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(FE7) Hector Normal Mode Draft Tournament

Radiant Dragon

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This one is a LITTLE BIT EASIER THAN IT IS ON HECTOR HARD MODE. Dorcas fuckin' critted an archer on 47 displayed hit and 3 crit. I already love him more than I love Bartre.

Hector and Oswin handled the north. Marcus ran up there to help out. Dorcas killed a bandit and an archer. Hector has 7 speed at level 4... in my HHM draft, my Hector is level 20 and has 9 speed.

Skipped the secret book of course, that thing is stupid. Marcus barely missed the boss kill on turn 4 EP. Oh well. Osw1n got the boss kill on turn 5, I'll take it.

5 turns, 12 total.

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Thoughts on my picks...

Pent: Pent is a cool guy. A solid, RNG proof character with A Anima and A Staves. Has pretty high starting Mag, making him wonderful with Warp (no matter how little use you may get from it) from the very first. I don't really remember how many status staves there are in HNM vs HHM, but Restore is never a bad thing. He's also my only Res hitter, so. It's a shame I couldn't use his A Support with Louise, but que sera sera.

Lowen: I feel like this guy is consistently underrated, shoved down far below the likes of Kent and Sain. While he's still probably not as good as either of them, I like his tankiness and he's around for the whole game.

Fiora: Without Lyn Mode, I actually think Fiora might be more useful than Florina, who doesn't really have a whole lot of use before Fiora joins anyway. Either way, flying utility and passable combat, nothing to complain about here.

Eliwood: Like I said, I can't think of any instance where Eliwood has turned out particularly good, which is why I'm always confused when I see people bashing on Lyn 24/7 because at least she has something going for her. Either way, Eliwood supports every single one of the characters above save Pent (but + Hector and Marcus), along with Harken below. He's also around the whole game, has a nice Rapier, and is forced on several maps.

Harken: Another solid, RNG proof guy with good weapon ranks. Pretty much a physical Pent that joins a little later and doesn't have a Louise. Not as nice stats as he would have on hard mode, but still not bad.

Bartre: Eh. He's around for the whole game and his growths aren't so terrible. At least his speed growth exists, unlike his taciturn companion.

Rebecca: Well.... again, availability. I guess if I don't let her fall behind I can at least guarantee that she'll be getting kills on most player phases? Good vs. Wyverns too.

Karla: Umn... yea. At least I didn't get stuck with her while not being able to use her. She might do something in Victory or Death or the Final Chapter.

Created a tactician named Silvs. Birth month is March, as determined by a random number generator.

Ch11: Another Journey (7/7)

Move forward, kill things. Matthew stole a vulnerary and got the Red Gem. Hector smashed Wire's dumb face in.

   	level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Hector  03.41  21  08  05  06  04  09  00    

Ch12: Birds of a Feather (4/11)

I just realized I have 5 out of the 6 guys in Eliwood's group available... lol. Anyway, Hector just ran around with his Handaxe hitting all the guys up north, he's fairly invincible at this point. Eliwood, Bartre, Rebecca and Lowen freed Marcus' hands considerably and they all got themselves a bit of EXP. Lowen charged north to help Hector mop up the last enemies. Zagan decided to move south, so I positioned Marcus on the rightmost forest below that mountain choke with the Silver Lance. Zagan got mercilessly onerounded. Ezpz. And yea, Rebecca actually got 2 kills on this map. It's amazing.

   	level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Hector  05.13  22  10  07  08  05  10  00    
Eliwoo  01.69  18  05  05  07  07  05  00 
Marcus  01.71  31  15  15  11  08  10  08
Rebecc  01.70  17  04  05  06  04  03  01
Lowen   02.83  23  07  05  07  03  07  00
Bartre  02.21  29  09  05  03  04  04  00    

Edited by Silvercrow
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My thoughts on my picks:

Raven: He may not have his HM bonuses, but that doesn't stop Raven from being awesome. I got very good use out of Dieck, and Raven should be able to perform a similar role. He might support with Lucius, but probably not.

