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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 21: In Destruction's Wake


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Viv attacks Shaman

Viv rolls 3,5,5


HIT 8 vs Evade 4 = CRITICAL HIT

DMG 7 vs DEF 2 = -10 hp KO

Iso attacks thief

Iso rolls 2,5,4


HIT 6 vs Evade 8 = MISS

Thief rolls 3,3,2


HIT 8 vs Evade 5 = HIT (auto)

DMG 5 vs DEF 1 = -4 hp


Thief rolls 3,2,2


HIT 8 vs Evade 5 = CRITICAL HIT

DMG 6 vs DEF 1 = -10 hp

Miracle activated.

Irina attacks Thief (same one)

Irina rolls 1,5,3


HIT 6 vs Evade 8 = MISS

Thief rolls 2,4,6


HIT 7 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 6 vs DEF 8 = Tink

Thief rolls 1,1,1


HIT 6 vs Evade 5 = CRITICAL HIT

DMG 3 vs DEF 8 = -1 hp

Iso hp 2/9

Irina hp 15/18

Viv hp 12/12


Iso: +5

Irina: +5

Viveka: +10

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Luc Altair

She was... asking him something? His ears still worked it seemed, but barely. "Carriage," he sputtered out. Fargo should be there, if anyone else was using it as the fallback point, the healers would likely be tending.

Thunder... What happened to Thunder? Luc forced his sight unto his fallen steed. The black stallion still breathed, and looked in better condition than Luc felt he himself was. That was, good.

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Esphyr had been quietly following the group along, her mind lost in her recent talk with Aiya. Though short, Esphyr had become curious as to what the fight between her and Alf had been. Though she could have asked Alf, she suspected that, he too, did not wish to talk about the fight. Still, as she walked along, she tried to piece together from what she knew of Aiya and what little she had heard to try and get a full image of what had just happened. Then, a brilliant blaze of light blasted through the air as a mighty peal of thunder pealed through the air. Esphyr's attention returned to the world about her as she sprung back from the front lines, her hand reaching for her sword as she landed upon her feet. Before both her and the rest of the group, what she could only describe as a mass swarm of bandits suddenly leapt forth. Well over twenty, possibly even thirty, bandits suddenly assaulted the group from all side, the blast of lightning having come from a mage hidden away within their ranks. Before her, three of the bandits charged at her, their weapons raised to strike.

Esphyr quickly fell back into a ready stance, raising her sword and turning the flat towards her enemies as her hand dropped down to support the massive blade just in time to hear the twin SCRIIITS of metal daggers get blocked. As fast as she could, she tried to leap backwards, swinging her sword at the first of the foes to reach her, seeking to force him to back off before the knife-wielder could get any closer. Already, she knew she had let him get too close, as the smaller and faster blade was much easier to wield in a close combat like this. Before she could get away the knife-wielder pressed his advantage, ducking under Esphyr's strike as he shot forth, low to the ground. His arms stretched out wide as he ploughed forth into Esphyr's legs, tackling her to the ground. Esphyr felt the grass and root of the earth strike her backside as their mutual momentum carried her to the ground, striking it hard. The sharp rattle of her sword striking a nearby rock, knocked from her grip by the tackle, filled her ears.

"Mphi Mgoot Mone!" he screamed into her thighs, trying to inform his friends of his success, only to have Esphyr's fist slam into the side of his head. Once, twice, thrice Esphyr's fist smashed into the mans head, each punch causing fresh blood to slowly seep out of his head and bruised flesh to form. Yet, the man held on tightly... or so he thought. With each strike, a jolt of pain shot through his arms, causing them to loosen slightly. Once, twice, thrice Esphyr felt the grip weaken. Then, her fourth strike came. She yanked her foot back into the earth and, using the new freedom of her legs, she kicked as hard as she could into the thief's side. A sudden gasp of air combined with a scream of pain signified to her that she had kicked the air from his lungs. The thief curled up into a small ball as Esphyr sprung to her feet and hurried over to her sword. Picking it up, she turned about and raised it over her head, taking in a breath as she raised it high; then she exhaled in the downstroke.


