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I see Weapons is still pushing hard for me. Not unexpected at all.

Weapon, may I remind you of Don't Lose Yo' Village here, where you also constantly pushed on me when I was Doctor, until Bizz culted you and told you to shut up? And do you remember in Insanity, when you inducted me into the fake cult? I'm not seeing any difference in how I'm playing this game compared to either of those games, and I was clean each time as well. Sure, maybe it looks like I'm 'lurking', but if my role gives me no information (pro-tip, it doesn't), and I was out of town for an extended period (pro-tip, I was) then odds are good that when I get back, anything I could contribute would just be retreading ground that's already been covered.

If you want to talk about people who are really lurking, like hard-core style, I believe we have yet to hear from Jean-Marc, so don't mind if I put some pressure on him, see what he has to say for himself.

##Vote Jean-Marc

I voted you for different reasons in DLYV, namely you waved away cult as a threat at first. There, you were adding new stuff, as opposed to:

Useful information:
  • No-one has stepped forward in an attempt to establish themselves as town-leader, neither has there been an attempt by someone town-aligned, nor by a scum-aligned faker. That means people are taking things cautiously. This probably has partly to do with the fact that the overall role distribution remains a mystery, partly to do with the fact that it's no outside contact, and partly to do with the fact that it's a day start and any power-role would have nothing to corroborate their testimony at the moment. I'm not sure when we should expect to see some claims start to come out to be honest, but if and when they do, I guess we'll just handle them on a case-by-case basis.
  • There was quite a fair bit of back and forth over the nature of the spy inside the assassin's ranks, and how exactly he's operating. Current speculation is that the assassins are divided into pairs, but I see no particular reason why this is necessarily the case, as it they could be operating in teams of three, or individually coordinated by the Master, or the spy's knowledge could simply be additional information a la Rule 18. All we know for sure is that there are "respective forums" and that Spoon's game was cited as inspiration, so I'm a little wary of people who are jumping too quickly to certain conclusions, though they are at least on face-value reasonable ones.
  • Related to the above two points, no outside contact makes life very difficult for our spy. On the one hand, he could out himself and then rely on (assumed existence of) doctor protection to stay alive, but on the other hand, I don't know enough about how Tables has set up the inner workings of the Assassins Guild to do any more than baseless speculation on what would happen to him from that point forward. Would he remain in contact with the other assassins, would he be cut off? Is it better to come forward earlier, or later? None of this is clear to me yet. To me, I'm vaguely getting vibes of Fayt's mafia within a mafia game with Class A and Class B, except for the fact that I'm probably only making this connection because I was a part of that game and it's coloring my perceptions.
  • I don't see anything lynch-worthy at the moment coming from any of our key vote-earners thus far, and my earlier opinion of ##vote {no lynch} is now finalized.

Which basically restates what other have been saying or is speculation that we were already aware of. Aka, you're appearing to help, but not really.

In Insanity, I scanned you night 1 and got an innocent.

Who are your top scumreads and why?

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Which basically restates what other have been saying or is speculation that we were already aware of. Aka, you're appearing to help, but not really.

In Insanity, I scanned you night 1 and got an innocent.

Who are your top scumreads and why?

Okay... And like I said, there's not much at that point I could do but retread the obvious. Anyway, since you're really driving this thing into the ground, my top scum reads are in no particular order:


The man made a couple of fishy comments about vigilante activity right at the beginning of D2, when I don't remember any significant discussion where consensus was agreed that the vig should fire blind into the night on N1, plus he made it seem as if he had speculations into who the vig might be, or that if the vig was MLS that would explain the lack of fire, which I'll be honest gave me a bit of a head scratcher. Aside from that I don't have any real solid evidence on him, but I'm watching.


It seems like almost everytime I've posted something so far, he seems to be chiming in with an "I agree", and while it's a bit flattering, it's also a bit disconcerting, especially as considering what you're claiming about me, I haven't really provided anything of substance. I can't recall everything else he's done, but he does seem to be trying to establish a bit of reputation for going with the flow.


As far as I'm aware, you're still not clear. You did very loudly voice distrust of Spike and I, but unless my memory is shit, the cop with a bullet attached was Groner, not you. So at this point I'm attributing the fact Spike showed up dead this morning to fact that he also scanned him, which is rather epic fail. FMPOV it's highly likely you could still be mafia and used the convenient death of an assassin to further bolster your fall-back of insane cop.

Of course, these all come with the caveats that early game is far and away from my best game, and I'm just calling things as I'm interpreting them, which is certainly plausible for failure.

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The man made a couple of fishy comments about vigilante activity right at the beginning of D2, when I don't remember any significant discussion where consensus was agreed that the vig should fire blind into the night on N1, plus he made it seem as if he had speculations into who the vig might be, or that if the vig was MLS that would explain the lack of fire, which I'll be honest gave me a bit of a head scratcher. Aside from that I don't have any real solid evidence on him, but I'm watching.