Lucius: I really like using Lucius, thanks to his great offense and C-Staves when he promotes. His durability is questionable (at best...), but I'm hoping he can decently dodge tank with help from terrain. And staves, which are awesome.

Kent: I don't particularly like Cavaliers, but their advantages in efficient play cannot be ignored. After some training, Kent should be able to have good to great offense and defense, as long as I keep him away from Thunder!Mages, since his luck is just as bad as Lucius's (which is the main reason I prefer Sain, along with the better strength).

Ninian: Dancing AND those awesome rings? Yes please. Ninis's Grace and Filla's Might are extremely helpful and have saved my units in previous playthroughs many times. And you know, dancing.

Legault: His offense is decent, but I drafted him mainly for the treasure, since I planned on Farina sixth pick. I hope his contributions are worth it.

Farina: I'll assume it's the 20,000 gold that let me get Farina this late? Flying utility and decent stats make her a good pick, even if she doesn't join as early as I might've liked. Worst case scenario: I promote her when she joins and I have someone to ferry people around.

Wil: I was hoping for Rebecca, since Wil's speed is suspect and she joins earlier, but he'll do. I'm really hoping he decides to surprise me with his stats this run, though.

Nino: Hopefully I can train her a little in Cog of Destiny and/or Sands of Time. If not... she'll make nice bait.

I'll start playing soon. I don't have time right now, unfortunately.

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Ch13: In Search of Truth (7/18)

Dorcas traded Hector his Iron Axe. Matthew traded Eliwood his Iron Sword. Hector went west across the river to kill the Peg Knights and engage the boss + seize alone. Everyone else went south. Tried to avoid using Marcus if I could, because I don't want my other units (several of which require a lot of attention) to fall behind. Had Lowen take Guy's blow and recruited his Killing Edge with Matthew. Hector raped the shit out of everything on the west side, no contest there. Eliwood, Rebecca, Bartre, and Lowen all got a level or two. Not sure if I could have saved a turn with an alternative strategy, but I got EXP on all of my characters and the Killing Edge, so I think it's a fair trade.

   	level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Hector  07.72  24  11  08  08  05  11  00    
Eliwoo  02.78  19  05  06  08  07  05  01 
Marcus  01.80  31  15  15  11  08  10  08
Rebecc  02.78  17  04  05  07  04  04  02
Lowen   04.10  25  07  05  07  05  07  01
Bartre  03.19  30  10  05  03  05  04  00    

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Everyone went south. Marcus got the mine, Matthew recruited the newest member of my team: Guy.

Hector had the speed to ORKO the boss, but missed his second attack on enemy phase. Marcus snagged the bosskill for this reason, and I skipped shopping, which I will probably end up regretting. Fuck it, I'll shop on chapter 16. A lot.

9 turns, 21 total. I'll do 14, update stats/reasons why I picked the characters, then call it a night.

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Dorcas takes out the two flanking soldiers. He joins the rest of my cohort charging toward Erik. Erk mightily kills 2 soldiers, before being slain by a cavalier. He will be missed greatly. Anyhoo, Marcus chips Erik with the silver lance, bringing him down enough for Dorcas to land the boss kill. Guy cleans up the south, consisting of 2 pirates, 2 peg knights, and a cavalier. Good shit.

9 turns, 30 total.

   	level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Hector  06.86  23  11  06  09  03  09  03    
Marcus  02.56  32  15  16  11  09  10  09
Osw1n   12.35  31  13  09  06  04  14  04
Guy     05.60  22  07  11  11  06  05  00
Dorcas  07.66  33  11  08  06  04  03  00    

What the hell is up with Hector? He now has as much speed as my level 20 Hector... eff DAT. Also, 3 resistance procs? Balls on my chin.

Anyway, reasons why I picked random people:

Oswin: I like this guy. With a few speed procs, he will be legit, soaking up everything people swing at him and murdering motha fuckas.