Before the blade could strike down and end the thief's life, a sudden flurry of dagger strikes, these air-born, intercepted her sword. A second thief, this one moving through the air in a fast jump, sprung towards Esphyr's face. Esphyr pivoted on her side, making the thief pass by harmlessly. As she watched the dirty clothes of the being pass by, she could feel a faint smile of satisfaction creep across her face as the thief was now helpless... Right until the bright shine of steel suddenly burst forth from the hideous mass of clothes as the thief rebounded off a nearby tree and shot right for Esphyr's face, dagger outstretched. Esphyr did not know how she managed to react in time to prevent a serious, if not lethal, cut from marring her face and adding another scar to her collection, but somehow she managed to bend over almost backwards as the thief shot by overhead, twin thin lines of red marring each of her cheeks instead of painful and debilitating cuts.

Springing upright again, she turned around in time to see the thief roll as he landed a short distance off. Behind her, she could hear the gasping of breath, but swiftly recovering thief she had struck before... and the mighty yell of a third warrior, this one clearly caring not for speed or secrecy, coming up behind her. Esphyr leapt to the side as the soil beneath her suddenly burst forth as a axe-wielding bandit smashed his way into the fray. Esphyr landed a short distance away, pivoting about with her sword held in the ready position. Before her, the two thieves and their bandit friend slowly gathered together. Though their element of surprise was now gone, they knew they had the advantage of numbers. Raising her sword and taking a breath, she looked at the trio, adrenaline pumping through her veins.

No witty comment or snide remark came from her mouth though. That was for stories and tales; not reality. The trio split up, the two thieves looking to flank her as the third bandit gripped his axe, seeking some unknown signal for him to barrel forth once again. Esphyr wasn't about to let them get the advantage of a flank however, and slowly backed up and away from the group; her breath caught in her lungs as the tension built. She could feel it building inside of her, a fire waiting to burst forth onto the first bandit to come into her reach!


"Aye; they can fight." replied Altion. "I just... I don't know Sir. Adam. I don't hate them. Hate is not something a honorable man is supposed to feel. He is supposed to uphold noble tenants, and hate is not one of them. However, they are largely without honor. Lest, I have yet to see it within them. That is my problem with them. One of them at least."

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Without their leaders, the remaining assailants panicked, picking targets at random. One of their priests rushed to heal the wounds of the brigand; seeing that nobody else could be saved, the others turned to attacking. The thieves continued to attack; one joined the one scrabbling at the carriage door as he failed to hurt Arrin, and successfully hit Charlotte. His injuries lessened considerably, the brigand continued to try and kill Tristan. The fighting continued.

Priest 0 heals Brigand -> 9/15 HP

Priest 1 attacks Alex (5,5,5) Hit! Critical hit! Priest 1 does 6 damage! Alex 2/9

Thief 2 attacks Arrin (6,2,3) Hit! Thief 2 does 0 damage! Arrin 12/12

Thief 3 attacks Charlotte (5,5,5) (2,2,6) Hit! Critical hit! Thief 3 does 10 damage! Charlotte 0/9 (double irrelevant)

Thief 4 attacks Helios (2,2,5) Hit! Thief 4 does 0 damage! Helios 11/12

Thief 5 attacks Isotov (4,3,1) (4,5,3) Hit! Thief 5 does 4 damage! Isotov 0/9

Priest 6 attacks Reika (4,6,3) Miss! Reika 9/9

Priest 7 attacks Tas (5,4,2) Hit! Priest 7 does 4 damage! Tas 5/9

Brigand 8 attacks Tristan (3,3,2) Miss! Tristan 7/9

Thief 9 attacks Viveka (5,1,2) Hit! Thief does 3 damage! Viveka 9/12


"Thanks, Tes-" Kelas began, but was cut off as Isotov was attacked again. "Dammit!" She ran forward to catch her friend, slinging her bow over her shoulder and keeping a hand free-- if she had to, she could defend with her sword.

"Okay, I see what you mean," Arrin conceded, switching back to Elthunder and making one last attempt at the thief.

(6,6,1) Hit! Arrin does 9 damage! Thief falls (finally)!

The attack connected this time, hard. Arrin jumped out of the carriage, wary of other attackers.

Tobe did not hear Fargo; he had shut his eyes and covered his ears and was trying very hard to pretend that this was not happening.

Kelas 15/15 HP, Arrin 12/12 HP, Arrin +10EXP

CURRENTLY: Four thieves at 9/9 HP, one brigand at 9/15 HP, four priests at 9/9 HP

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Having heard Arrin call out to her, telling her to return, she felt a twang of guilt for having left him, despite the fact that she knew she could handle herself, especially after Charlotte had mended her. Right before she was about to head back however, the fire mage and his sister started engaging one of the enemy thieves, who clearly outmatched them. Isotov fell, staggered, and then was hit again!

