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DA125's Sealed Sword Playthrough


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Alright, I'm going to break it to you all. I got fed up with waiting until I got to a certain point on my Path of Radiance playthrough, and I want to do something new while I contemplate how I'm going to do Chapter 21 and boss abuse my units without losing my sanity(since my PoR HM playthrough was hopefully going to be used for FE10 transfers.) Well, you know what, I'm not waiting until Chapter 26 in order to do something, so I decided to play Sealed Sword. So yeah...

This is my Sealed Sword playthrough, done on Normal mode. Here is the obligatory notes before reading.

Units I will definitely be using:














Filler List





Note: I am not writing a turn by turn summary. Fuck that. I can do a summary of the whole chapter, if you'd like, because writing down each segment turn-by-turn is very hard on the wrists(and eyes). Also, if I'm 'double posting', I'm putting in more log.

Any swag I get during the chapter will be placed after I type in my unit's current stats.

Swag is defined as the following:

-Items acquired from a chest or house.

-Items stolen from enemies.

-Rare items that recruitable characters have.

If you guys demand it, I will happily do a Let's Play of this game on Hard Mode. Note that the army I will use will be similar to the army I used in this one(a few guys will be different, but otherwise, you will see the likes of Lily, Alan. Lance, Dieck, and Rutgar again.)


Chapter 1: Dawn of Destiny

Starting Units:

Roy, Marcus, Alan, Lance, Wolt, Bors

This chapter is basically a joke. Don't overuse Marcus! His growth rates and EXP gain are crap. Use him to weaken enemies instead! Also remember that Roy and Wolt are weak and die in 2-3 hits, and the RNG is usually against you.

Anyway, after doing my configurations, I had Roy move into the range of the first fighter I saw, had Marcus give his iron sword to Roy so that the rapier wouldn't get used up, and had Bors move into another fighter's range. End turn. Bors weakens his fighter while Roy does the same(he get hit on a 38. %$#&!). Alan and Lance take the scraps that the former two leave behind, while Roy goes and heals. Same thing next EP(why does Bors, a unit with piss avoid dodge with WTD and Roy keeps getting hit despite having 38 hit against him). Alan rips his fighter a new one, but Bors fails and Lance just barely hits him. Marcus goes for the village since he sucks. Next turn, Bors finally kills his fighter, while Alan and Roy gang up on the archer. The bandit was destroyed next turn by Roy himself. Next turn, Lance moves into the axe fighter's range and weakens him enough for Roy to kill and get his first level up. Roy then stays in to lure in the axe fighter, which he ORKO'd(he had to heal next turn). Bors moved into the shrubbery to lure in another axe fighter, which I had Lance kill. Moved Bors into another shrubbery and let Alan take the kill(had to rescue Bors because Alan can't get through shrubbery very easily). Lance helped bring in another fighter for Roy to kill(he did the same thing for the last fighter and archer). Bors and Wolt gladly took names and chewed bubble gum. As for the boss, I simply had Roy sit his ass in the boss' buzz zone. It took 3 rounds; by the third round Damas finally hit Roy before dying in a pool of his own blood. Seize, game, set, and match.

Roy      	01  04  20  07  07  09  08  06  00  06   
Alan 		01  02  21  08  05  06  03  06  00  09  C Lance
Lance   	01  02  20  06  07  09  02  06  01  09  C Alan
Bors      	01  02  21  07  04  03  05  12  00  14   
Wolt 		01  01  18  04  04  05  02  04  00  07   
Marcus   	02  01  32  09  14  11  15  09  08  06

Swag: 5000G

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I will not be using fillers since most of the 'filler units' in FE6 are either crappy prepromotes or things that need excessive babying.

Well, if you don't boss abuse or arena abuse or spam reinforcements then you'd find that many of the prepromotes that show up are actually better when they appear than your average unit will be. Sure, in 3 or 4 chapters they'll fall behind, but that's what makes them filler and not permanent team members. They "fill" a spot for a few chapters until someone else comes along.

Also, Marcus is amazing. But that's only for those of us good enough to keep turncounts low, I guess. For anyone that needs to boss abuse and arena abuse just to beat normal mode, I suppose it's hard to make proper use of him. Or even see the need of him. He's epic for the first 6 chapters, and still quite useful for a few more. You even have a decent shot at him getting a tad blessed and giving you +spd. Sure, he falls behind due to his growths after enough chapters, but he's filler, too. Once he starts slacking there's always another new prepromote that shows up ready to go for a few more chapters.

And I'm sad that there is no "neither" option to choose instead of Bors or Barth.

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Bors Lite.