Sain: This guy as a paladin is awesome. Superior movement, lots of strength, speed grows fast. All around legit pick.

Guy: Wanted a primary sword user, plus with his killing edge he could easily become my boss killer. I was having difficulty picking between him and Legault, given Legault's decent combat ability and his thief utility. Guy has better availability, killing edge, better combat. Decided on him.

Canas: Needed a token magic user. Figure I'll promote him early to give him that +4 AS and staff use.

Dorcas: Wanted another axe man for when Hector stops his growth. And I hate Bartre. My 12/02 Bartre in my HHM draft run has as much speed as base level Dorcas. Fuck Bartre.

Rath: Bow user, is fast, promotes and gets swords which should be awesome.

Vaida: Well, she can fly...

Wallace: Actually usable, given the rest of my options (Geitz, Renault, Nino, etc.) He'll be underleveled, and awful. Oh well! Good meat shield.

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Ch14: False Friends (8/26)

Could've done this a bit faster if I'd abused the Marcus rapetrain, but I feel like that'll just give me problems later. Bartre dealt with the soldiers around the starting position, Lowen and Marcus charged out, and the others followed. Marcus and Hector can basically oneround everyone, the others have to team up to get kills, but that's alright for now. Marcus went more towards the south to deal with the enemies around Priscilla's village. I left Erk as an NPC, and he eventually died. Lowen charged forward and tanked Erik. Hector obliterated him with the Wolf Beil immediately afterwards. After that, it was just a matter of mopping up the remaining enemies. Could've finished like 2 turns faster if it weren't for the rain, but nothing that could be done about it short of restarting and making Marcus solo the map.

   	level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Hector  09.25  26  12  10  10  06  12  00    
Eliwoo  04.20  20  05  07  09  08  06  01 
Marcus  02.04  32  16  16  12  08  10  08
Rebecc  04.36  19  05  05  08  05  04  02
Lowen   05.73  26  08  06  07  06  07  01
Bartre  04.03  30  11  05  03  05  04  00    

I'm kind of getting annoyed at the growths my guys are exhibiting. Hector's are amazing, but everyone else has been getting mostly pretty bad level ups. Marcus's level was better than a lot of those of my other units...

Ch15: Talons Alight (8/34)

First of all, just to be clear, we are doing it the same way the game does and adding +1 to every "defend" chapter for no apparent reason, right? Anyway, Eliwood and Rebecca hung out around the throne to deal with the stuff that came their way. Everyone else went south. I tried to split kills pretty evenly, but Lowen did a lot of the work because he's the only person that isn't Marcus that uses Lances. But that's okay. Bartre got a 6-stat level, which is amazing considering his last one was a flat +1 STR. Apology accepted. On the 2nd to last turn, Marcus lured Sealen in and Hector ripped his face off. Bartre, Lowen, and Hector wiped up the last few Cavs.

   	level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Hector  10.94  27  13  10  11  06  12  00    
Eliwoo  05.50  21  06  08  09  09  06  02 
Marcus  02.13  32  16  16  12  08  10  08
Rebecc  05.80  20  06  05  09  05  04  02
Lowen   07.28  28  08  06  08  07  09  01
Bartre  05.54  31  12  06  04  05  05  01    

Edited by Silvercrow
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Everything I've done is totally linear, the only one I think might be any different is C14 by virtue of having more characters. But muscling your way through with Marcus should have roughly the same effect.

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Yeah, my turncounts are lame, but I'm trying to avoid abusing Marcus TOO much, since it isn't completely necessary like with HHM. I'll be 4 turns behind Crow after I complete Talons Alight. I'll probably end up leaving Sealen alive for most of the level in order to abuse the reinforcements he spawns. Level time!

The RNG in my game must be effed. I mentioned my Hector previously. Guy got one level up last chapter: HP and Strength. Wut. I feel like Dorcas will probably never proc speed for me, that bum.

