now ... what of you two? Stephanie, you're from the Halton base and aren't really in the organization so I don't really have much to do with you. And you, Miranda, I have no idea who the hell you are so do you mind explaining in detail?

Miranda: No point in lying I guess. Ixion made me to do things for him.

Karina: ... sounds like another Etain.

Miranda: You mean that woman over there reforming the spear cow? I guess so.

Karina: So that means you're not human ... (Dammit to hell and gone ANOTHER ONE.) I assume you are just here to be reunited with Ixion, not to cause any problems around here?

Miranda: Of course.

Karina: Because I'll shoot you. I'm in no mood for anymore weirdness.

Miranda: ... 'kay ....

OOC: A monologue to close the gap between breakfast and duel


With his gift accepted Kiev felt much better and turned his attention to Amari. She had stayed close to him, so perhaps it was time for his lesson at long last. The whole session was interrupted by Isotov however. The fireproof human had brought him a deer. It was a tough choice. Teachings or food. Torn with indecision he stared at the carcass for a moment much to Iso's surprise.

Iso: What are you not hungry?

Iso noticed Amari close by and remembered that she'd probably saved his life. He felt a bit obligated to thank the horse, but also felt weird doing it. It wasn't as if she would understand what he was saying. He supposed it wouldn't kill him though.

Iso: Thank you, Amari. I could have gotten really messed up back there or worse if not for you.

Isotov was now holding Amari's attention. The wyvern quickly rethought the situation. If he was talking to the hero horse, then she wasn't available for teaching at that moment which meant Kiev had a few moments to fill his stomach. The young wyvern immediately began tearing the deer corpse apart eating as incredibly fast as he could! Iso paused for a moment to see the wild eating and muttered.

Iso: Ehhh ... (First he won't eat at all, now he's wolfing down guts by the mouthful. What's with him?)

Irina was also close by and paused to watch Kiev's insanely fast dining. She shot Iso a confused look as if expecting an explanation.

Iso: Don't look at me like that. I have no idea why your wyvern acts like this ... and why are you acting like this is unusual?

Irina: Erm. Well maybe he heard about the practice match Tas and I are going to have soon?

Iso: People are getting ready to leave, you might want to hurry up and get started on that.

Irina: Then someone needs to look after the hatchling.

Iso: Maybe Lev?

Irina: No. Krinkov maybe, but I'm not sure any other people the hatchling isn't familiar with should be holding him, just to be safe. Hm. That really only leaves Krinkov and I'm not sure if he would be nice to a wyvern that's not even the same species as him, yet alone not his own child. I mean I just saw him bop my new wyvern on the head for some reason. He'd squash the little one if he did that. On second thought I don't think I trust Krinkov either.

Iso: Well make up your mind.

Irina nudged the little one gently trying to wake him so she could find out whether or not he would be fine being held by someone other than Tas or herself for a short while.

Irina: I think it might be best if you hold him for just a little bit.

Iso: Oh no. Me?

Irina: Well maybe. You wouldn't do anything stupid with him right?

Iso: Why not Lev if you're settling? I mean he's more responsible than I would be and this is just for a few minutes.

Irina: ... erm, good point. Can you go get him?

Iso: Sure.

While Iso was gone, Irina softly pet the hatchling apologizing for waking him up. Unfortunately if he fell back asleep before she had a chance to see if he would open up to Lev, she would have to wake him yet again. At least she could pin it on Lev himself if it came to that however. Iso quickly spotted the unarmored wyvern lord and came right up to him.

Iso: Irina needs you to do her a favor.

Lev: ... what is it?

Iso: Er ... just come with me for a second. Irina can explain.

Lev: Fine.

The two returned to Irina and by then Kiev had finished the deer. There were bits left over that he could have eaten certainly, but he was satisfied and more concerned with getting his lessons though he didn't yet know the humans gathering were indirectly conspiring against him.

Lev: Okay what's up?

Irina: I want you to keep the hatchling safe while Tas and I spar. It'll only be a few minutes.

