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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 21: In Destruction's Wake


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As the minotaur's hand gripped Mana's neck, the half-spirit gagged as her neck started to close off. In pure reflex, one of her own gauntlets disassembled, the mana flowing over her arm and up her body and slipping between those narrow spaces, infinitesimally small, between his hand and her neck. A thousand spikes, each no wider than the breath of a hair, solidified between her body and his hand, driving it back if not outright lifting the hand and prying it away from her neck. Before she could even register the pressure being removed from her neck, however, her left hand shot out towards the minotaur. Green mana hummed about the knuckle as the very air about it seemed to distort and become filled with turmoil. Though her arm was too short to actually reach the minotaur, the second the hand stopped moving forth, a second fist, formed entirely of magic, shot forth towards the beast, slamming into it's ribs with all the might of her punch, and more on top of that. Mana twisted about, wrenching herself free of the monsters grip, and lifting her leg, also alive with the power of her magic, in a roundhouse kick that sent forth a similar shockwave towards the beasts body. To top it off, before her feet could even touch the ground, or Mana grasp fully what had just happened, both her hands slammed forth in a powerful impacting move towards the beasts chest, a mighty blast of magical power greater than the prior two surging forth just before her own hands.

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"I know," replied Tas with a fait sigh, "that we can try, at least. In order to take care of that many wyverns, you need a large area. The rocky plains between Halton and Septimus were perfect. If we rebuild, it would have to be in the same spot and we'd just be attacked again. It was good for the plains wyverns and good for the mountain wyverns. It was near two major countries and was uninhabbited. There are a lot of things to consider. A lot of the ranchers fled after we released the wyverns that could fly. Some went to Halton, some to Septimus... My father and I were practically the only ones who stayed behind to look after the fleglings, eggs and hatchlings. The wyverns sure were confused when we told them to go back to the wild... Some of them wanted to stay so much that we had to move them off ourselves. Mostly the mothers and the elderly wyverns. It's alright, though. I just have to be glad that my father and I could save three of the hatchlings and five of the eggs when the bandits attacked. Maybe some of the others who stayed saved even more. When my father and I meet again, we'll probably find somewhere to live with Riggs and Namid and live off of the money we earned selling the hatchlings and eggs. Maybe someday we'll see some of the other ranchers again. I know we'll have to find work again eventually, but for now the first step is to become citizens somewhere and stop being refugees trying to make a sale."

Namid recognized the words Tas had been speaking as how his kind joined the humans and plains-dwellers at the ranch. He'd heard it several times, even Riggs' version. If that great mountain wyvern had attacked Tas' father while he slept or if Riggs hadn't told the wild mountain wyverns that Tas' father was a helpful human, then Namid might have never met Tas. That was a frightening thought.

"Oh, but I never answered your question from earlier: No, the hatchling and the eggs aren't from Riggs. Namid is, though," answered Tas, remembering the earlier question, "That's where Namid gets some of his coloration from. Build-wise, he's like a smaller version of Riggs."


"He is the prince of Tora?" Beau asked, trying to contain - or at least minimize - his absolute shock of the fact. His face paled slightly for a moment, but reason calmed his anxiety.

(Good thing he seemed dense or I might've turned a small country against House Bellmire... He must've wanted to keep his royal heritage a secret. My, there certianly is a small crowd of displaced royals about. Who whoud've thought that I would be outclassed by someone as dense as he? Certianly someone to keep an eye on...)

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"I don't think they will be difficult to spot." replied Altion as he rode along with Adam. He gave an annoyed sigh as Gluebag slowly moved through the forest. "I'm not exactly eager to see them again you know. I was looking forwards to slowly riding home; maybe starting a life of silent seclusion. Not a monk, but not a crazed hobo either. More of a quiet mountain man whom just likes the silence. The group you seek is full of loud people who fight and bicker constantly. I would say they are like a huge mass of married couples, but that would be insulting. It's more like a bunch of booze hounds who fight every third word, but stay around lest they leave the booze behind. I don't know what message you have, but are you sure it won't be falling on death ears?"