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Chapter 11: Another Journey (7/7)

Got the Red Gem. Not much else to be said.

Name Lvl Hp Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Hector 3.??  20  7  5  5  4  10  0
Matthew 1.??  18  4  4  11  2  3  0

Chapter 12: Birds of a Feather (7/14)

Not too worrisome. The peg knights were a bit obnoxious, but other than that, there was little trouble. No secret book, Marcus got the boss kill.

Name Lv Hp Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Hector  4.86  21  8  6  6  4  10  0
Matthew 4.44  19  4  5  13  3  4  0
Serra  1.57  17  2  5  8  6  2  5
Marcus 1.81  31  15  15  11  8  10  8

Chapter 13: In Search of Truth (12/26)

Ugh. Lame turncount and lame levelups. No mine or torch, but I recruited Guy.

Name Lv Hp Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Hector  6.13  22  8  8  6  6  10  0
Matthew 6.91  20  4  5  15  5  4  0
Serra  2.28  18  2  6  8  7  2  5
Marcus  3.03  33  16  15  11  8  10  8

Chapter 14: False Friends (11/37)

Less annoying than expected. Erk recruited turn 2, Matthew killed the loldiers at the start. Hector beat Erik, and Marcus recruited Priscilla for her staff and shopping skills. Got the blade village too.

Name Lv Hp Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Hector  9.04  24  10  10  6  8  11  1
Marcus  3.39  31  16  15  11  8  10  8
Serra  3.07  19  2  6  8  7  2  5
Matthew  8.71  22  5  6  17  6  4  1
Erk  3.38  18  6  6  9  3  2  5

Edited by Dustylou2
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Ch16: Noble Lady of Caelin (8/42)

Another pretty easy chapter, the only real "challenge" was keeping the Lyndis Faboo Shopping Squad out of range of enemies. Basically, everyone charged south but Hector, who went east over the mountains. Kent and Sain rescued Lyn and Wil and ran as far away as possible without being in ballista range so that the Mercenaries would aggro towards my main group instead of them. Marcus went south and killed those Mercs and nabbed the Heavy Spear village. Everyone else just killed stuff, Hector crossed the mountains in a couple turns and headed towards the throne. Lowen is amazing, able to run out in the middle of the field with all that forest cover and tank tons of Cavaliers that would slow Hector down otherwise. Bartre visited the Red Gem village. Rebecca is actually doing really well, she's gotten a good mix of STR and SPD growths so that she's doubling most enemies with decent damage. Anyway, the only enemy in Hector's way that could even damage him was the Mage, but he dodged it enough that it wasn't an issue. Onerounded the boss effortlessly, again, and on the very last turn there I was finally able to have Sain trade Lyn his stuff, grab the Blue Gem, and run past a Brigand to one of the shops. Decided I didn't need Door Keys yet so I grabbed some Iron and Hand Axes.

   	level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Hector  12.59  29  14  11  12  07  14  01    
Eliwoo  07.41  23  07  09  10  10  07  02 
Marcus  02.29  32  16  16  12  08  10  08
Rebecc  07.39  21  08  05  10  05  04  03
Lowen   09.08  29  09  07  08  07  10  02
Bartre  06.16  31  13  07  04  05  06  01    

Ch17: Whereabouts Unknown (8/50)

Lol at all these 8-turn clears. Unfortunately, I didn't get any of the chests on this map. Fortunately, the only one that is of any consequence is the Hero Crest... I'll have to make up for it with the desert one or the Earth Seal. Anyway, Marcus rescued Hector and charged forth with the Javelin equipped. Everyone else just followed behind and mopped up. Marcus got roughed up quite a bit, but was able to sustain himself with a Vulnerary. I'm so glad that I got the Longbow from Sealen, Rebecca is able to make great use of it. Lowen made Raven look awful by taking something like 4 damage from him and dealing 12 or so in return. Marcus finally dropped Hector close enough to the throne, and guess what happened to the boss? I could have gotten the Knight Crest or Silver Sword on the last turn, but I miscalculated and Lowen with the chest key was just 1 tile away from both chests. Oh well, no great loss.