"Isotov! You fool mage," she cried out, as her previous effort had all been wasted. Quickly applying another heal, stabilizing his condition at least, she turned to Kelas. "I don't want anything else happening to him while I'm gone. Watch him, and I'll go back and help your brother out."

On her way back through the battlefield, she took a brief moment to heal the male pegasus rider who was engaging a bandit.

Returning back to the carriage, which had only narrowly avoided destruction in the flurry of spells now that she thought about matters, she called out to Arrin, who was still struggling with the initial attacker. "I'm fine, really and honestly. You don't need to worry, but I'm back and I'll help you out here."



Helios and another thief traded blows, however neither managed to land a hit!


Helios: [1,1,3]

Hit: 1 + 6 < 8 Miss!

Thief: [1,6,3] = (10)

Hit: 1 + 5 = 6 Miss!

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Checking around, Alferis saw people fall, but the enemies were few, with some priests around. Charging in, Alferis slashed at the priest, cutting his stomach, though the priest was still alive and fired off a light spell at him.

Alferis Combat: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2778993/

Alferis (4,2,3) Hit! 2+6=8-2= 6 damage! Priest 1 3/9 HP

Priest 1 (5,6,4) Hit! 6+2= 8/2= 4-0= 4 damage! Alferis 8/12 HP

Alferis gains 5 exp!

Seeing Tessa nearby under attack, Reika sighed and charged a thief nearby, her sai aiming for the lungs of the man.

Reika (5,1,2) Hit! Reika 2+1-2= 1 damage! Thief A 8/9

Thief A (5,2,4) Miss!

Reika Combat: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2778997/

Reika gains 5 exp!

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Esphyr could feel a fire inside her as she watched the three bandits slowly circle about her, trying to flank her, smoldering, burning within her. She felt as if the first foe to get within striking range would suffer the wrath of a dragon's breath in the form of her sword! A sudden burst of motion, coming in low to the ground, marked the movement of the first of the thieves. This time, Esphyr was ready for him though. As he came in low and fast, a second motion, the other thief, registered in her side vision. Esphyr quickly moved back as she let loose the dragons fire burning within her in a mighty downwards cleave. A cleave that split the soil underfoot as well as the roots of some tree, but the thieves had been ready. The first, anticipating her strike, swiftly rolled to the side, Esphyr's blade only cutting into the cloth of his clothing as she missed. The second thief was not even in the path of the blade. Soaring over it, his daggers held out and ready to strike, the taste of victory rolled over his tongue. Esphyr's eyes stared into those of the crazy thief, a sharp breath flowing over her tongue as she tried to slash upwards with the sword in time, only to feel her legs giving out under her as the first thief tried to tackle her to the ground once again.

This time as she fell to the earth, the thief passing by overhead, she was ready for the tackle though. Her fingers gripped her sword as tightly as she could, ensuring that she kept her grip. As soon as she hit the ground, she swung the sword about over her body, ensured of a lethal blow on the tackling thief!


The shock of her sword blade striking metal sent a strong jolt through her arm. The bandit's axe had come down right beside her, blocking the blade from striking the thief. A quick nod from thief to bandit showed the sign of appreciation for the block. Esphyr was not about to give up though. Swinging her fist about, she smashed it into the side of the thieves head, striking the spot where she had hit before. As fast as he could, the bandit leapt off of her, only for the foot of the brigand to come down hard on her chest.

"Ha! Is that all! I thought you Crimson Wielders were supposed to be tough!" laughed the bandit as he looked down at the trapped Esphyr underfoot. She seemed perfectly helpless and at his mercy, an easy capture. Her right hand was even raised up, as if begging for help from above. "What's that girly? Praying?"

"I rue the day you came unto my life, to haunt a mere child!

Behold my wrath and my fury! sword OF BLOODY WRATH!"

The Crimson sword shot forth, surging into the air as its sharp blade split the very air itself, cutting through the side of the bandit and causing him to fall to the ground with a scream. Crimson blood on Crimson sword glistened in the sunlight as the bandit fell back, clutching his side. Rolling forth onto her knees Esphyr planted the sword into the ground for balance, her normal weapon resting where she had fallen. She looked at the two thieves, a murderous glare in her eyes as she stood up. She pulled her sword forth from the earth, shaking the blood-coated mud from it's blade has her fingers, etched with the stench of magic, traced along the edge of the blade. She watched as the two thieves and their bandit friend suddenly raised their daggers, their faces marked with both fear and doubt in their own confidence. The fight was now even, if not tilted against them. Already, the sounds of the rest of the battle had become distant, signifying that they had somehow managed to get a decent distance into the forest, beyond the hope for reinforcement from their squad. No reinforcement, and left to fight a foe using an ability that they never had seen before.

