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The Most Lovable and Hatable


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Eirika: Dudette, seriously. I could tell you that we as a species could fly, and you'd try to test it out. Kill some of that naivety.

Ewan: Could you suck up to Saleh anymore, dude? Maybe if you could grow some of your own character, I could use you more.

Knoll: :KnollRoll: That is all.


Hector: I dunno why, I just never did like the guy. He always struck me as... Too bossy.



That is all.

Alm: Leading the resistance and having a suggested relationship with your hot red haired sister? awsm.

Celica: She fights zombie dragons and doesn't afraid of anything.

Tiltyu: She's gorgeous, uses thunder magic back when it was good, and spawns prolly two of the best mages evar. What's not to love?

(That and she has awesome fan art)

Fee: Falco knight with a B rank in staves. Libro, anyone?

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Micaiah - More like Suecaiah if you ask me...

Sothe - His outfit makes my eyes bleed.

Zihark - Bloody furry.

Rafiel - You must be the pansiest man in the whole of Tellius.

Naesala - Why such a dickhead?

Marcia - If you are going to swear, at least do it properly!

Rhys/Tormod - Why so ginger?


Vika - *drools*

Volke - So mysterious... just like me.

Jill/Titania - Mmmmm red hair....

Edward - I can't help but love his enthusiasm.

Shinon - For his snarkiness/the whole 'tree in a skirt' thing

Gatrie/Sain - For hitting on pretty much every woman they see.

I'll think of more later...

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The characters I find hatable would be, Sothe (I don't like his over-protectiveness over Micaiah. And his outfit is just obvious fanservice), Naesala (I don't tolerate cocky, arrogant characters, and he is one of them. Oh yeah, and the fact he had many of Tibarn's people killed in favour of those dirty crows), and that's about it, really.

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Back with more ideas.


Most male healers - Not a one of you appeals to me whatsoever, and most of you are also bland, to boot (I'm looking at YOU, Moulder).

Valter - Gah, what a creep...

Gheb - How the hell do YOU have fans?

Ray - Your personality bugs me.

Hilda - A cruel bitch. Need I say more?

Sonia - See above.


Staff Chicks in general - Because they're so darn cute, and that's what I especially have a weakness for.

Michalis - He looks like Walter Bernhard :awesome: (For the record, I have not played Lament of Innocence)

Jagen - He's dedicated to Marth, and a kickass tactician.

Agh... Out of ideas again.

Edited by Ein Lanford
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Cath- Easily has the best and the most personality and backstory of all the FE6 characters. Not that bad of a thief either. Plus I'm a sucker for Robin Hood types (why I like Yoshimitsu so much).

Lugh- Nice kid and Nino's son. Pretty good stats as well. He doesn't need much more than that.

Ray- A bit of a git, but he's a powerful git. And he also has a lot of personality. Being Nino's son only improves things.

Matthew- Frankly we need more cheery characters in JSRPGS.

Hardin- Because manly turban and his sheer epicness in stats and story.

Sain- What a nice guy. And he's not as...icky as Gatrie is.

Fin- Because Fin is awesome in battle and in story, like Hardin.


Roy- Wimp and I have no idea why women flock to him. Thank god Cath has some sense.

Micaiah- Statwise, she's ok, but plotwise, MARY SUE!!!

Ralph- I don't like generic dudes.

Miranda- Nearly as bad as Sophia statwise and has an annoying personality to boot.

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Like(As in I use them in part due to their personalities, some more than others):

FE4:Dew, Julia

FE5:Sara, Marita

FE10:Edward, Pelleas







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You know who I have a respect for?



He's dedicated, and after the war of darkness he trained MU, Cecil, Luke, Rody, Ryan, and Katarina. Then he was a kickass tactician, not to mention he was a bitch to Lang. lol

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Oh yeah, Jeigan. He actually has a nice personality and is a kickass tactician. Sure, he's an awful fighter but that doesn't mean he's not awesome.

I also like Oliver as well. I always use the Joke Characters at least once whenever I play an FE game.

Needs moar Dan Hibiki!

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You know who I have a respect for?



He's dedicated, and after the war of darkness he trained MU, Cecil, Luke, Rody, Ryan, and Katarina. Then he was a kickass tactician, not to mention he was a bitch to Lang. lol


I think I like all the Pallie Jeigans. And Oifeys, just based on personality. And Evayle.

Oh yeah, gotta mention Titania.

She's awesome. Is like F!Seth 2.0. Probably his daughter too.

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Serra-Meh.Overly hyperactive annoying girl. At least Clarine's what, a 13-year-old brat who's probably going to grow out of it eventually? Just how old is Serra acting like that? But eh. More of an annoyance than hate, so I put her in dislike.

Well, Serra is 16 years old if I recall correctly. She's still allowed to be a brat. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

PS: Your taste is amazing~

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Serra's only a year younger than me. >____<

Don't girls supposedly mature earlier?

Thanks. <3

Also, add Pent to my love list.