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Prince Ali Helios

"Yes, he does not seem to be an imposter, and his sister confirmed his status at the royal ball." Charlotte replied, then she turned away from Beau and her face darkened. Thinking of the ball made her think of...him.


"Seems like a sound enough plan to me." Matthias replied to Triton.

"With any luck, simply the declaration of our intent will cause Halton to back down. Perhaps Halton is more cowardly than it appears, seeming large and powerful but easily cowed when struck back sufficiently." Madison added.


"Very well, I'm sure you have things to do, so you'd best be on your way." Diane said, leading Harvey out the door. Then she wheeled around to face a group of giggling girls. "Ladies, I fail to see what is so amusing about a potential invasion. Everybody grab a siege tome, there aren't nearly enough for everybody so you'll have to share amongst yourselves. We will have a quick lesson on the theory of long-ranged tomes followed by a practical application where you will be firing upon wyverns."

The class gave a roar of excitement. Diane continued "Yes, long-ranged tome theory is very interesting. Armando Dippet, one of the premier theorists in the field, began his research in..."

A round-faced boy raised his hand. "Miss, how are we going to know when the wyverns show up?" he asked her.

"By using the telescopes we use for Astronomy class." Diane answered. "Now, back to the lecture-"

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Arrin had excitedly run ahead to the carriage while Tessa finished tending to Trevor. It had been a bit odd, actually. As she had gone to feed him a treat, following his brushing, the stallion had bit at her fingers, but it was just lightly, and immediately followed up by him pushing forward and resting his large head across the top of her own. Guy must have been worried about me. "I'm sorry Trevor... last night, I was no good for you. After you bolted... I was too busy helping the humans, and completely forgot about you, didn't I? And then this morning there was just one thing and then another... I'll do better, I swear. I'll live up to the example left by Sir Dustin."

Finishing the rest of the business, she had him saddled―she ended up using the spare saddle blanket because for the life of her she couldn't remember what had happened to the original―and tacked. "Here boy, let's go see Morgan then, shall we?" It was just a quick walk back to where the shaman was, and when she arrived she briefly explained the situation.

"Arrin invited me to ride in the carriage with him, and it seemed a good enough idea. I was wondering if you wouldn't like to take a ride on Trevor today then, seeing as it'd probably be more comfortable than constantly having to ride double?"

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OOC: Wanted to keep these all short. Sorry XD


Adam: You sound like you hate these people ...

Thinking about Altion's example of married couples, he had flashbacks of married couples he personally knew. It didn't seem so bad with that comparison, but he quickly shut those thoughts out. There were more important things to worry about.

Adam: Can these people at least fight? I'm sure the city can give them a large enough reward to open their ears if need be. After all its a major attack.


Irina: So they're not related then. That really says something about Namid, looking after eggs and hatchlings that aren't siblings or his own offspring. Our wyverns aren't like that at all.


Triton: Indeed. They may actually see the insanity in opposing both countries simultaneously and call off their invasion. I thank you for your time and cooperation. I'll be in touch, of course.

Harvey Dent

Seeing that Diane was somewhat cooperating with him and his forces, he cracked a smile and waved back as he left. Coming up to his troops he addressed them.

Harvey: Are the civilians out of here, yet?

Soldier: We're working on it, Sir.

Harvey: Well let's hurry this up. The faster we get set up, the more time we'll have to double check everything. Also I need some men to get started on that firewall. It's as critical to the plan as the ballistae are.

The soldier's replied "Sir!" in unison and then spread out leaving Harvey in front of the building alone with his thoughts.

Harvey: (Time to incinerate some folks.)

