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(FE7) Hector Normal Mode Draft Tournament

Radiant Dragon

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And I like it when people finish drafts. Anyway, credits go to Oval for the idea, if it's even necessary anymore.

The goal: Finish HNM in as little turns as possible (no Lyn Mode beforehand).

The challenge: Each participant takes turns drafting units to use in a snake-draft order (1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1,1,2...). Units you haven't drafted cannot be used.

Units that everyone may use: Hector, Marcus, Merlinus and Athos. Matthew may be used in Ch11, but not afterwards unless you drafted him.

Undrafted Units may only:

1. Visit Shops/Armories (but not Villages).

2. Rescue other Undrafted units.

3. Hold items and trade with other units.

4. Recruit other characters.

Meatshielding is NOT allowed. Thieves may be used to find stuff in the desert. Keep them out of combat, however.

If you use an Undrafted unit for anything that isn't allowed, you will incur a 4-turn penalty.

Side Quests should be skipped (since they only add to your turn-count), unless you draft Canas.


1. Red Whirlwind

2. Silvercrow

3. Radiant Dragon

4. Dustylou2

5. Chococoke


Red Whirlwind: Priscilla, Florina, Lyn, Louise, Isadora, Karel, Jaffar, Geitz.

Silvercrow: Pent, Lowen, Fiora, Eliwood, Harken, Bartre, Rebecca, Karla.

Radiant Dragon: Raven, Lucius, Kent, Ninian, Legault, Farina, Wil, Nino.

Dustylou2: Serra, Erk, Heath, Matthew, Dart, Hawkeye, Nils, Renault.

Chococoke: Oswin, Sain, Guy, Canas, Dorcas, Rath, Vaida, Wallace.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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I'd say make Matthew free use until Noble Lady of Caelin? Or maybe Talons Alight. For chests and doors, of course.

Definitely for Chapter 11 though. It would give whoever drafted him a huge advantage just by virtue of completing that chapter like 5 turns faster.

Edited by Silvercrow
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Definitely for Chapter 11 though. It would give whoever drafted him a huge advantage just by virtue of completing that chapter like 5 turns faster.


However, no other chapter requires him to finish the chapter significantly faster, since Door Keys are readily available (whether bought beforehand, or taken off of the corpses of enemies). This leaves treasure, which is the point of drafting a thief in the first place, so I'm not sure he should be free use for that. I'm open to opinions, though.

Oh, I am going to let Matthew and Legault be deployed in Chapter 23 to find stuff in the desert. I'll edit that into the OP as well.

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Also, how about disallowing use of Marcus?

Hmm... While FE 7 isn't nearly as easy as Sacred Stones, this IS normal mode...

I think he should be allowed, but if everyone else thinks he should be disallowed, I'll do it.

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Either allow him or allow him for the chapters that he's forced (up to 15 I believe?).

I'll allow him up to Chapter 15, since Lyndis's Legion can buy Door Keys in Chapter 16.

And then there were five...

Drafting order will be:

1. Red Whirlwind

2. Silvercrow

3. Radiant Dragon

4. Dustylou2

5. Chococoke

Make your picks!

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Well, I'm not getting screwed over without a Staffer (see: Radiant Dragon raping the shit out of me in playstyle in the FE6 draft but ultimately losing because of no restore/warp). And I like Pent. Don't really need Staves up until he joins anyway.

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Well, I'm not getting screwed over without a Staffer (see: Radiant Dragon raping the shit out of me in playstyle in the FE6 draft but ultimately losing because of no restore/warp). And I like Pent. Don't really need Staves up until he joins anyway.

And :Pent: = :awesome:

Also, just a spectator. I like reading these.

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Well, I'm not getting screwed over without a Staffer (see: Radiant Dragon raping the shit out of me in playstyle in the FE6 draft but ultimately losing because of no restore/warp). And I like Pent. Don't really need Staves up until he joins anyway.

The sad thing is I know I could've done a little better in some of the earlier chapters, but I got lazy due to having to restart after finishing Ch21, and I didn't think that I would lose by ONE turn...

Anyway, I was seriously considering picking Serra for that very reason, but there aren't as many status users in this game's normal mode to warrant a healer first pick, in my opinion. And Warp doesn't even show up until Chapter 29.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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<div>Meh, Victory or Death is a nice one to skip with all those forests.</div><div>
</div><div><br></div><div>This is true...</div><div><br></div><div>@Chococoke: Well, if it turns out that Marcus makes the game Sacred Stones easy (Marcuskip? Maybe.), we could simply try it again without him.<br><br>EDIT: About Ninian and Nils: Them being separate allows everyone to have 8 picks. Of course, we could always make Athos draftable, or make the last pick shared by Red Whirlwind and yourself. There's options. What do you think we should do?<br></div> Edited by Radiant Dragon
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This is true...

@Chococoke: Well, if it turns out that Marcus makes the game Sacred Stones easy (Marcuskip? Maybe.), we could simply try it again without him.

EDIT: About Ninian and Nils: Them being separate allows everyone to have 8 picks. Of course, we could always make Athos draftable, or make the last pick shared by Red Whirlwind and yourself. There's options. What do you think we should do?

That is what my previous post is supposed to be saying...

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