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Arch's random short survey for FE fans.


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1. Areone, Kuraine, Levail, Linus, Reinhardt

2. Cain and Abel

3. hmm, well FE6!Hector, Tiltyu, Ethlin, Cuan and several others I guess but don't affect me as much as those

4. those old sage/druids in FE6 that guarded some of the legendary weapons (and were just a palette swap)

5. presumably they all go to some equivalent of a peaceful afterlife; those that didn't lead honorable lives instead either get a chance of redemption or are completely reincarnated into a different person

6. Dorcas tends to take a lot of random blows if it means drawing attention away from anyone else at least until I bench him.

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Q1: LYON. MICHALIS(FE11), Camus(FE11), Eremiya(FE12), Selena

Q2: Kent and Sain.

Q3: Playable characters, right? NINIAN! Lyn, Hector, Eliwood, Hardin, Boah

Q4: I don't remember them, obviously. There are a ton of them, the ones that are basically color swaps of other bosses, and say maybe one line besides the death quote and battle opening. Basically all of the bosses in FE11.

Q5: Heaven or Hell, depending on actions - based on things like Gharnef's death quote - "I'll be waiting in the pits of hell when Medeus sends you to join me!" = Most epic death quote ever.

Q6: Maria in FE11. Magic just owns. Marth in FE11 as well

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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Camus, Ishtar, Areone, Brunya, Gale

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Kent and Sain.

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

BK, Ishtar, Hector. First 3 that came to mind.

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

Every single FE11 boss not called Gharnef, Medeus, Camus, Michalis or Tiki.

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.


Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.


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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.

Binks, Ishtar, Ishtor, Schmidt (don't ask), Fargus.

Alec and Noish. Alec's just...Alec. His badass turban alone makes up for the fact that Noish is a blank slate of a man.

Eli and Hector, Orson if he counts, Fado, Ismaire, Sigurd, Diadora, Cuan, Ethlin...bah, there's a lot more than that, I'm certain. Reyson's bodyguard dude...

I was gonna say Aias, but the fact that he was one of my first thoughts is instantly a bad sign. Instead, I'll go with the various recoloured cultists in the FE4 epilogue, and if not them then Migal, who isn't even recoloured when his mug shows up again as 'some bandit'.

Valhalla, except with tier debaters instead of valkyries.

:Dozla: is the man who I always use and who's always died in ever-more creative ways. Maybe I just love seeing his death quote. As a general rule, I often toss a promotion item to units that I used for a while who ended up at level 10, 11 (Rath, pretty much always) and these dudes become the filler, the cleanup, the meat.

Edited by Furetchen
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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Hetzel, Zelgius, Deghinsea, Septimus, Levail

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Oscar and Kieran

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.


Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

(random boss who I already don't remember anymore) Callum

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

they go to the next level of heaven/hell, which is another FE world. that's why Jake (from Anna) appears in multiple continents (Anna is the RNG-goddess, she just follows him everywhere.

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.

I think it's a waste of experience to use characters I'm not planning to bring to endgame.

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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Lloyd Reed, then he'll recruit Linus as well! I could say Selena also... then Brenya and Limstella

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Forde and Kyle, cause I've been with these two for a long time... Lance and Alan too, but I'm more biased to Alan cause he looks like a younger version of Kieran... and of course, Oscar and Kieran, cause they kill me laughing!

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Leila, Brendan Reed, Hector and Aenir...

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

Blech... Sigune was too meh... add in Valter now!

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

Handsome characters go to Lumi's paradise if they die... The other good guys go to my magnificent domain while the bad guys go to my torture room of eternal punishment where they will be tied up and be exposed to Serra's endless chattering until they explode!

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.

Clarine, cause she has h4x dodging skillz.... and Kyle too, cause nearly everything TINKS! on him...

Edited by Frostbite
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1) Linus, Lloyd, Hardin, Roro, Selena

2) Kyle and Forde

3) Cuan, Ethlin, Leila, Hector, Sigurd, Lorenz, Boah

4) Doma

5) I thought their quintessence got recycled, like uh... reincarnation.

6) Bartre

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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Limstella, Zelgius

not the black knight, /zelgius

, Camus, Hetzel (a waste? no. He was supposed to be recruited. ;-;), Jill's dad (whose name doesn't come to mind).

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Oscar and Kieran

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

The four that come to mind are

Eliwood, Hector, Pelleas, Lehran.

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

I forget.

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

I hate to be uncreative, but FE seems to have no afterlife. I mean, the goddesses are in the waking world. I could be forgetting something, I guess.

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.


Don't really do that.

Edited by Lux Aeterna
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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Carlyle, Michaelis (Minevera's brother in FEDS) and uh...can't think of any others atm. (been a while since I played anything.)

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Kent and Sain FOR THE WIN. ♥

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Leila, Ismaire, Lyon, Eliwood's dad, Fado

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

O'Neil lol. Generic fighter unit in the prologue.

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

they wander the planet as lost souls?

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.

Does this mean making them die? If so, just about any character in FEDS that isn't Marth, Barst, Caeda, Tiki, Elice, Cain, Abel, Merric, Lena, Navarre or Julian.