Intervention From Above

Howard watched in amazement as the axe wielder was pummeled and forced back. It remained standing though huffing hot air in and out raising its axe with its good hand ready to attack again! Stratos suddenly had a torrent of thoughts race through her mind. She could tell the minotaur was berserked and quickly swooped down over his head latching onto his horns with her claws and hauling him up into the air! In an attempt to free himself, he dropped his axe and reached for her paws but was unable to loose them. She kept him in the air flying around in wide circles for awhile while Howard followed them with his eyes. She had not intention of letting him down until his rage had run its course. It was meant for tearing through battalions, not attacking guests.

At Forest's Edge

The Crimson Brigade eventually drew near the edge of the wild woods on their way west.

OOC: Short, I know ...

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Lost Time

While observing the group slowly approaching the ambush point, Elle felt something inside her stir. The sage paused the spell she was preparing for a moment, and the feeling passed. As she moved her focus around the group, she could see the general, cursed axe in hand, steadily riding at the lead. The spell was prepared, and only required to be released, now. Elle waited. Closer, and closer, the wielders came. Then, finally, the axe wielder dove right into the Trap.

"...You're mine," she breathed, releasing the Thoron spell.

[spoiler=Roll]Arcane power! RES -> MAG

[3,4,1] = Hit! 15-1 = 14 points of Damage!


5,5,3] = Hit! 16-1 = 15 points of Damage! Conrad is defeated!

Elle 12/12 HP


The ball of energy slammed into the Dusk Knight, and, followed up by an even mightier green bolt of lightning, brought him down, falling off of Thunderbolt. At the same time, the rest of the guild members revealed themselves, to a caught completely off-guard party.

"Ugh, from one fight to another," Alex said, jumping off of the horse she was riding. "Not my week."

Standard Enemies (5/10)

Thief X 6 : HP 9, MT 2, Skl 5, AS 6, Evade 8, Luck 2, Defense 2, Resistance 2 Items: Vulnerary, 50 Gold

Brigand X 5: HP 15, MT 4, Skl 3, AS 2, Evade 4, Luck 4, Defense 2 RES 0 Items: Vulnerary, 50 Gold

Priest X 4 : HP 9, MT2 (4 MAG), Skl 4, AS 3 Evade 5 LUK 4 , Defense 2, Resistance 3 (4) Items: Vulnerary, 50 Gold

Shaman X 2: HP 9, MT 5 , Skl 3, Spd 4, Luck 1 Def 2, Res 5 (6)

Wind Mages X 2: HP 9, Mag 3, Skl 4, Spd 4, Luck 1, Def 2, Res 3 (4)

Mini Boss (7/15)

Sniper: HP 12, MT 5, Mag 1, Skl 5, Spd 5, EVD 6 Luck 2, Defense 4 (5), Resistance 2 Skills: Deadeye

Bosses (10/20)

Elle (Thunder Sage Level 1): HP 12, (1STR) Mag 6, Skl 5, Spd 5, EVD 6 Luck 2, Def 1, Res 4 (5) Skills: Adept, Wrath, Arcane Power

Njordjenka (Thunder Sage Level 1): HP 12, Str 1, Mag 6, Skl 5, Spd 5. EVD 6 Luck 3, Def 3 (4), Res 4 (5). Skills are Prayer and Arcane Power

Victory: Rout

Notes: Njordjenka warps out upon defeat. If Elle is still alive, he will leave herr in command. If not, sucks to be generics.

Elle will retreat on foot when defeated. May plot cap someone in the process.

Remember kids, Wrath means a crit is Damage(second) dice = or +1 Or + 2 crit (third) dice.

Snike out.


The stranger had left the boy before he could hear the question of his sanity, which would have earned a chuckle or two. Now, he was maybe a day or so away from the village, and mentally preparing himself to take on his foe from 25 years before.

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All of a sudden, the ambush started. General Jackson went down to the Thunder Sage quickly.

'Damn... she's strong... best to leave her to the magi, they have higher resistance.' Aiya noted, swooping down at a Brigand.

'Maybe this will help me get that goddamn Prince out of my system...'

With a mighty swing, the man faltered. His counterattack dealt a decent blow, before Aiya's second swing brought the man down.