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Riding Horseback

Adam: No honor? They sound like mercenaries or something. If that's the case I'll be needing that monetary reward argument after all. Not sure I can promise it though. What an awful year this has turned into. Sir, Altion, is there anything else I should know about these people? Do they have any combat strengths or weaknesses that can be factored in? Altenau was hit by a massive archer attack. It's something to consider when requesting help. They may have other units, but armored knights are preferable here.

Meanwhile ...

Viveka attacks Priest

Viv rolls 6,3,1


HIT 11 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 5 vs DEF 2 = -3 hp


Viv rolls 4,4,6


HIT 9 vs Evade 5 = HIT (auto)

DMG 6 vs DEF 2 = -4 hp

Priest rolls 1,3,5


HIT 5 vs Evade 8 = MISS

Viv hp 9/12

Priest hp 2/9

Irina attacks Priest(different one)

Irina rolls 4,4,2


HIT 9 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 12 vs DEF 2 = OHKO

Irina hp 15/18

Priest hp 0/9


Viv: +5

Irina: +10

Iso: Herp

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"The carriage?" Aiya replied to confirm.

'Luc wants to head to the carriage... maybe there is a healer there...'

Gingerly placing an arm under Luc to brace him, Aiya prepared to lift the man.

"If it starts to hurt, or feel strange, tell me right away, okay? I don't want to jar anything." Aiya said softly, with concern. Gently lifting the man, Aiya searched his face for any hints of pain.

Seeing his eyes drift to his fallen horse, Aiya grimaced.

"I don't know much about horse care... I'll see if Kelas is okay, she would know what to do... I'm sorry for being so damn useless in this situation, Luc..."

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Luc Altair

"Y-yes," the burnt cavalier responded. "Yes, yes." He couldn't say anything else. Too much pain.

The Fargo

Fargo was on the lookout for anyone injured, and unfortunately, in addition to Captain that one red-haired guy went down. And so did the Princess. Oh, boy, he was probably gonna get chewed out for this already though. No point risking his hide any further right?

Fargo glanced back at Captain, who was being helped by one of the wyvern girls, and the red guy looked to be handled by the little miss.

So he really would be all yelled at and stuff. Ah crap.

Fargo leapt unto his steed, cut the bindings and charged through everyone swinging his sword like a madman and hitting absolutely nothing.

EDIT: Added in Fargo stuff.

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Finally exiting the carrage, Beau looked around for anyone who might need his assistance, off-handedly remarking to Arrin, "Thank you. Do you see anyone for me to heal?" He switched his heal staff for his physic staff, figuring healing from afar was the best means at this point. That was when he noticed a pegasus knight who seemed to be injurred more than most. Applying his staff he aimed and let the power flow through his staff, casting the healing to her.

Vivika 12/12

Beau 9/9

Beau +8exp


The light magic hit this time...and it hurt. "Oww!" Tas yelped, causing Namid to snarl in anger that Tas had been hurt. That man had hurt Tas! Tas was focussed on rescuing the hatchling still. So he charged again, light magic or no. As his lance met with flesh, piercing through the white robes and staining them red, Tas couldn't help but stare. What was he doing? He'd never drawn blood from someone before. And this was a priesrt! "What am I doing...?" breathed Tas, begining to tremble at the horrible realization. He was killing someone. It was not a lethal blow, but it certianly did a good ammount of damage. He'd hit where he'd been hit in the practice he had had with Irina: the man's diaphram. "What am I doing...?"

Taking the opportunity, the priest took Tas' lance from his body and blasted him with light magic. It was like before, but Tas still cried out in pain. (I can't keep fighting like this for much longer...) He was beginning to stagger and Namid was beyond the point of worrying.

(3+6)-(5-1) = 9 > 0 = Tas Hit!

(3+5)-(2) = 6 damage!

(4+6)-(6+1) = 5 > 0 = Priest Hit!

(2+3)-(1) = 4 damage!

Tas 1/9

Priest 3/9

Tas +5exp

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Aiya could see the pain in Luc's eyes, and could hear the pained rasping of his voice.

