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Who do you think are the best Fire Emblem LPers out there?


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If I did talk during a video, it would be strategy talk. Not very exciting at all.

I kind of wanted to LP RD 0% but it took way too much time to practice for even one chapter, so that was a no-go.

I would actually find this more interesting than other LPs. I personally don't really like strange impersonations of characters or bad jokes while I'm watching a playthrough.

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i say seph1212,magenight404,markyjoe1990,camtech,thebladeofchaos,and McGrammer are good and also i'm thinking of a fe7 lp as well myself




I mean, I'm flattered and all, but personally I think I'm far from the best. *coughcoughTrent*

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I would actually really enjoy an LP from you Dondon. I wouldn't care whether or not you were charismatic or anything, the entertainment would come from your awesome strategies.

The reason I usually place funny LPers above competent ones is that the competent ones are only just that...competent, and outdone by strategies I can get elsewhere. In YOUR case though, you're a Fire Emblem master, and it feels good to be learning from the PROS!

And, honestly, I think if it's charisma you're worried about, that's an acquired skill. I mean, just look at HCBailly's very first LP's and compare it to most of his recent ones. He's changed SIGNIFICANTLY in how he handles them.

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It's a LOT harder than you'd think to work up the courage to talk during an LP. Seriously.

HC Bailly's been doing it for, like, 3 years. That's how he's gotten the charisma he has. You can't just "do it".

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Sure you can. It's doing it WELL that's the trick. Personally, I'd say find one of your least favorite games, and start on that first. Also, ask around for advice from other LPers. Or, watch some good LP's, and try to stick to what you thought made those LP's good, putting your own spins and variations on the formula as time goes on.

I still remember the first time I started the blogs and reviews of Avatar The Last Airbender that I did on Avatarspirit.net and Spoonyexperiment.com. It started off somewhat dry, but I became better and better at it, and gained more confidence as it went on. You could see if you like.

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No, I'm sure I'd be able to speak without sounding like a drone, but I'd have to write out most of what I want to say first and that already takes a long time.

Also, I really don't like talking about trivial stuff and that lends to long periods of silence.

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Sure you can.

EXCUSE me? Buddy, what experience d'you have with LPing? I've been doing it for two years, and only in the past year have I really started to become comfortable with it.

I still remember the first time I started the blogs and reviews of Avatar The Last Airbender that I did on Avatarspirit.net and Spoonyexperiment.com. It started off somewhat dry, but I became better and better at it, and gained more confidence as it went on. You could see if you like.

Unless these are vocal reviews, don't talk about shit like you know it. LPing is harder than you're giving it credit, and it's annoying me that you think it's so easy.

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Also, let me clarify. I'm not trying to trivialize LPing by comparing it to written reviews (no I did not vocalize them, though I'm starting to consider doing that as soon as I get a mike). What I'm saying is, it's not a severe detriment if you happen to be a little slow on the uptake. Don't let initial incompetence keep you down. Don't be worried overly much about what others think.

I think that same lesson still applies. This is, of course, if Dondon actually really wants to do it at all. If he has no interest, then that's another story, as improvement only comes from energy and drive.

Also, as I said before, I never said that DOING A GOOD JOB, is easy.

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The only thing that annoys me is you seem to think that it can be done so quickly. If he really wants to get into this, and he doesn't have a knack for talking over long periods of time, it'll take him a year to get used to it, at least.

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Well, everyones different on that front, so I'm not going to disagree there. I thought the problem was him not having confidence in himself, I didn't know it was a matter of psyching himself up.

I don't really care either way, I'm just trying to give him encouragement, that's all, if he does in fact have interest.

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The only narrated LP of any game I've ever watched in its entirety was ggorondie's playthrough of FE8. I thought she was pretty funny. and also her brother. And they played well too I guess. Maybe it's just my cup of tea, but since it's the only one I've ever cared enough about to watch (and wait patiently for a sequel), it's probably worth mentioning. Pretty entertaining.

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