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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 63


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You're gonna have to pick one, I'm afraid...

If I pick only one, then it's FE12 Matthis. I am not going all the way around the bridge for him. At least FE11 Matthis is on the way to the throne...

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You need to go around the bridge anyway to recruit Bord, get a Hammer, and recruit Julian, though.

You can just power through the enemies to get to Julian, and Bord's village isn't too far off the path. You have to go around the border instead of just cutting through diagonally for Matthis. The EXP is better than him! :awesome:

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You can just power through the enemies to get to Julian, and Bord's village isn't too far off the path. You have to go around the border instead of just cutting through diagonally for Matthis. The EXP is better than him! :awesome:

It actually takes more turns to grab the Bridge Key, visit Bord's village, go through the bridge, visit Julian's village, and seize the gate than to just visit Bord's village, visit Julian's village, and seize the gate while going around the map. 19 turns vs. 17 turns or something like that.

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Ilyana moves. Although now that I think about it, I remember that Ilyana will give away her Vulnerary to injured Daeins. That's er, better than Ray, I guess.

More precisely, she has a vulnerary that other units can take. And her moving just makes it easier to recruit her, not harder.

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Best: Ira. Absolutley no contest. Not only do you get someone amazing, but it also gets you TWO 2nd gen characters who will ALWAYS be amazing, regardless of who you pair her with. And killing her off as an enemy means you get subs who are inferior to all her possible pairings, yes, even Claude and Azel. (astra >>>>>>>>>>> no astra)

Honourable mentions to Sirius, Rutger and Parn

Worst: Rikard. Well... it's between him and Oliver. Al least Oliver comes with some rare items. (which you can sell)

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Best: Aless technically counts going by the requirements. Honorable mentions go to Legault, Sirius, and Joshua.

Worst: Est. Runner up would have to be Vaida.

Edited by Luka Megurine
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