Lev: I did want to see you do these so I guess it's in my best interest. Not sure the little guy would be as thrilled about the idea as you are though.

Irina: Well let's find out.

On the Road Again ... Without A Horse

Watching his horse die was heartwrenching for Adam and he fell to his knees nearly in tears.

Adam: This ... this just ... NOW what am I gonna do? It's bad enough my buddy is gone, but now I have to travel on foot. By the time I get back, everyone will be dead. Altenau's done for. Just ... done for.

The death of his horse coupled with the almost impending demise of his entire town finally pulled tears down his face and he quickly wiped them off as best he could.

Adam: I have to do something. I can't let them die ... but I'm totally sunk now.

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"People actually care about Jerdon?" Charlotte asked Luc, eyes wide with surprise. "This is good news, I do not think I need anything else." she said with a small smile.

Xenia left Ivanko's office and headed back outside towards Svetlana, who hissed upon her arrival.

"Oh, get over it Svet. Sometimes there are more important things than fish you know." Xenia said to the sea wyvern. Svetlana heard this and hissed louder. Those words "more important" were only supposed to come after fish, not before.

"It's time to go shopping now anyway." Xenia said, mounting the ornery wyvern. "Have to throw some fish into that bottomless pit before we get going or else the squadron won't survive the night." she said, spurring Svetlana to go towards town.

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The hatchling wasn't too thrilled about being woken up, but he remembered the scent of the new human. It was such a faint memory that he hardly cared, but he'd been near this human before with the famillar human. What was going on? The hatchling let loose a confused snort, tilting his head at Lev. Why was he looking at him? Was he going to give him food? Was he about to be handed off again? Well, as long as this one was warm, he really didn't care so much, seeing as he didn't seem to be much of a threat. Not with a scent that didn't bring up bad memories.


"'Supposed to?' Boy, you have quite a bit to learn, then. You cannot say that one is 'supposed to' love another lest it be the common way of courtesy and even that you can hardly expect. Women are people. Men are people. Treat the ladies with as much respect as you would a man, but be gentle about it. It will save you a good ammount of agony," the merchant advised, "You're still young. Enjoy what you have now. Without anyone specific to worry about, you can go after that wish o' yours. You know: becoming a hero and all that. Otherwise you would have to worry about her safety and other needs. Well, unless you found a fighter. Not too many woman fighters, though."

With a light chuckle the man half-complained, "Altion, you're making me a tad homesick. You know, my wife hates it when I go out to sell things like this. In her last letter to me, though, she said that we can finally open a shop in town. Won't that be something? Then I won't have to cart around as much. But then again, maybe I will, just not quite as often. All things considered, I was going to move us to Jerdon. Too much going on in Septimus right now for me to worry about. Where will you be going, I wonder? Hm? After all, a country in turmoil could use a sprightly hero-in-the-making such as yourself. Then I could tell people, 'did you know I knew Altion the hero? It's true, I tell you! He rode allong in my very wagon!' Heheh... I'd tell my children too, if I had any. Ahh, my wife always wanted children... Really, it's a shame. She would make a beautiful mother. She's kind enough to the children of Altenau. Oh, yes, by the way, that's my home. We're going there next then off to Jerdon. Of course I'll have some errands to run and some people to say goodbye to, but we'll be leaving quick enough. That's why I asked, you see. I wondered if you wanted to come with us."

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"Oh, is that right?" Aiya replied as Alferis claimed his friend Dmitri was a homosexual.

"Well, it's not a big deal. Although you're right, it is likely for the best that Damian isn't here." Aiya replied with a sigh.

"Hey Alf... if Tristan actually tries to force me out of here, you'll back me up, won't you?"


As the massive earthwormesque creature burrowed under the ground, taking Ixion with it, Damian couldn't help but echo O'Donnel's sentiments.

"I suppose there's not much we can do about it now... we should get going."