Aiya(4,2,3) 7 hit - 4 Evd, hit! 10 Mt - 2 def, 8 Damage!

Brigand(5,3,3) 7 hit - 4 evd, hit! 7 hit - 6 def, 1 Damage! Critical! 2 Damage!

Aiya(4,3,1) 7 hit - 4 Evd, hit! 11 Mt - 2 def, 9 damage!

Brigand1 0/15

Aiya 13/15

+10 Exp

Heavy strike +2 Roll

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Luc Altair and the Fargo

"Enemies?" Luc absently said. "Fargo keep the carriage as a retreat point."

"We're under attack!" Fargo screamed!

Luc charged into combat, ignoring his still minor sore limbs. He picked his foe, and with two quick strikes sent him to the ground. It had the trappings of a mage, but Luc wouldn't stop to be sure.

A Paul

And the whole "no screams and sounds of combat" streak was going so well too.

Luc has 12/12 HP.

Luc attacks Wind Mage A.

(Luc rolls 1,2,1)

Luc attacks and deals 1 damage. ((2Roll+4Str-2Def) = 4 Damage.)

Wind Mage A has 5 HP.

Adept activates!

Luc has 12/12 HP.

Luc attacks Wind Mage A.

(Luc rolls 3,5,2)

Luc attacks and deals 1 damage. ((5Roll+4Str-2Def) = 7 Damage.)

Wind Mage A has 0 HP.

Wind Mage A is defeated!

Wind Mage A fails Saving Roll (6)

Luc Gains 10 EXP.

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"What is it this time?" Kelas grumbled, stringing her bow and taking aim at one of the shamans.

(2, 6, 4) Hit! Kelas does 10 damage! Shaman dies!

The arrow went cleanly through the shaman's neck. "Arrin! Stay in the carriage!" Kelas shouted, surveying the fight.

Francis shied as the lightning bolt appeared: was this why his rider was nervous? What should he do, what should he do... He turned around, looking for an opening to bolt.

Kelas jumped from the saddle and caught hold of Francis' reins, bringing the gelding down to all fours again. "You should probably dismount, he's going to be dangerous in a fight," she told Isotov quickly, then turned around to find another target.


"No! You said you weren't going to get hurt, I have to make sure of that!" Arrin called back, getting out his Elthunder tome. One of the thieves was nearing the carriage, spooking the horses: Arrin took aim at him.

(2, 2, 1) Miss! Arrin's bolt was dodged, and the thief quickly closed the distance, aiming a knife in through the carriage window.

(5, 2, 5) Hit! Thief does 2 damage! The thief's knife found Arrin's arm, opening an ugly gash. Arrin struggled to get another spell ready.

Kelas 15/15, Arrin 10/12, one shaman defeated, one thief unharmed, Kelas 10EXP, Arrin 5EXP

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"Whoa!" Alferis grunted, jumping in surprise and drew his axe, spotting an axe fighter and aiming a heavy blow towards his chest. It landed, blood pouring out of the axemen, who yelled out and tried to hit Alf, but Alf sidestepped and aimed another blow, beheading the axeman.

Reika meanwhile drew out her sai and ran towards a mage, striking him in the chest with one of the sais, sidestepping a gust of wind easily before impaling him with the sai.

Alf Combat: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2778799/

Alferis (2,5,1) Hit! 6+5=11-2= 9 damage! Bandit 7/15

Bandit 1 (1,3,4) Miss!

Alferis (1,5,3) Hawkeye Activates! Sacrifice 1 Luck! Hit! 6+5=11-2= 9 damage! Bandit 0/15

Alferis gains 10 exp!

Reika Combat: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2778809/

Reika (6,4,1) Hit! 4+2-2= 4 damage! Wind Mage 1 5/9

Wind Mage 1 (2,2,4) Miss!

Reika (5,1,1) Hit! 1+2=3-2=1x2= 2 damage! Wind Mage 3/9

Reika gains 5 exp!