Reason being, despite being a nobleman, he chose a girl who wanted to protect him instead of one the usual. Shows that he's not sexist, at the very least. He acknowledges that women can fight as well.

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Well, sure, but Serra has some maturity and complexity in her, despite her annoying and cocky attitude, like in the A supports with Hector and Lucius.

Clarine, on the other hand, is a spoiled brat through and through (<3).

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True. Still, for the most part, she annoys me. But it's just annoying, not hate, after all. It's not like she's a terrible person. Just rather annoying.

I'm totally biased towards Clarine, I'll admit. I find RutgerxClarine a cute couple and Clarine's a dodgetank to the max, so I can't bring myself to dislike her.

I probably would be annoyed by her if it weren't for her being such a good unit. Serra probably would've gotten the same treatment if she had a horse.

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I love RutgerxClarine as well! It's a shame and kind of disturbing that Klein already owns Clarine's heart, though. : [

Speaking of couples, I recently begun FE11 (so fun!), and I just recruited Roger and I want to use him ONLY because of his recruitment convo with Shiida. I loved them! Does ShiidaxRoger have enough support? They are SO cute, she's better off with him instead of girly and bland Marth. <3

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I agree with Lumi some characters can be annoying at times. I found Florina annoying at times with her shyness around men, it seemed to me like she was either sexist or a lesbian (I like to think of her as a lesbian to have her be less retarted but her pairings prove it wrong). Of all pegasi she's probably my least favorite, I mainly used her because she is a pegasus rider but if she were another class I would of probably benched her in favor of someone else.

Also add to my favorites:

-Heather, she's so funny I like the conversation she has with Ilyana.

-Brom, he's soooo cute ^_^

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Most staff girls - Either they're huge bitches or they're "delicate flowers" types and they're both stupidly annoying.

*kills Ninji*



Valtome: My hate for the other Begnion senators is disappearing, but you fucker...your attitude is by far, one of the worst ones, i've ever seen in an FE game. "Uwee hee hee, kill that twat queen of Crimea! I'm a narcissistic fag!" just sums you up entirely. Just go die in a damn fire. Easily, my most hated character in the entire series.

Gheb: As Ein said earlier, just how the fuck does someone like you have a bunch of fans!? >>

Hilda: Bitch-Witch. Enough said.

Micaiah: Mary-Sues, auuuuuuugh >

Makalov: Failure, drinking/gambling, vermin. How Astrid can like him, no one knows...

Sonia: For also being a real bitch, and also very slovenly-looking. *pukes*


Florina, Neimi, Kempf, Sonia, Lyre, FE10 Ike, Narshen (You sick fuck)

more to come later....

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the fact he had many of Tibarn's people killed in favour of those dirty crows)

Dirty crows? I dunno, I always liked crows, and for the sake of accuracy RAVENS, and the badass quotient carried over into Tellius.

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L'Arachel - Overall, I hate her personality. But I gotta admit some of her supports are pretty funny. She's pretty annoying tho.

Eliwood/Roy - Hi Marty Stu.

Clarine - If only she weren't such a useful unit and didn't make part of the best threesome in FE6...

Pahn - Don't like his hair.

Innes - First of all he has a girl's name. He's the FE8 version of Seto Kaiba, but not as cool.

Ewan - Oh fuck him. He doesn't have any interesting support at all, no interesting character, nothing. Zero. Nada.Well, there's that thing about him wanting to tap his sister, but nothing out of your usual Fire Emblem

Noish/Alec - Douches. And bad/meeeeh units.

Seth - He looks like Richard Gere. I don't like Richard Gere.

Erk - Think about a bored person. YOU USE MAGIC, DOOD, STOP BEING SO BORED.

Wil - Think about a boring person.

Heath - He's just........lame. I hate him for being so fucking lame. And having 80's hair and still looking like shit.

Guy - Happy, maybe too happy. Be like Rutger some more.

Love! ♥:

Othin - I picture him as a guy pilotting a mecha that uses axes coughcough. And also speaking in ALLCAPS.

Marty - Just look at him.

Duessel - Sean Connery. IN ARMOR. USING AXES.

Caellach - Oh my God. The guy might be the most interesting villain in FE8. I mean, Lyon's got that whole thing going but he's a fag, fuck him. Caellach is pure guts and manlyness. Also bonus for having the best convo with Joshua.

BEOWOLF - Black armor:check. Dimples:check. Having no holy blood but still having a blood locked weapon:check. MONEY HUNGRY HEARTBREAKING BASTERD: DAAAAMN RIGHT. Also he kinda reminds me of Schenkopp.

I think that's it for now.

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Seth - He looks like Richard Gere. I don't like Richard Gere.


Seth is 2987226897 times hotter than Richard Gere and bears no resemblance to him whatsoever.

Besides being both male.

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Seth is 2987226897 times hotter than Richard Gere and bears no resemblance to him whatsoever.

Besides being both male.

I shall reply to this fangirlyness with a picture!

But maybe it's just me.

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