I'm choosing entirely based on the awesome names you gave them.

You've got to admit that my names are awesome.

Oh, and I will avoid boss abuse. This is Normal mode, and I don't need to BA. Only reason I'm even using the arena is to gain money for the secret shop. But I'm not going to abuse. I'm actually going to try to break that habit.

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Oh, and I will avoid boss abuse. This is Normal mode, and I don't need to BA. Only reason I'm even using the arena is to gain money for the secret shop.

Aquilae bought 15 pairs of boots on HM with no arena abuse. You hoping to spend more than 60000 gold on the secret shops?

though, if you'll try not to abuse, you probably wouldn't get all that much arena time. Like, 4 or 5 battles each arena at the most. Well, 17 Sacae has an arena earlier on. You could get a bit more battles there. Though chapter 13 has the arena beyond the gate, so that one is like 1 or 2 battles at the most.

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Chapter 2: The Princess of Bern

Starting Units:

Roy, Marcus, Alan, Lance, Bors, Wolt, Ellen, Merlinus

New Units:

Dick, Wade, Lot, Thany

'Easy chapter on NM, somewhat easy on HM. You also get your Oguma archetype character this chapter. Cool!'

Marcus visited the village for an armorslayer, while my other units attacked the first wave of soldiers. Next turn, my mercenary reinforcements arrive. Roy, Alan, and Lance destroyed the three fighters loitering next to us, while I had Dieck and the others converge with my group. Next turn, Dieck sat himself on a shrubbery to remove a loldier while Bors had to be rescue-dropped(stupid 4 move). Dieck then destroyed a fighter and another loldier over the course of 2 turns, all while dodging their attacks. Nice. Lance dissected the second loldier and almost leveled up.

The eastern front was pretty bland. Bors weakened two fighters while Dieck showed his manliness by slaying another loldier. Dieck then killed the iron axe dude while Thany killed the steel axe guy with Bors' help. The archer was destroyed by Bors with Alan's help. Dieck helped out with taking out a fighter, while the merc was, well, euthanized by Roy. I also managed to remove the last fighter and archer with Alan and Dieck, respectively. Rude was also a complete joke. He just couldn't stand up to Dieck's manliness(and armorslayer) and got ORKO'd Dieck Cheney style.

Roy      	01  04  20  07  07  09  08  06  00  06   
Alan 		01  03  22  09  05  06  03  07  11  09  C Lance
Lance   	01  03  21  06  07  10  02  06  01  09  C Alan
Bors      	01  03  22  07  05  03  05  13  00  14   
Wolt 		01  01  18  04  04  05  02  04  00  07   
Marcus   	02  01  32  09  14  11  15  09  08  06
Ellen      	01  02  16  01  06  08  08  00  06  04
Dieck    	01  07  28  10  14  10  05  06  02  13
Ward 		01  02  28  08  03  05  04  03  00  13
Lot   		01  03  29  07  05  07  02  04  00  12
Thany 		01  01  17  04  06  12  05  06  05  04

Not bothering to put in Merlinus because he's just there as my wagon.

Swag: Armorslayer

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Chapter 3: Late Arrival

Starting Units:

Roy, Marcus, Alan, Lance, Bors, Wolt, Dieck, Ellen, Wade, Lot, Thany, Chad

New Units:


This map isn't so bad if your units are prepared. Note that Lugh is in the northwest village.

I had most of my force move to the east, except Wade, Lot, Wolt, and Thany(they are going to be the guys that visit Lugh's house). On the enemy phase, Chad got really lucky against the two loldiers(the fuckers would've gone after Ellen, who takes hits worse than Chad, so I had to block their access to her). Oh well; had Ellen heal Chad then dealt with the first enemy wave, while Wade and Lot lured in the two NW loldiers. Once in the castle, Bors weakened two soldiers for Alan/Lance to kill, while Wolt lured in the NW archer(which Thany killed). Alan killed another loldier, while Ellen heals Lance for the next one(Bors is only there to give cover).

Next turn, I recruited Lugh. I had also removed the first set of reinforcements, and the second died just as quickly. While my detachment was getting back, er...around, Chad infiltrated the chest room with Bors' help. As for the boss, you know what I did. Nuked 'im with Dieck. I was about to seize before I forgot that I didn't visit the SE village. Oh well, I just had Marcus go back(handy hint: Marcus is amazing for little errands like that since he has some nice stats for this stage as well as 8 move.)