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"We won't last long if our movements are restrained in this carrage with so many of us in here," Beau grumbled, "Tessa, Arrin, we should get out of here." Turning to Charlott, he mentioned, "If it looks like all the people are out of the carrage, then you should be able to lie low."


"Whoa!" exclaimed Tas as he and Namid picked up on the sudden fighting below. "Irina, if you're going to be fighting, give the hatchling to Lev. Sh-should I fight, too? I don't think I'm strong enough yet," Tas mentioned to Irina, nervousness gripping at his heart and stomach as Namid hovered in place.

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Enemy Phase


2-21 Sniper VS Aiya[4,1,2] = Hit! No damage.

Bandit VS Derek [2,5,4] = Miss!

Thief VS Kelas [2,1,4] =Hit! No Damage!

Priest VS Pary [1,5,3] = Miss!

Bandit VS Alex [6,3,5] = Hit! 8-5= Three points of Damage! Alex 6/9 HP

Njord VS Tessa [6,6,5] = Hit! 11-5 = 6 Points of damage! Tessa 3/9 HP

Elle VS Luc [1,5,3] = Hit! 16-4 = OHKO. Luc is down.




The sniper immediately attempted to put the biggest threat, the bull wyvern rider, to sleep for a while, before returning to the battle. One by one, the attackers attempted to defeated the Crimson Brigade, but to no avail. One bandit managed to injure Alex, with a lucky blow. Elle moved on to the next cavalier, another axe user. She forwent the chanting this time, and just defeated the poor man with a green bolt.

Sweeping over the area, Njordjenka attacked the carriage from the other side of the thief. The thief was fighting one of a thunder mage and Reika's description matched Arrin as the Crimson Thunder wielder. Inside with him though was another, a girl holding a staff. Njordjenka merely smiled and conjured up a thoron spell aiming at her chest. A healer was bad for the operation and he'd need to take her out as soon as possible. Unfortunately, he only severely wounded her. A shame.

Player Phase

Derek went after the bandit that accosted him, bloodlust in his eyes. On the first pass, he struck twice, receiving a light wound in return. On the second, he beheaded the aggressor with two blows.[spoiler=Rolls]Damage not required.



http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2778878/ Saving roll failed. Derek

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Irina and Kiev looked down at the group right along with Tas and Namid. Neither of them were all that surprised.

Irina: ... not again ... Tas you can fight if you want to, but be careful. I'll get the hatchling to Lev really quick but I have to help the others out.

With that she flew down and did as she said handing off the hatchling to Lev before charging straight at the sniper in the enemy formation! Meanwhile Iso dismounted as Kelas advised and advanced on foot with his fire tome in hand.

Iso: Here we go again ... urgh.

Isotov attacks Sniper

Iso rolls 1,4,4


HIT 5 vs Evade 6

Sniper rolls 4,6,4


HIT 9 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 9 vs DEF 1 = -8 hp

Irina attacks Sniper

Irina rolls 3,4,1


HIT 7 vs Evade 6 = HIT

DMG 12 vs DEF 4 = -8 hp

Sniper rolls 5,5,2


HIT 10 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 10 vs DEF 8 = -2 hp

Viveka attacks Shaman

Viveka rolls 6,3,5


HIT 11 vs Evade 4 = HIT

DMG 5 vs DEF 2 = -3 hp

Shaman rolls 3,6,2


HIT 6 vs Evade 8 = Miss

Iso hp 1/9

Irina hp 16/18

Viveka hp 12/12


Iso: +7 (promotes)

Irina: +7

Viveka: +5

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As the arrow flew towards her, it bounced off of Aiya;s armour, not even scratching her. However, it felt... odd. If an enemy came at her, she wasn't sure she would be able to adequately counterattack, since it indented her armour, lowering her maneuverability slightly.

Seeing Luc go down from a single hit by the female thunder sage, Aiya charged at the woman.

'I have to take her out... c'mon, mages are soft...'

The powerful strike tore into the Sage, knocking her to the ground, seemingly unconscious. At the very least, she would be unlikely to harm anyone else.