"Okay... maybe moving you is a bad idea..." Aiya trailed off, unsure of what to do. Seeing Tessa, nearby, Aiya lit up.

'Tessa will know what to do!'

"Hey Tessa! Can you come over here, Luc is hurt pretty badly!" Aiya called out to the valkyrie, hoping that she could give the charred and injured cavalier better attention than she herself would be able to.

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Heinz quickly followed suit as the other members of the party sprang into action. "Another battle, eh?" he muttered. The mercenary paused, eyes skimming over the remaining enemies and noting the brigand. Shouldn't be too hard to hit him, pulling a knife quickly from his belt and throwing it in a smooth arc. (Link -6 dmg)

The brigand's eyes widened in rage as the knife embedded itself in between two plates of armor, and the man roared at Heinz, swinging his axe wildly (-0 dmg). A typical bandit, Heinz mocked silently, moving to the side with ease. Throwing the other knife concealed in his hand at close range, Heinz scowled in irritation when the blade clattered to the ground a moment later, the brigand barely registering a reaction. (Link -1 dmg).

OOC: Will calculate damage for attack and counter in a second. Done.

Heinz: 12/12 HP (+5 exp)

Brigand: 8/15 HP

Edit: Added more text.

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As they sustained injuries, the remaining priests turned back to healing. One thief noticed one of the Crimson Wielders go down and jumped to finish the job, but missed as Kelas got in the way. The others continued with their targets.

Priest 0 heals Priest 1 -> 8/9

Priest 1 heals Priest 2 -> 9/9

Priest 2 heals Brigand 7 -> 14/15

Thief 3 attacks Helios (5,3,2) Hit! Thief 3 does 1 damage! Helios 10/12

Thief 4 attacks Kelas (2,2,2) Miss!

Thief 5 attacks Reika (3,1,4) Miss!

Thief 6 attacks Tas (5,1,3) (2,6,2) Miss! Miss!

Brigand 7 attacks Tristan (1,1,3) Miss! Tristan 9/9


"Okay," Arrin replied. He looked around: so much going on... some of the enemies were falling, but he didn't know which of the remaining enemies to attack. He froze for a second.

Kelas got an arm around Isotov's shoulders, holding her sword in her other hand and watching the thief who had attacked. She couldn't fight like this, that was certain. She noticed Amari coming up from behind the thief: good, she wouldn't have to for long.

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Viv attacks Priest (2/9 one)

Viv rolls 1,3,6


HIT 6 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 5 vs DEF 2 = -3 hp KO

Viv hp 12/12

Priest hp 0/9

Irina attacks Thief

Irina rolls 5,3,4


HIT 10 vs Evade 8 = HIT

DMG 11 vs DEF 2 = -9 hp KO

Irina hp ??/18

Thief hp 0/9


Viv: +10

Irina: +10

Iso: Derp

EDITed in things

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Rushing in fully, Alferis delivered a killing blow at the priest's head, smashing it open.

Alferis Combat: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2779094/

Alferis (5,4,2) Hit! 4+6=10-2= 8 damage! Priest 1 0/9

Alferis gains 10 exp!

Reika meanwhile was fighting her assailant, and springing from the balls on her feet, aimed a killing thrust at the man's jungular vein. However, the assassin blocked it with his own knife and swiped at her, Reika catching it with the sai handle just in time. Neither gained an advantage.

Reika Combat: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2779097/

Reika (2,6,6) Miss!

Thief A (5,1,2) Miss!

Reika gains 5 exp!

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The healer retreated to go heal his ally. Meanwhile, a thief was sneaking up on Tas. However, Namid caught his scent in tome to flap upward, avoiding two, quick knife-swipes to Tas. The hatchling was sitting on the ground unsure of what to do with himself. With a sigh, Tas held onto namid and shifted his weight, instructing Namid's swoop, durring which, tas picked up the hatchling and flew away from the fray to hand him off to Lev. Tas was not in good shape and Namid was worried. Handing the hatchling over, Tas managed to gasp as steadily as he could, "Keep an eye on him. He...gets into too much trouble."

Namid curled up next to Krinkov while Tas stuck the butt of his lance onto the ground, holding onto the weapon near the base of the iron blade. The priest's blood made it both sticky and slick as it flowed slightly down, dirtying his glove. Leaning on both the weapon and Namid for support, Tas continued to try to regain his breath. This was different from last time and all he could think about was the pooling of the holy man's blood.