Roy      	01  05  21  07  08  09  08  06  01  06   
Alan 		01  04  23  10  05  06  03  07  11  09  C Lance
Lance   	01  04  22  06  07  10  02  06  01  09  C Alan
Bors      	01  05  24  09  06  04  06  14  00  14   
Wolt 		01  01  18  04  04  05  02  04  00  07   
Marcus   	02  01  32  09  14  11  15  09  08  06
Ellen      	01  03  17  01  06  08  08  00  07  04
Dieck    	01  08  29  11  14  10  05  06  03  13
Ward 		01  02  28  08  03  05  04  03  00  13
Lot   		01  03  29  07  05  07  02  04  00  12
Thany 		01  02  17  04  07  13  05  06  06  04
Chad    	01  01  16  03  03  10  04  02  00  05
Lugh    	01  01  16  04  05  06  05  03  05  04

I have mixed feelings for these guys. Alan and Dieck still haven't gained speed yet.... at least they make up for their failures by bearing manly strength. If this keeps up, I might have to ditch them and replace[Dick]with Oujay. Bors only gained speed once in 4 levels, but gained 2 str and 3 def to make up for it, I guess.

Swag: 3000G, Halberd, Mend

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Marcus is also amazing for plowing through the map.

I think it's obvious he disagrees with us on Marcus' abilities.

Apparently being the best unit for 3 chapters and arguably the best until Zealot arrives constitutes "sucking". Who knew?

(I say arguably since Rutger doubles a few things Marcus doesn't, and while he's using that killing edge he actually frequently KOs what he doubles)

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All I was saying was that you don't exactly need Marcus as much in NM(which I'm forced to play because I can't access hard mode.) In hard mode, you practically NEED Marcus. I kid you not. Otherwise, you are making your earlygame so much harder than it needs to be. I mean, really. Things with 6-7AS and 17-18 atk in the first chapter? That is a bunch of cockadooky without Marcus. When even Boris is getting 2RKO'd, you know you need the Jeigan to tank and weaken shit.

P.S: I've been mostly basing my character opinions from GameFAQ's.

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All I was saying was that you don't exactly need Marcus as much in NM(which I'm forced to play because I can't access hard mode.) In hard mode, you practically NEED Marcus. I kid you not. Otherwise, you are making your earlygame so much harder than it needs to be. I mean, really. Things with 6-7AS and 17-18 atk in the first chapter? That is a bunch of cockadooky without Marcus. When even Boris is getting 2RKO'd, you know you need the Jeigan to tank and weaken shit.

I'm sure he still speeds things up on NM. Not sure by how much. But yeah, if you simply enjoy putting as much experience on units that give you many flashy +1s, it's not too frustrating to avoid Marcus gaining tons of exp on NM. Not like HM where chapters become 3 or 4 times more painful without extensive Marcus use compared to with him.

P.S: I've been mostly basing my character opinions from GameFAQ's.

haha. Yeah. That much is obvious. They are very jeigan-hating there. Pre-promotes in general, even. At least, the average user. Particularly against Marcus.

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Chapter 4: Collapse of the Alliance

Starting Units:

Roy, Marcus, Alan, Lance, Bors, Wolt, Dieck, Wade, Lot, Thany, Ellen, Lugh, Chad

New Units:

Clarine, Rutgar

God I hate this chapter. The game throws a bunch of mounted dudes at you, and it's a total nightmare on hard mode. Also, the Nabarl archetype dude joins. Oh and give the halberd to either Ward or Lot. I recommend Lot since Wade's speed is ass. Also, you will need to use Marcus here regardless of whether it's HM or not.

Moved Bors south and Dieck west. Marcus grabbed an iron sword(he had a steel-axe from before) and deposited the mend and joined Bors. Chad gives Lot the halberd. Next turn, Lugh kills the cavalier that Marcus weakened, while Chad kills the nomad. Sent Wolt to the NE village. Thany and Lance cleaned up the scraps. After the next wave arrived, Dieck took out another nomad, Alan nuked a cavalier, while Lance and Marcus formed a wall to keep my squishier units alive. Lugh, Thany and Dieck took the kills here. Soon after, Clarine decided to recruit herself into the posse. I then managed to nuke two more cavs(Marcus was sent to deal with the pirate.). On turn 6, Rutgar and his platoon show up. Clarine charms him into joining, then using him, Lugh, and Dieck, remove the platoon.

The pirate reinforcements aren't too bad. Rutgar and Dieck basically laugh at them. Thany visited the houses for a steel-blade and a seraph robe. Bors kills an archer and chips the boss while my other units head towards the seize point. Marcus then chips Eric before Roy shoves a thin, long rapier inside of his rectum. Rutgar then polishes off a pirate before seizing.