   	level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Hector  13.71  30  14  11  12  07  14  01    
Eliwoo  08.78  23  07  09  11  10  07  03
Marcus  03.33  32  17  17  12  09  11  08
Rebecc  08.08  22  08  05  10  05  04  03
Lowen   10.86  30  09  08  08  08  11  02
Bartre  07.87  32  14  07  04  05  06  01    

Edited by Silvercrow
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I stayed with the default Tactician settings, since January is Light and Lucius could always use more Critical Avoid.

Chapter 11 (7/7)

I actually had to restart because Hector decided to critical Wire on turn 6, which meant I wouldn't have gotten the Red Gem…

Chapter 12 (5/12)

Keeping Matthew, Serra and Oswin away from enemiesis harder than I thought it would've been.

After Eliwood's group traded their stuff to Marcus and hid in the corner, Marcus went around decimating the bottom part of the map while Hector kept the top enemies from attacking my undrafted units. He somehow was able to hit the mercenary twice with the Wolf Beil while it was standing on a forest, thankfully. The archer went to the bottom fort to heal after (Hector was standing on the northern one), and Marcus killed him before he made it to end the chapter.

Chapter 13 (7/19)

It's a good thing Hector can walk over rivers, otherwise this chapter would've taken longer.

Marcus goes south to clear a path for Matthew to grab a Killing Edge. Hector starts walking across the river, taking out Pegasus Knights along the way. Afterwards, he Wolf Beils the cavaliers and Boise while Matthew and Guy run away from the reinforcements. Marcus gained a level before Hector seized.

Unit Stats:

Name   Level  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Hector 07/--  25  11  07  07  05  11  01
Marcus --/02  32  15  15  11  08  10  08

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Usual crap, Guy kills the fighter that spawn northwest, Oswin goes for the door east of the throne, Marcus baits Sealen but lets him fire his longbow so that many reinforcements may show up. Death to all. Oswin leveled speed <3

8 turns, 38 total.

I had 16 ready for a 7 turn completion, but Hector was killed on enemy phase by a combo of the boss, a cavalier, the balistae archer and a thunder mage. Almost did it again, then Sain was killed by a mage. Oh well, I'll get it eventually.



Fucked shit up. Marcus took point as usual, killed shit. Sain ran up to assist ASAP, used an iron lance freshly bought by Kent to kill 2 mercs and a myrmidon in 2 turns. Hector went over the mountains, was rescued and dropped by Marcus, ORKO on the boss and seize subsequent turn. Woo.

7 turns, 45 total.


Everyone aside from Oswin charged up. Forgot about how I needed Prissy to recruit Raven. Which meant that Raven had to die, sorry Raven, shit sucks. Regardless, pressed onward. Dorky killed the shaman and archer with the chest key, which Sain traded for and eventually used to secure the knight crest, which I just now realized I'm going to need 2 of. Oh well, Osw1n will get the first one, and I'll figure something out for Sain. Marcus did his usual boss killing magic with a HAMMERTIEMORKO on Bernard, the fastest boss in the game, and Hector seized. Guy killed a thief and got the silver sword.

10 turns, 55 total

Holy CRAP my characters' growths are becoming awesome. I wish I had been this lucky in my HHM draft tourny... Dorcas is now at 8 speed, such THAT 20% growth. Oswin is also at 8 speed. I'll post stats when I do 17x tomorrow (stupid Canas :|)

Edited by Chococoke
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Ch18: Pirate Ship (3/53)

I didn't add one turn to this chapter because I'm not sure what happens if you end it early by killing a boss. If it still adds one turn, please tell me and I'll adjust.