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Luc Altair

"After dealing with Helenos, yes," Luc said. It was only a handful that would like to move that way, but no one else had talked of plans beyond going to Helenos. "Excellent, now I should--" wait, Luc checked his mental listing of everyone in camp. He had nearly spoken to everyone. Some--like the pegasus girls--he didn't to ask in depth. He was already treading redundant ground as it was though. Of those who remained, Luc expected nothing but reassurances. But, expectations were easily betrayed. "Actually, it seems I've spoken with near everyone at this point. And I've already completed my own preparations. Hm, it seems like I am a a lose for what I should do. Well, I suppose I could inform Fargo."

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"No. I don't mind following along with you." said Altion giving a sigh of confusion. "You make it sound so simple though! It's not that simple! I... I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I keep thinking I could have done better; that I could have impressed Kelas, or Stephanie, or... or any of them. Yet I'm just a big olf to them! Kelas hates my guts, but she won't get out of my head! WHY CAN'T YOU GET OUT OF MY HEAD KELAS!" screamed Altion, suddenly standing upright, a panicked and terrified, almost feral, look on his face.


"Course I'm not human. Unlike Howard though, I wasn't made by Ixion. I am what I am. I was born that way, the daughter of the winds, and I don't think I will ever change from that." said Mana before fully returning to Howard's side. "I'm sorry Howard. Things got a little chatty. You and I should probably go now."

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"Huh. I was gonna ask how Amari had got involved," Kelas said, watching the proceedings. "Apparently she's decided you're worth protecting. That's kind of an achievement, really."

Watching Kiev, she wondered aloud, "Do wyverns ever try to mimic other species? Kiev's been spending a whole lot of time around Amari and I don't think he's just trying to get close enough to eat her... maybe that's why he's so weird?"


Amari looked over, hearing the red man say her name. She had no idea what he was saying, but he sounded grateful, so it couldn't be anything bad. Hopefully he understood that she was only helping out for Kelas. She watched the humans and wyverns come and go, grazing a bit while they did... whatever it was they were up to now.


"How does you take care of the feathers?" Tobe asked. He knew mostly how to take care of a horse, but pegasi obviously needed more than the usual. Maybe if he learned to take care of the mounts, this group would tolerate him until he found somewhere to go, and it gave him an excuse to stay near the horses more. Horses were more dependable than people, he'd decided a while back; while they had their moods, they never made mean remarks, or got drunk and hit. And they were warm, and let him hide under them.

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"Sure I'll back you up Aiya. You're trustworthy enough, I know you and trust you better than the prince. That and your boyfriend will beat us all up if we don't.

Wonder if we should leave yet. I'm all ready, but if you're not, I can wait for awhile. But I'm curious. Why are you and Tristan so at odds with each other? What's going on here? What went on the tent last night? Something odd is going on."

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"I suppose there is no point keeping it from you... that woman, Vera. She was a Haltonian General, who blabbed about supposed plans for Halton to invade Septimus. Now Tristan is talking as though he plans to convert this to a Septimian camp... and along with that he wants to force me out. He was asking Luc why he had not demanded I leave already before you showed up." Aiya replied, clenching her hand into a fist in anger.

"If we meet up with a Septimian troupe, it seems almost inevitable..."

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The merchant was a litte suprised at Altion's sudden outburst but figured that his standing inside the cart might have snapped him out of it, seing as he had collided his head with the wood. "Er... Well, if you don't want breakfast, that's fine. And this Kelas lass... If she don't like you, just stop liking her. Change the way you think about women. It'll make things clearer earlier on and when you find the one for you, then you'll know it more clearly. Now, then," the merchant advised before getting up a bit and hobbling outside of the cart, "I'll be right back, then. Watch my cart. We're leaving towards Altenau soon." With that, Joe went off a bit deeper into the woods.

OoC: He'll be back soon, no worries. Better to leave him alone until he comes back, though.