Roy      	01  06  21  07  09  10  08  06  01  06   
Alan 		01  05  24  10  06  07  03  07  11  09  C Lance
Lance   	01  05  23  07  07  10  02  06  01  09  C Alan
Bors      	01  06  25  10  06  05  07  15  00  14   
Wolt 		01  01  18  04  04  05  02  04  00  07   
Marcus   	02  01  32  09  14  11  15  09  08  06
Ellen      	01  04  18  02  07  08  09  00  07  04
Dieck    	01  09  30  11  15  11  06  07  03  13
Ward 		01  02  28  08  03  05  04  03  00  13
Lot   		01  03  29  07  05  07  02  04  00  12
Thany 		01  02  17  04  07  14  05  06  06  04
Chad    	01  02  16  03  03  11  05  02  00  05
Lugh    	01  02  16  04  06  06  05  03  05  04
Clarine 	01  01  15  02  05  09  08  02  05  05
Rutgar   	01  05  23  07  12  14  02  05  00  07

Swag: Door key, Killing edge, Steel blade, Seraph robe

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Chapter 5: Fire Emblem

Starting Units

Roy, Marcus, Alan, Lance, Bors, Wolt, Dieck, Wade, Lot, Thany, Ellen, Lugh, Chad, Clarine, Rutgar

This chapter is very easy overall, except for one small problem. Can you guess what it is? Yes, it's the faggot on the gate with the Killer axe. If you fuck around with this guy, you will see multiple death quotes on your VBA screen.

Since I couldn't just break the gate open, I had to go around. Everyone moved up north, with Marcus picking up Bors because armor knights have fail move. Next move, Lugh decimated the iron axe fighter, while Marcus chopped down the hand axe douche for Thany. Next phase shows more proof the RNG of this game is twisted: Chad gets hit by a steel axe with ~25 displayed hit and only lived because of WTA(Thany got hit with a 41, but that's expected to happen anyway). Alan revenge kills that fighter, and Bors, in a shocking twist of fate, actually ORKO's something(wait, aren't knights supposed to get, like, doubled?). Thany rescues Rutgar because I thought that the nomads had crit on him(which I found out was wrong, but better safe than sorry in FE6). I then massacred the nomads with Dieck and Lance, while the fighter was neutered by Roy and Chad(Marcus swiped the Gant lance). As for the bandit and merc, Rutgar and Thany tore them a new one.

The remaining enemies weren't as much of an issue as they are fairly annoying. Rutgar killed his bandit after Chad softened him up, while my other units got into position to defend against them. I then had to deal with a bigger problem: 3 mercs. You know the drill: Bors kills one, Thany killed the nomad, and the two mercs died next turn. As for the last few enemies, Dieck and Rutgar showed their true strength by cutting down the turds like butter. The merc and mage went down without a fight, as well. Then the reinforcements arrived. I actually had some very close encounters(Lance dodging a 41 that would've killed him, Ellen accidentally eating a 14 DMG hit) and some retarded moments(Lot getting hit on an 18), but otherwise were cake.

As for the boss, I actually had to get him on the hand axe just so that he wouldn't blick all my units(and waste time rebooting save states, since even Bors gives a damn if he eats a CH). Then Rutgar can simply go for the kill(he OHKO'd the turd with a crit).

Roy      	01  06  21  08  09  11  09  06  01  06   
Alan 		01  06  25  10  06  08  03  07  11  09  C Lance
Lance   	01  06  24  07  08  11  02  06  01  09  C Alan
Bors      	01  07  26  10  07  05  07  16  00  14   
Wolt 		01  02  19  04  04  06  02  04  00  07   
Marcus   	02  01  32  09  14  11  15  09  08  06
Ellen      	01  04  18  02  07  08  09  00  07  04
Dieck    	01  10  30  12  15  11  06  07  03  13
Ward 		01  02  28  08  03  05  04  03  00  13
Lot   		01  03  29  07  05  07  02  04  00  12
Thany 		01  04  17  04  07  15  06  07  06  04
Chad    	01  03  17  04  04  11  06  02  01  05
Lugh    	01  02  16  04  06  06  05  03  05  04
Clarine 	01  02  15  02  05  10  08  02  05  05
Rutgar   	01  08  25  10  14  15  03  05  00  07

Lance and Alan need more exposal. I need to stop EXP-mongering Dieck and Rutgar.

Swag: Gant lance

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This is an example of the difference between game-changing Thany-drops and not having them.


Though you don't actually have to do the RNG abuse that dondon did when not on 0% growths. Marcus is fine even on HM with javelins. Or hand axes, but I think the mercs are bigger worries than bandits. And your other units now suck a little less.