Rushing over to Luc, Aiya lept off of Ulfhrahn to check the man over. He was unconscious, but seemingly stable.

"Don't worry Luc, I got ya. No one's gonna pick you off while I'm around, okay?" Aiya said to the man, applying some of a vulnerary to the man in an attempt to wake him.

Aiya(3,4,4) 8 hit - 6 Evd, hit! 9 mt - 1 Def = 8 damage x 2 = 16 Damage!

Elle Ko'd

Aiya +20 Exp (Promotes)


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Tristan saw the combat start occuring. They don't look like Jace's men he thought to himself. Bellerophon however, saw it fit to spring into action at a nearby brigand.

(3,6,5)= 10-2= 8 damage!

Vantage activates!

(2,2,6)= 6-2= 4 damage!

The birgand struck back.

(5,2,3)= Hit= 2 damage.

Tristan 10/12 Brigand 3/15

Oh, still not dead...that's sort of a relief.Tristan thought to himself.

Morgan sighed, another few steps another battle. She attacked the Sniper.

(6,3,1)= Hit. 9 damage.

The sniper died after the wounds Isotov had given him.

Sniper 0/12. Morgan 11/12.

Green lightning? But I only know one person who fires off green lightning... Charlotte thought to herself, seeing the bolt fly through the air. She heard Beau say something about "get out of the carriage" and she somehow found a way out. "Dani?" she asked, looking around. She healed someone bleeding on her way out of the carriage (Tessa +6 9/9)

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"Tessa!" Arrin put all of his power into his next attack, dropping his magical defenses, summoning Daranau and blasting the thief with it.

(2,4,6) Arcane Power active (+2MT, -2RES) Miss! Arrin loses 1HP due to crimson weapon.

His attack missed. The thief attacked again.

(2,5,6) Miss! The thief couldn't quite manage to hit, still reaching through the window. Arrin moved to try and block the window from whoever had attacked Tessa. "I think if we go out there it might be worse," he told Beau, hastily readying another spell. "Tessa, come back!"

"No you don't!" Kelas took aim for the sage who had attacked the carriage, leaving her defenses open a bit in order to get a stronger attack.

(5,4,6) Stat shift active (+2MT, -2DEF) Hit! Kelas does 8 damage!

That got his attention. The sage turned, launching a counterattack.

(1,4,2) Miss!

Kelas sidestepped and drew another arrow, aimed, and loosed.

(4,4,1) Stat shift active (+2MT, -2DEF) Hit! Kelas does 8 damage!

She watched the sage fall, then turned back to Isotov. "Not again! Come on, let's get you to a healer," she exclaimed, noting his injuries.


Tobe dove under what passed for a dash on the small carriage as the fighting started. Hopefully they wouldn't find him... hopefully... He curled up and wrapped his arms around his head, trying to block the noises out.

Kelas 15/15 Arrin 9/12 Kelas +20EXP Arrin +5EXP Njordjenka defeated

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As Fargo called out the news of the ambush, and Arrin began some combat with an enemy she couldn't see from her viewpoint, Beau raised an important point. Not only could vacating the carriage draw attention from Charlotte, who was certainly a priority target for Jace's men, but it would be the only way to effectively fight back. Simply nodding, Tessa quickly slid out of the open door, and immediately attempted to survey the situation.

Apparently, that had painted a large target on her, as she was immediately hit with a spell, and dozens of amps flowed through her body. Gritting her teeth, she bore through the pain, muscles randomly clenching, until the wave of energy had passed. Breathing heavily, she surveyed the field, and noticed that several others had already fallen, though not all that had hit were victims. Ignoring her own circumstances for the moment, she was surprised when a sudden warmth ran through her body. Charlotte had healed her. Fit once again, she ran to heal Isotov.