Tas pulled out of the fight. + 0exp


Searching for anyone in the battle who might need some healing, Beau applied his physic staff again, this time to a wyvern lord. She didn't seem to need the healing too much, but every little bit helped.

Irina 18/18

Beau 9/9

Beau +8exp

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Morgan decided to attack a thief.

(5,5,4)= 13-2= 11 damage. The thief was vaporized instantly.

Tristan continued to fight the brigand. It was self-defense at this point after all.

(4,6,6)= 10-2= 8 damagex2= 16 Brigand 7 dead

I...I killed a man Tristan thought to himself, as his sword impaled the brigand.

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As Tessa approached the carriage, she saw that less familiar man from the tent before land his wyvern next to Lev, just a handful of meters away from the carriage. He was in terrible shape, and clearly needed assistance, but she also heard Aiya calling out for assistance. Glancing quickly back and forth between the two, she made a snap decision. Rushing first to the courier, she applied some quick field medicine relief. "I don't know what you got into, but hopefully this will hold off the worst of it until things calm down!" she explained, before sending a stream of radiant warm along her staff and let her prayers do their work. Adding a final, "If you need more later, come see me after," she then raced back to the carriage, where she saw that Aiya was with Luc, who definitely needed some assistance.

This is going to require a lot more work, she thought to herself as she prepared to get started.

Tas +6 HP


Helios was growing frustrated. How was he managing to miss this rogue time and again? At least his foe was having similar difficulty...


Arcane power 4 Res-> 4 Mag

Helios: [2,5,3]

Hit: 2+6 = 8 Miss

Thief: [2,3,2]

Hit: 2+5 = 7 > 6 Hit

Damage: 2+3 -4 = 1

Helios: 9/12

OOC: More Luc stuff editted in shortly.

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Heinz glared in irritation as he heard a priest begin chanting nearby, healing the brigand Seeing the prince strike down the brigand right after though, Heinz turned his attention to next nearest target, aiming another knife. The thief ducked quickly, (Link - 0 dmg) avoiding the knife entirely. Much faster than the brigand was, he muttered.

The thief countered quickly with a dagger of his own, and Heinz winced slightly as the blade went through his side (Link -4 dmg).

Heinz: 8/12 HP (+5 exp)

Thief: 9/9 HP

OOC: Attacked a thief instead of the brigand due to brigand already being dead. Ignore the Heinz double in roll as well.

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While Iso lied unconscious, Lev looked after the hatchling, and Irina and Viveka continued to fight. Jasmine had to stay back to look after Conrad the entire time. The man was severely wounded but alive and breathing. There was little she could do to defend him however without her lance which Viveka had swiftly borrowed yet again. Thunderbolt knew the situation though and would at least react violently to any enemies drawing too close to his heavy human.

Lev looked at Tas with a bit of concern. He knew the young man hadn't had any experience in this area and felt for him having to go through it like this. Krinkov kept his head down severely annoyed. Once again he would sit back and do nothing while his little brother got to dive into the carnage. He supposed as long as his father didn't see him like this, it wouldn't be too bad.

On the battlefield, Irina and Viveka joined up searched the battlements for any stragglers. Spotting one, Viv pounced on a priest landing two very painful blows nearly killing him. As soon as he stood back up to run, Irina impaled him on her lance and pulled Kiev to a halt sending him flying off of the lance and tumbling across the ground eventually flattening out near a tree.

Irina: No more healing for these guys.

Viveka: You stole my- ...

Irina: Huh?

Viveka: Never mind. Great job, hurray for team work. (Mercenaries ...)

Viveka attacks Priest

Viv rolls 3,2,1


HIT 8 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 4 vs DEF 2 = -2 hp


Viv rolls 4,6,3


HIT 9 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 8 vs DEF 2 = -6 hp

Priest rolls 2,3,2


HIT 7 vs Evade 8 = MISS

Irina rolls 1,5,2


HIT 6 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 13 vs DEF 2 = A bloody mess on the ground

Viv hp 12/12

Irina hp 18/18

Priest hp blood everywhere


Viv: +5

Irina: +10

Added in fluff

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The courier was distracted, however. He had hardly noticed the healings he'd recived. (What did I do...?)

Beau noticed Tas, but Helios quickly caught his attenion. Using his physic staff, he healed him.

(I will let you know of my healing, Prince of Tora, and you will recognize it. Do not cast me as a simple healer and do not assume that just anyone would do this for you...even if that might very well be true.)

Beau 9/9

Helios 12/12

Beau +8exp

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