It's funny, Marcus has an easier time handling all those enemies on the left than all your other units combined (less Thany) have with the enemies on the right. Even when they have growths.

Well, not funny. Annoying. But still.

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Chapter 6: It's a Trap!

Starting Units:

Roy, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Ellen, Clarine, Chad, Thany, Saul, Dorothy

New Units:


Not Joining:


This chapter has another case of joke enemies/annoying boss syndrome. 10AS/53 Avo? WTF?

I split my gang into three groups, each with a healer. Dieck, Roy, Saul, and Dorothy went west; Rutgar, Clarine, Thany, and Chad went east, while Bors, Alan, Lance, and Ellen took the center. Bors gets mugged by mages while Rutgar rips apart a merc. Alan and Lance destroy the mages, while Dorothy misses the merc who attacked Roy. My center blockade almost got killed, but eventually, all my blockaders survived(and I think the Alan/Lance support is starting to kick in). Roy's team and Rutgar's team had no problems wiping their enemies off the face of Elibe, but Alan and Lance had to tag team to remove just one knight. Next turn, Alan and Lance removed the remnants of the center blockade, while Chad started opening doors.

Chad started pilfering the boxes, while Roy broke into Sue's cell. Just when that happened, the reinforcements showed up(and Cath). I moved all my units to the center of the screen, while Chad stole Cath's lockpick. Once that was done, Thany picked up Roy and started to head towards Cath. While that was happening, I formed a blockade with Bors and Alan, who brought the loldier/mage/archer reinforcements to their knees. Just before Roy and Cath had a chat, more reinforcements arrived. Rutgar and Dieck handled the archer and armor, respectively, while Thany and Lance downed the loldiers. I then took the time to deal with the northern rooms; which were teeming with enemies, while Chad dealt with the chest rooms(well, no shit)

The boss was quite annoying. 53 Avoid and only Rutgar can double him. What I basically had to do is sit Rutgar next to Wagner and hope I hit. I didn't hit the first time, but the second round killed him. Chad got the last chest before I capped.

Roy      	01  08  24  08  09  11  10  07  01  06   
Alan 		01  07  26  11  06  08  03  08  11  09  B Lance
Lance   	01  07  24  08  08  11  03  06  01  09  B Alan
Bors      	01  10  29  11  07  07  08  18  00  14   
Ellen      	01  05  18  02  07  08  10  00  07  04
Dieck    	01  11  31  13  15  12  06  07  03  13
Thany 		01  04  17  04  07  15  06  07  06  04
Chad    	01  04  18  05  04  12  07  03  01  05
Clarine 	01  03  15  02  06  10  08  02  06  05  C Rutgar
Rutgar   	01  10  27  12  14  16  04  06  02  07  C Clarine
Saul   		01  05  20  04  06  10  02  02  05  06
Dorothy 	01  03  19  04  06  06  03  04  02  07
Sue   		01  01  18  05  07  08  04  05  00  05

12 str on a lv10 NM Rutgar? What the shit, dood? Also, Bors is extremely defense-blessed(18Def at Lv10 is +3.85 above his simple average at Lv10). I'm probably gonna say 'f*** it' and save abuse until he hits 20Def and just promote him as soon as the first knight crest is available.

Swag: Silver lance, Killer axe, 10000G, Unlock, Short bow, Goddess icon

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Chapter 7: Rebellion in Ostia

Starting Units:

Roy, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Charine, Ellen, Saul, Thany, Chad, Sue

New Units:

Zealot, Treck, Noah

If you are going for perfect completion, this chapter is a living nightmare, since there is a clusterfuck of units that want to end Roy's sad pathetic life. Oh yeah, your first experience with dracoknights, the 'terror of the skies'. Don't worry, you will get your very own dracoknight in...8 chapters time. Also, you get a second Jeigan. Gotta love your Jeigans by now, rite?

I pushed all my units forward, using the shrubbery as cover. The next turn, Lance rushes over towards Zealot and Treck while Rutgar, Bors, Dieck, and Alan remove the first wave. on the EP, some douche attacks Clarine, and Lance gets ganged up on. The next turn was chaos; Roy talked to Noah, who talked with Zealot, who tried to weaken the dracoknight(it took three units just to bring down one guy thanks to the twisted RNG). Bors and Rutgar were too busy with a loldier and archer to care. Next turn, Treck was recruited, and Bors took out the knight(Dieck destroyed the archer). As for the guys that were left, after 2 turns, Alan destroyed the armor and Dieck took on the cavalier. Bors lured in and killed the mage(with a silver lance crit no less)and the priest.