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Reika had taken the defeat... about as well as could be expected. The loss was accompanied by the thief's own special brand of snark being aimed Tessa's way, and to be honest she was actually starting to get used to the death threats. The very first time―back when they were passing through Melisia, after the game of Truth or Dare―it had caused her concern, but with each subsequent uttering the harsh edge it had originally carried had dulled.

Sheathing her weapon, still smiling, she noticed Reika fall to ground, stumbling a bit. That was a little worrisome. Surely she hadn't struck hard enough to cause a concussion? She didn't have long to worry, though, as not only did the lithe girl quickly pick herself up and dust herself off, but Tessa was approached by Morgan, who had apparently been watching the whole affair. Not good, the troubadour chided herself, I got so caught up in my duel, I lost perception of the surroundings. If that had been another foe...

Bracing for a scolding, for indulging in some rather frivolous activity, rather than trying to collect the group and urge them onwards, or to otherwise have been making herself useful, the actual content of what the shaman had to say to her came as a surprise, and took a moment to sink in. She was getting praised? By big sister? She had the urge to jump forward and hug the woman, but suppressed it, instead cautiously, reverently, accepting the proffered blade. A light wavering in her vision told her she was probably tearing up a little, so she blinked furiously while trying to come up with a proper response.

At a time like this, one is supposed to kneel, aren't they, she wondered, grasping at something she seemed to have recalled reading in a story once. Swiftly taking a knee, Tessa managed a reply as well. "Sis... this is a most unexpected honor. I will have to endeavor my utmost to keep from disappointing you, and to deserve your further praise!"

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"You're from Altenau?" the man asked, face unreadable. "... Relax, I'll deal with it. Just get to safety, kid. That's all I ask." That said, the stranger continued on in the direction Adam came from, with a calm, confident walk.

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"Well...to be honest, this doesn't seem completely unnatural of the prince. I'm not defending him, but I'm saying that I would question his sanity and intelligence if he wasn't paranoid of Haltonians after that woman said something about planning invasion.

You know it's odd. I used to want Septimus to go down, but I'm not so sure anymore. Prince doesn't seem like a bad sort, civil war, everyone trying to invade it. It just seems so wrong to wish that on a nation," Alferis murmered guiltily at his malicious thoughts towards the country earlier.

"Still though, I wonder if Morgan's going to follow the bard's directions. Something odd about that girl...well anyway, I guess we should stay out of this invasion business and settle it quickly. I hope you don't have to leave for Halton though and I hope I don't have to fight you. It would be really hard."

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Viveka OOC: Odd choice for first reply, huh? :lol:

Viveka: The feathers? Well it's definitely easier to manage in Ilyphina. People have a lot of ways of going about it though. This one insane group of hostlers I knew once tried to make the pegasi befriend some imported tropical birds so they would preen their feathers for them. Unsurprisingly it didn't work since it took eight birds per pegasus and they only had ten, and the birds kept defecating on the spot so their wings weren't really getting clean at all. It's popular to use special brushes since people are too lazy to do it by hand, but I sometimes do since the oils I use don't wash out of the brushes very well. Pegasi in the wild would just groom each other like regular horses would, just add preening to the list I guess. I also know of some people, retarded nobles mostly, who want the feathers shiny and go crazy with all kinds of hair products. I seriously doubt that's healthy.

Ready To Duel

Iso: You think he's mimicking other ... species ...? (That would explain some things. I mean Kiev is weird, but only because he's a wyvern. If he were a dog, I wouldn't bat an eyelash at most of this.)

Ignoring the Kiev comments, Irina carefully handed off the hatchling to Lev who took up the wyvern and let him get a good grip.

Irina: At least you're not wearing the armor right now ... except that gauntlet. Hey, only hold him with your left hand. Right hand should be your free one since that's the armored one. Hope that helps.

Lev: We'll be fine, now get your butt in that saddle. I want to see if you've got IM wyvern lord qualifications. I suspect you do but I want some evaluation.

Irina: Okay, okay. Time to go get Tas, then.

It wasn't long before she found Tas. Approaching him and Namid she waved and smiled while speaking.