Oh, that. I mistyped, I meant to say that if Dracohon was the vigilante, that would explain the lack of a kill. In retrospect, it was a bit stupid of me anyway to assume that the vigilante would make a stab in the dark on night 1.

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u funny

Do you have the ability to scan 3 people a night or what? If so, and you got a verdict on Furet that declares him as guilty, why not say it outright instead of "hey gaiz lets lynch him"?

The point is that Furet seems to be backing every comment Bal makes odd since Bal is under suspicion. This can be due to Furet being scum as well as Bal or Furet just believing that Bal could help more than hurt.

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That doesn't exactly make sense considering who we're dealing with. I think Furet is just being ignorant...or lazy.

Or coincidence. Goddamn ancient grudges against former doctors who...

I'll look back and do a thing past my other posts next time it isn't 9 in the evening.

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Fuck it, let's do this now. I call bullshit on only sheepin' with Balcerzak. I've made one other direct reply to things he's said, and that was here.

Well, Balcerzak just utterly overshadowed whatever I'm going to say, so, ah...

Overshadowed. Because...it was a massive wall of text, and I'm not especially good at drawing analysis into coherent paragraphs. What I said was true. I then proceeded to say things about how I speak up more lategame.

Oh yeah, and before you call on me for not throwing in my vote for lynching him? Lemme think who else I hesitated with...oh, yeah. I never voted for Raymond's death. I'm not exactly the kind to lob my vote first thing in the day.

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Psych and Furetchen are a little suspicious, but thanks to the Janitor we still don't really have a lot to go on, so I suppose it's understandable. Levity hasn't really posted a lot meaningful discussion either.

Also, what was Groner going to share with everyone again? Something about vig-killing Snike, I'd assume...

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Just as a quick note, there are some hints as to the janitored players roles. Especially Strawman's.

About... 24 hours left, I think?

Oh, and I messaged Jean Marc yesterday, I think I'm going to replace him.

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Also, what was Groner going to share with everyone again? Something about vig-killing Snike, I'd assume...

Ilu too.

Anyways, it seems we are to let lynch-happy Weapons lead. I have reservations about that, so I will wait a bit before voting.

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So here is what I have to share. It's a document I received last night. It doesn't fit in lynching somebody, but it's interesting indeed.

“The secret of the Shadow”

“One of the Assassins Guild is known as the Shadow. On many a night, people have reported being followed by this intimidating fellow, and invariably, the person being followed feels too scared to leave their home the following night. But a recent investigation has revealed interesting information: Just being followed by the Shadow really doesn’t mean anything at all! In fact, if a person overcame their fears they could head out the following night completely safely, and nothing would happen to them.


Well now we know something quite interesting.

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did anyone else notice Psych's horribly sheepy vote, or is that just meeee

I'm an easy body, so if we need someone to lynch, I suppose I can be it.

My role is the Y/N question asker, but I can only get answers to things I could find out myself, IE: Things Tables has said in this thread. I can use it both at day, and night.

Due to some resalts I got, I trust Ether and Weapons. I know there is a possibility they are lying, but the circumstances would have to be quiet large.

Currently, because I would require some info on a dead body to understand something better, I'm pretty useless. I'm trusting Weapons enough to go with him Village Leader style, even if others aren't.

Should I find something to contradict my opinions, or should I feel someone else is more guilty than Weapon's choice, yes, I may vote for them. But until then I'm following Weapons since I have no other info objectifying someone, and you know how well I scum hunt. >_>

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Ilu too.

Sorry about that, it was 2:40 in the morning when I made that post; it is supposed to say Spike (Dickpickle).

Just as a quick note, there are some hints as to the janitored players roles. Especially Strawman's.

Clues? Time to examine the death scenes again.

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Initial thoughts on the janned players roles:

Cedric: Perhaps a roleblocker? That's the only thing I could think about the pervert discussion.

Lance: Maybe an inventor or a role that can sell one-time-use items to other players? My first thought was a driver, but that's probably because I connected it with Merlinus' wagon in FE 6/7...

About Jean-Marc: We could always just lynch him for some information and hope he turns up scum

EDIT: Just added the word 'because'.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Levity hasn't really posted a lot meaningful discussion either.

I have nothing to discuss in the earlier days because

1.) If I have an informative role, I dislike claiming early unless absolutely necessary. I hate being killed early.

2.) If I do not possess an informative role (or even if I do), I feel there's no need to continuously reiterate everything that everyone else has already touched base on.

3.) I'm naturally quiet and have trouble starting up discussion on my own.

4.) When I DO have the occasional bright post of awesomeness, it's usually swept under the rug regardless of what it contains, OR completely ignored and later suggested by someone else ("oh, I never even thought of that! How brilliant!"). Why bother?

My playstyle mainly consists of gradually becoming more active as the game progresses, and I rely mostly on my scumreads, any information I may or may not have, my gut/vibes, and sheer luck. I become much more helpful later on, etc. etc.

If that answers any of your questions

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Oh, and to be completely honest, I kind of do trust Weapons. I hate being a village sheep, but I do trust him.

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