Now it was time to lure in the red gem dracoknight. I healed Bors and equipped him with the iron lance. While this was being done, Zealot, Treck, and Noah went for the houses. Lance took the kill after Chad swiped his red gem. Of course, what would a FE map be without reinforcements? Speaking of that, 4 cavaliers spawned from the south gate, which I destroyed a turn after they spawned. With everything gone and with Zealot getting the last of the houses, it was time to shop. I decided to use the arena for a few turns because I was bored and I wanted some extra dough(though I'm not going to spam it like Fred Figglehorn would if he played this game.)

As soon as I got to the boss, a huge swarm of enemies came the turn after I had Thany drop Bors down. I actually had to have Rutgar and Lance go into the arena to provide sufficient RNs for Thany to not get hit by the archers. The boss himself wasn't as bad; Dieck would like to have a word with you. Seize, set, game.

Roy      	01  09  25  08  09  11  10  07  01  06   
Alan 		01  10  28  12  08  10  04  08  00  09  B Lance
Lance   	01  10  25  09  11  11  05  08  02  09  B Alan
Bors      	01  13  32  12  09  09  13  20  01  14   
Ellen      	01  05  18  02  07  08  11  00  08  04
Dieck    	01  13  33  14  16  12  06  08  04  13
Thany 		01  05  18  04  07  16  07  07  06  04
Lugh      	01  04  17  05  06  08  05  03  05  04
Chad    	01  05  19  06  04  13  08  03  01  05
Clarine 	01  03  17  03  07  11  09  02  06  05  C Rutgar
Rutgar   	01  13  29  12  15  18  04  07  03  07  C Clarine
Saul   		01  06  20  04  07  11  02  02  05  06
Sue   		01  01  18  05  07  08  04  05  00  05
Zealot    	02  01  35  10  12  13  05  11  07  11
Treck 		01  04  25  08  06  07  05  08  00  09
Noah    	01  07  26  08  07  09  06  07  01  10

Bors capped his defense at Lv13/0 thanks to Anna being extremely merciful with me. Also, Thany is still at base str despite gaining four levels. If this shit keeps up, she's not going to be used much longer(stupid 30 growth. And she can't even use anything with a little more muscle since it turns her into a 7AS brick.)

Swag: Red gem x2, Hero crest, Long bow, Physic, Knight killer, Killing edge, Elixir, Torch

I also bought several iron blades and steel lances.

Don't even ask about the poll. Bors Lite wins 8 to 2.

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Chapter 8: Reunion

Starting Units:

Roy, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Lugh, Chad, Thany, Ellen, Saul, Clarine, Lilina, Astol

New Units:

Barth, Wendy, OJ

Still not Joining:


This chapter throws a bunch of dangerous shit at you. A bunch of steel lances that love to 2HKO anybody who isn't Marcus/Zealot/Bors/Barth, a knight killer armor, a killer lance armor, and an aircalibur mage. Oh yes, your first promoted boss, too.

Make sure you do this! Put Lilina in the upper left corner of her cell block. If you do not, not only will you lose possibly the best magic user in the game, you will also fuck up your chances at getting the good ending to this game.

I had Lilina sit in the spot I mentioned in the disclaimer, then moved all my units up. I then kept moving up, killing shit as I went since I need to get to where my reinforcements show up. Alan and Lance remove the loldier and archer, while Boris just pulverizes another loldier(Alan and Rutgar say hi, too). Next turn, Lugh roasts the armor and Roy disembowels the mage. On the EP, Bors rips apart Mr. I-kill-Alan-and-Lance-with-one-strike and a loldier, but the second loldier evades death, but who gives a crap since Dieck killed him next turn anyway. No one can reach the archer, so I just blockaded until he did show up. Next turn, my reinforcements showed up, and taking one peek, they all suck. Dieck and Rutgar decapitated the douches, then I decided to rescue drop everybody to where the reinforcements are. This does work, except until the point where they just came to us, and I HAD to drop Bors, Rutgar, and Roy just to keep the archers away from Thany(that incident in Ch7 and a similar incident that happened to Caeda in FEDS bring back way too many bad memories). Well anyway, Clarine, OJ, and Roy get attacked by archers(at least it's not as potent as if an arrow hits Thany), which Dieck, Bors, and Chad happily kill. Barth sets the reinforcement detachment free and we are reunited.