Irina: Hey, are you ready? If we're going to get started, now's the time.

Back to Irvinheim

O'Donnel: We should get going then. I suppose we'll wait around for his return since this test is so important. (Ivanko was right about that boy ... he may very well bring victory right to our doorstep, leaving us only to kill those in our way and cross through it. Amazing.) Now then. Stand close.

O'Donnel then used his staff to teleport them back to Irvinheim, leaving Redwood behind once again.


As Mana and Howard wandered off, O'Donnel and Damian appeared right in front of Karina, Stephanie, and Miranda. Karina flinched and took up her bow ready to shoot whatever had appeared only to see that she was holding Damian at arrowpoint! Relieved, she lowered her bow and put the arrow back in the quiver.

Karina: Oh it's just you. I've had about all the supernatural garbage I can handle for one month.

Stephanie: Hm? (What is that powerful sensation?)

O'Donnel: Hello to you all.

Miranda quickly leaped a dozen meters back much to Karina's surprise! It was much farther than a human could leap and it confirmed what Miranda herself had implied before. She wasn't human.

Miranda: Heheh ... yeah, can you keep that thing away from me, please? It's anything but friendly.

Stephanie: Of course, that lance is giving off a strong light aura. I can see it. Something as foul as you isn't safe near it.

Miranda: I wouldn't say foul.

Karina: (See it? Like with your naked eyes see it? I've had it. I've damn well had it with this nonsense.)


Adam: Are you nuts?! One person can't handle that alone! There were arrows coming down everywhere! Some of our best people got hit! Wait! You'll get killed!

Edited by Phoenix
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As the pair reappeared, Damian opened his eyes only to see an arrow pointed at his forehead.

"That is quite the friendly welcome, Karina." Damian said to the mercenary, unamused.

Soon afterword, one of the women with her leapt back quite a ways, and the other, one Damian recalled from before... Stephanie was her name, if he recalled correctly, seemed to point out Gungnir.

'So, she is demonic in base, is she? There is no other explanation for that reaction.'

Gungnir too reacted to their meeting, the blade glowing a luminescent cyan, and beginning to grow hot to the touch.

"You are correct. It does not seem fond of you... I think it wants me to kill you... still, I refuse to fall slave to this one... that is the very reason I hold it." Damian said, addressing Miranda.


"Still gives him no right to prance around like he owns the place and threaten me." Aiya replied with a scowl.

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"I know," Alferis sighed, laying back against a nearby tree.

"So Aiya, tell me more about yourself? What's your rank? How long've you been a soldier anyway? Are there any officers we should keep an eye out for? I'm curious about you."

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Miranda: You hold a bossy lance so you won't get bossed around? Brilliant.

O'Donnel: To clarify, the other lance is the real problem here. Gae-Borg is it not?

Stephanie: Sir Damian, I am surprised that you can hold such a lance given the demonic presence inside of you.

Karina: O'Donnel, you're here so I can relax now. The magical department is your business. I need to see to the guard. Damian, Stephanie ... Miranda. See you later.

Stephanie: Wait, where is Ixion?

Karina: Don't care.

The woman quickly mounted up on her horse and rode off across the fort.

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Tas sneezed just before Irina started speaking to him, getting his attention. "Huh? Oh, yes. Just give me a moment," Tas replied before quickly checking the condition of the saddle, leather straps and iron rings that held everything intact. Unattaching a bag holding his knife, enxtra rings, extra leather and saddle-cleaning supplies from the saddle, Tas mounted up and took up his iron lance, leaving the javelin strapped to Namid's side. (I'm a little nervous. It's not a real bettle but... I hope I don't embarrass myself...) "Hyaa!!" at the vocal command Namid launched himself with his rider into the air. Once high enough, the pair began circling, waiting for Kiev and Irina to join them in the sky.

"Alright, Namid... Be on your guard..." breathed Tas. He was a little shaky and that had Namid worried. What was going on?

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