A loltastically easy chapter. Marcus rescues Hector and charges for Zoldam. Everyone else just holds off the Mercs and goes shopping for some supplies. Marcus dropped Hector next to Zoldam on turn 3, and onerounded him on turn 3 enemy phase. Really not much else to say here, absolutely nothing of consequence really happened.

   	level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Hector  14.58  31  15  11  12  08  14  01    
Eliwoo  08.96  23  07  09  11  10  07  03 
Marcus  03.61  32  17  17  12  09  11  08
Rebecc  08.82  22  08  05  10  05  04  03
Lowen   11.43  30  09  08  09  08  11  02
Bartre  08.60  33  14  08  05  05  06  02    

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Oswin got the mini-boss kill with the horseslayer. Marcus did a good job killing people. Got lucky with Canas, the newest member of my team, who dodge-tanked like 8 people on a forest. Stud. Marcus had a nice chat with Fargus on turn 4.

4 turns, 59 total.

18 was going well, got shopping done, killed the majority of enemies, got every droppable item, 3 turn clear set up but fucking Zoldam critted Marcus. This will be easy when I get a little luckier.

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I suppose I should mention, the following chapters get +1 turn added to them:

4 (Lyn Mode, so it doesn't matter anyway)

13x (if you go to it, for some reason)


18 (only if you do not kill the boss)

22 (only if you do not kill the boss)




The game records it like this because, on defend/survive chapters, the "event" that ends the chapter actually happens at the start of the next turn (for example, Ch28 ends at the beginning of turn 16). This extra turn is counted to make it easier to confirm how many turns the playthrough took when the game shows you the turncounts at the end.

This is also why the game doesn't count an extra turn on chapters that end when you defeat the boss, since the "event" takes place on the same turn the boss is defeated.

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Marcuscharge! and KILL.

3 turns, 62 total


Dorky and Owsin headed east. Sain, Canas, Hector and Marcus headed south. Guy handled the pirate reinforcements. A combination of Marcus, Hector, and Sain murdered our friend Uhai. Poor guy.

7 turns, 69 total


Got the brave bow, blue gem, and Luna. Everyone killed shit, it was fun. Dorcas got the bosskill after Marcus landed an iron axe crit. Canas abused a few mages. Shit got real, fast. I wish Dorky would get more awesome level ups, but MEH.

8 turns, 77 total

And... stat time. Fuck, nevermind, I hate my internet.

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Chapter 14 (10/29)

I finished this chapter in nine turns, but then I realized I needed Priscilla in order to recruit Raven and Lucius.

Hector went west, protecting Erk and Serra from getting attacked. He ended up getting a awesome level up followed by a level-up of literally nothing. Marcus stayed to kill the eastern soldiers then went south to kill the pirates, Pegasus knights and that cavalier.

Next, Hector moved to take care of the western enemies while Marcus went around to protect Priscilla's village from brigands.

Chapter 15 (8/38)

Ah, a nice chapter to sit back, relax and gain some experience. If I had anyone that needed the experience, at least…

Hector went down, Marcus stayed in the room and dealt with the enemies that tried to seize the throne. Then Hector managed to kill some myrmidons and mercenaries while Marcus went over the top to kill Sealen for his Longbow.

Chapter 16 (7/45)

Finally, I get to use people besides Hector and Marcus. Unfortunately, one of those is Wil.

Hector goes over the mountains while Marcus goes south to relive pressure off of Kent and Wil. Lyn and Sain shop for Javelins and Hand Axes. Then Marcus goes north to help Hector. Kent and Wil finish the enemies down south and grab the Heavy Spear and Red Gem. Finally, Marcus kills Bauker and Hector seizes.

Name    Level  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Hector  15/--  32  15  10  10  07  15  03
Marcus  --/05  34  16  17  12  09  10  09
Kent    05/--  23  08  07  08  04  06  01
Wil 	04/--  21  06  05  06  07  05  01

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Chapter 14 (10/29)

I finished this chapter in nine turns, but then I realized I needed Priscilla in order to recruit Raven and Lucius.

As long as her village survives, I do believe she auto-recruits.

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