The next step was to get Lilina out of prison before something more threatening than an iron bow archer shows up to rape her. I formed a blockade with Bors at the very front and a bunch of other guys trying to keep my squishy units safe. Of course, Lance gets the full brunt of the attack, but I turned that blockade into scrap metal and ground meat. I then stormed treasure room 1 and used it as my personal reinforcement chokepoint. And of course, Roy has to speak with Cath...again. Well, right after I grab the Knight crest from the first douche. Then the reinforcements arrive. I use this time to train Lilina, since she is an underleveled scrub(TBH, so are OJ and Wendy, but both have superior counterparts(Dieck and Bors), while Lily's counterpart is a shota that LOVES to get fucked over in mag.)

Next up was the douchebag with the killer lance. I lured him in with Bors then burned him alive(cuz he needed it). As for the throne room, the mages and armor got raped. Epically. Lilina tears apart the final mage, then Chad starts pilfering. Now, the boss was a douche. 36HP/17Def/10Res/56Avo is no joke. I was actually forced to have Bors triangle attack him since his defensive parameters are just that big. Lilina took the kill(she actually got lucky hitting on a 37 with Elfire).

Roy      	01  09  25  08  09  11  10  07  01  06 	C Lilina
Lilina    	01  06  18  10  05  07  07  02  09  04  C Roy  
Alan 		01  11  29  13  08  11  04  08  00  09  B Lance
Lance   	01  11  26  09  11  11  05  08  02  09  B Alan
Bors      	01  16  35  13  11  11  14  20  01  14   
Ellen      	01  06  18  03  07  09  11  01  08  04
Dieck    	01  14  34  15  16  12  07  08  04  13
Thany 		01  05  18  04  07  16  07  07  06  04
Lugh      	01  04  17  05  06  08  05  03  05  04
Chad    	01  06  19  07  05  14  08  03  01  05
Clarine 	01  05  17  03  09  12  09  02  07  05  C Rutgar
Rutgar   	01  14  30  13  16  18  04  07  03  07  C Clarine
Saul   		01  07  21  04  07  12  02  02  05  06
Astol      	01  10  25  07  08  15  11  07  03  08
Oujay      	01  03  24  07  10  09  06  04  00  08
Barth    	01  09  25  10  06  05  02  14  01  16
Wendy   	01  01  19  04  03  03  06  08  00  10

Swag: Knight proof, Killer bow, Light brand, Guiding ring, Silver axe, Elfire, Elysian whip, Secret book

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Make sure you do this! Put Lilina in the upper left corner of her cell block. If you do not, not only will you lose possibly the best magic user in the game, you will also fuck up your chances at getting the good ending to this game.

... I never quite understood why people think that Lilina is good...

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Chapter 8x: The Blazing Sword

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Thany, Saul, Clarine

Your first Gaiden map. This map has tiles that will burn a fixed 10HP off your units. You know that it's a flame tile if it looks like a lava patch. As for the enemies, they suck for the most part. The boss is annoying as always, and of course, has stupidly high avoid and actual durability figures. Gotta love those retarded(+3Def/+5Res/+30Avo) thrones.

"I contemplated whether I was going to bring Thany or Ellen. Ellen's just another healbot, while Thany can do something as useful as ferrying Bors over the chasm. Ultimately, I do not want to deal with his 4 move for the whole fucking map, so I chose Thany."

I first split the posse into two groups. I sent Bors, Lilina, Rutgar, and Roy to the north while Lance, Alan, and Dieck went west. I had also used my angelic robe on Lilina. A fighter and archer both decided to attack Bors(really, a steel axe that does 0 dmg? You suck. The guys on HM do 6.), while some mercenaries attacked Dieck and Lance in utter frustration. Lilina critkills the hand axe guy, while Roy cuts down an archer. Dieck and Lance put down two mercs, while Alan decimated a mage. Next turn, my SW division removed the fighters(Dieck took out the halberd guy, for obvious reasons), while Lilina chipped a mage and Bors killed a fighter before being dragged to the other side of the lava pit. Rutgar killed two mercs and a fighter, while Bors took out two fighters and an archer. Lily caps another fighter with Roy's help(7AS is actually borderline on a lot of crap here), while Rutgar and Dieck just manhandle two fighters. Lilina kills the merc, while Lance goes for the mage.

The rest of the map was bland. The merc died to a combination of Lilina and Dieck, while the mage and archer fell to Rutgar and Lilina(the armorslayer myrm got OHKO'd by Bors). The last mage and two fighters were fed to Lilina and Alan/Lance, respectively. Now, the boss is another douche. Rutgar critted him with the Killing edge, but missed on the second shot. Lilina took the kill.