Tessa: 3/9

Isotov +6


As the enemies came from nowhere, Helios first had to struggle to get his horse under control. After deeming that a losing battle, he decided to simply evacuate the saddle, and after a light tumble to the ground, picked himself up. About to brush himself off, he noticed he was face-to-face with an enemy thief, and with no time for thought he instantly reacted. "Hellsety!" he cried out, and the razor winds tore open the man, cutting him down where he stood. "Alright... Then the next target is..."


Arcane power! 2Res->2Magic

Helios: [5,2,5]

Hit: 5 + 6 = 11 > 8

Damage: 2 (roll)+ 4(mag) + 1(CW) + 2(AP) = 9


Thief: [1,6,1] DEAD

Helios: 11/12

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Luc Altair

"GRAH!" Luc let out a yell as the blast just barely managed to send him and Thunder careening to the ground. Dammit. Through the pain Luc felt his consciousness slip and slowly start fading away. This was all-too familiar a feeling, and that familiarity was all that kept him from going into the dark abyss. But this time, there was a slight feeling of relief. Odd, that usually amounted to some form of treatment. Luc forced an eye open (they had decided to close on reaction it seemed) and noticed someone next to him. "Aiya?" he barely choked out. His throat seized up and Luc shut himself closed again. It took a few seconds before he could breath again.

The Fargo

"Captain!" Fargo shouted as the man went down. "Ah noodles." Fargo looked around.

A Paul

You're an idiot Fargo.

EDIT: Added in LUC fluff. Lowered Fargo's reaction to the Tobe.

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Alferis gave out a yell and with a mighty blow, caved in the skull of another axeman, his brains and blood spraying all over him.

Alferis Combat: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2778892/

Alferis (3,5,5) Hit! Critical! 5+6= 11-2= 9x2= 18 damage! Bandit 4 0/15 HP

Alferis gains 10 exp.

Meanwhile Reika stabbed the wind mage in the heart with her sai. The mage slumped over, falling to the ground all bloody.

Reika Combat: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2778898/

Reika (6,2,2) Hit! Critical! 2+2-2= 2x2= 4 damage! Wind Mage 1 0/9

Reika gains 10 exp!


"Oh....ow....the rest of you! Stay! Fight! Do not fail!" Njordjenka yelled out crisply, grimacing as he fled into the woods, nursing his wounds while a nearby priest teleported Njord back to base. Spotting this, Dimitri pulled out his bow and shot the priest in the back, killing him instantly.

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"Listen, we have allies outside," replied Beau with surprising calm as he healed Arrin's wound, "And we can't run in here. We can only squirm and duck. Let's get out."

Beau 9/9, Arrin 12/12

Beau +8exp


The hatchling, however, had gotten away from Lev and was running around the battlefield. This was fun. He liked running with his wings outstretched. It was noisy and tiring, but not as bad as that weird forest had been. Then he hit something. It was a leg. It had startled him. What a mistake that human leg had made! With a tiny roar, the hatchling bit the human leg, causing the enemy priest to jump, startled. That made the hatchling bite harder, growing angry, the priest tried to get the hatchling under his foot to crush him.

Tas was flying lower now. (Maybe I can just fary some people... Wait. That can't be... Oh no!!) Seeing the hatchling, Tas attacked his agressor. However, he'd dove from so high that he couldn't land a hit and his lance only collided with the ground while the priest stared in bewilderment at the near collision. Ignoring the hatchling and coming to his senses, he attacked his own agressor. However, Namid made a quick recovery and the light spell missed.

(Darn! These hatchlings get into all sorts of mischief!! ...And I'm really bad at fighting...)

(3+1)-(5-1) = 0 = Tas missed!

(4+2)-(6+1) < 0 = Priest missed!

Tas 9/9, Priest 9/9

Tas +5exp

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"Luc!" As the man awoke and seemed to spasm, Aiya began to worry.

'I am no good at treating injuries... this is all I can do...'

"You're gonna be okay. I took out the Sage that blasted you." Aiya told the fallen cavalier, trying to remember what to do in such a situation.

"Oh! Do you think you can move, or should I bring a healer to you instead?" She asked him, hoping this was the right decision.

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