Roy      	01  10  26  08  10  11  10  08  01  06 	B Lilina
Lilina    	01  09  25  13  06  08  07  03  10  04  B Roy  
Alan 		01  11  29  13  08  11  04  08  00  09  B Lance
Lance   	01  11  26  09  11  11  05  08  02  09  B Alan
Bors      	01  16  35  13  11  11  14  20  01  14   
Dieck    	01  14  34  15  16  12  07  08  04  13
Thany 		01  05  18  04  07  16  07  07  06  04
Clarine 	01  07  17  03  09  13  10  02  08  05  C Rutgar
Rutgar   	01  14  30  13  16  18  04  07  03  07  C Clarine
Saul   		01  07  21  04  07  12  02  02  05  06

Swag: Durandal

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Oh, and I'd like to add that I think Yodel is the best light magic user because he is closest to an S Rank. Low-level light magic is really weak, since it's pretty inaccurate, and both Saul and Ellen would start off with D Light, so they need a lot of work for an S.

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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Chapter 9: The Misty Islands

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Clarine, Thany, Saul, Chad, Sue, Noah

New Units:

Fir, Shin

This is the first chapter in this game to have Fog of War. I fucking hate fog. Especially when a bunch of shit is about to kill your units. At least the game is kind enough to let you know that this is axe land. Thieves help get though this chapter CONSIDERABLY.

I moved all my units across the bridge, with the exception of Bors, who I just rescue-dropped onto the other side of the river. I didn't remove anything; instead, I kept moving because I couldn't reach the pirate with anything except Thany(I had Thany rescue Dieck so that he could save the village. The next turn, Thany drops Dieck down on the mountain while Roy destroys the pirate(Bors impales the merc and everyone else just moves). Next move, Rutgar and Lily massacre the two enemies on the bridge, Bors moves up a bit and Dieck does fuck all. It is next move that Dieck makes his move on the mage, while Lily, Bors, and Lance go around and say fuck you to a mercenary and fighter. Dieck goes back on his mountain and kills the archer. After the next turn, Noah goes up and recruits Fir. The next turn, Shin is recruited, and using him, killed the fighter in front of him.

Dieck goes and claims a silver sword, Shin kills the halberd guy and Sue and Chad destroy a mage. More archers attack, but Shin and Roy kill them just as easily as they would kill Thany. While Dieck is racing back to the main group, Shin freeloads off Bors(and is getting actual level ups). After the next EP, where the hand axe guy and the archer attack Bors for some unknown reason(why are they attacking a 36HP/20Def brick instead of a frail-as-fuck mage?) Then the reinforcements. They are all pirates, and thus, Rutgar food. Lilina and Shin food, too. Dieck also helped with the slaughter of the bastards in the west(since he's as manly as they come. Just comes to show you that you don't need to have 37HP/20Def to trivialize Ch9.) Some pretty nice level ups here, as well. God bless Anna.

Boss wasn't too difficult or anything. Bors actually took fail damage from this guy(4 damage? Even with a crit that still 4RKO's me). Lily takes the bosskill since she's the only one with reliable 2 range(Shin is still underleveled.)

Roy      	01  11  27  09  10  12  10  09  01  06 	B Lilina
Lilina    	01  13  26  17  07  11  10  03  13  04  B Roy  
Alan 		01  12  30  14  08  12  04  08  00  09  B Lance
Lance   	01  12  26  09  12  12  06  08  02  09  B Alan
Bors      	01  18  37  14  13  12  14  20  01  14   
Dieck    	01  17  37  16  16  15  08  08  04  13
Thany 		01  05  18  04  07  16  07  07  06  04
Clarine 	01  08  17  03  09  14  10  03  08  05  B Rutgar
Rutgar   	01  16  32  15  18  20  04  07  03  07  B Clarine
Chad    	01  07  20  08  05  15  09  03  01  05
Saul   		01  09  22  05  07  13  02  03  07  06
Sue   		01  02  19  06  07  08  04  05  00  05
Noah    	01  07  26  08  07  09  06  07  01  10
Shin      	01  08  25  10  10  12  06  07  00  07
Fir      	01  01  19  06  09  10  03  03  01  05

I like how Dieck decided to treat his speed growth as 75% for those last three level ups. Also am loving Lilina's speed. She's like 3.15 above her simple average for that level. And Rutgar's str. Too bad Guy from Fire Emblem 7 couldn't be like this(seriously, Rutgar is making Guy look like even more of a pussy than he already is. And they have the same str growth FFS!)...

Should I just say 'fuck it' and promote Bors and Rutgar now? That +4Def bonus(Bors)and +30 crit(Rutgar)look pretty damn good right about now, plus they've maxed everything they're going to max out in the first tier anyway(spd for Rutgar/def for Boris).

Swag: Killer bow, Silver sword, Wo Dao

See you in Ch10A.

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