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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.

1. Veyona, Zelgius, Lyon, Deghinsea (or however he's spelling it these days), Selena

2. Oscar and Kieran, mainly because they wield different weapons

3. Leila, Ephidel, Boah, Arran (post game), Uther, Elbert. I'm not counting fatalities that can be attributed to the player

4. This is a counterproductive question, an unmemorable boss is unlikely to be remembered and named in the survey. Since you insist the boss of Chapter 17 in Blazing Sword, the Shaman guy. All the GBA Shaman bosses are really generic because of the hood. Are you starting to see why I dislike this question?

5. Very good question... I really don't know. They probably don't move on to an afterlife since they can (often) be revived, but being lost into limbo contradicts in-game religion

6. I consider nobody disposable, I always keep my entire team, even if it means losing hours of work in a restart. If you want to know who I throw in haplessly... Ike. Probably. Knights/Generals are always defensive lines.

N.B. I've only played games 7-11. Dunno whether it matters but you should probably know.

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I've got a project idea and I'm doing some research as I put together plans for a hack when I finish Elibian Nights. I have a few questions I'd like FE fans to answer. It may seem like a dumb survey, but it's for a good cause! And of course your input is valued.

Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.

1. Ishtar, Levail, Bryce, Shiharam,Hardin in fe3

2. Kent and Sain

3. Yurius, Sigurd, Most of your male characters in part one of fe4, Ashnard, most bosses, but it would go forever even if I listed them just off the top of my head.

4. I was about to say that generic boss from fe12, but I actually remember him. I looked it up, and I'll go with the boss from fe9's 2nd chapter.

5. They go back to the place where they first were in-game and wait for a new game.

6. Jagen

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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

- Lloyd from FE7

- Uhai from FE7

- Fargus from FE7 (if he wasn't as broken)

- Kishuna from FE7! :awesome:

- Selena from FE8

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

I'll have to go with Oscar and Kieran here. They're not as generic and boring as the other cavalier duos.

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Cuan, Ethlin, Ninian (even though she doesn't stay dead), Athos, Leila, basically every single boss you have to fight in "defeat the boss", "defeat all enemies" or "seize" missions

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

I can't remember. :awesome:

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

Nowhere. They're dead.

No, I'm not creative.

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.

Knoll's Phantoms. Sometimes also FE11!Generics if I happen to get them.

Edited by Raymond
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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Lloyd, Linus, Gale, Ursula, Ephidel

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Oscar and Kieran

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Boah, Lawrence, Hardin, Dorias, Ninian, Canas, Trabant, Levin, Brigid, Cuan, Ethlin

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

Any with a copied face...Harold (FE4) is pretty forgettable. All the Lyn Mode bosses other than Batta, Glass and Lundgren.

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

They get into some post life queue and draw a number. Every time someone uses the Valkyrie Staff or some other means of revival the corresponding number lights up and they're called to the front and sent back. Levin likes to skip.

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.

Dorcas, Glade's knights, Abel, Kein, Bord, Gordin, Wolf, Sedgar, Vyland, Roshea, Matthis, Maria...if I had to pick one it'd be Gordin.

Edited by Mekkah
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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Erik (FE6), Glen (FE8), Freya (FE6), Lombroso (FE10), Valter (FE8). In that order.

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Lance and Alan.

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.


Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

I can't remember. Probably Emil.

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

To a graveyard.

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.


Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Ishtar(FE4), Reinhardt(FE5), Lloyd Reed(FE7), Kleine(FE12), Arion(FE4)

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran. Gonna go with Oscar and Kieran on this one. Kent/Sain come close.

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Greil, Cuan, Ethlin, Brendan Reed, Leila, Hector.

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

Uhh... Kezdha most likely.

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

Well, considering that FE is a game, I am gonna go a different route with this one. When FE characters die, they go into a limbo sort of state, almost like purgatory. While they are here, they wait for the next time they are recruited.

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.

Not too many of them, actually. I guess Edward in FE10 earlygame.

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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Uhai, Lloyd (FE7) Zelgius, then Fargus and Eltshan had a brief stint as an enemy. if they don't count Nedata, Carlyle

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Kent and Sain

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Hassar, Madelyn, Greil, Hector, Leila, Uther, Elbert, Eltshann, Mahnya, Levail, Brigid, Canas, Fado, Cuan, Ethlin, Sigurd, Lilia, Rajaion and the guys in Q1 who aren't already mentioned.

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

Kezhda, the cat which only appears if Lethe died for 3-6

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

Ragnarok! :Sweden: lack of viking emotcoins displeases me

Dunno maybe the same place the FE8 monsters spawn from, unless they just grow from Darkling woods like some sort of zombie plant.

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.

Gaggles Gordin, have fun being the decoy

@Lux His name is Shihiram isn't it?

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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name.

1. Idun (FE6), Lloyd Reed (FE7), Eltoshen (FE4), Ishtar (FE4), Gale (FE6)

2. Sain and Kent

3. Eltoshen, Sigurd, Cuan, Ethlin, Tiltyu, Leila (FE7), Uhai, Elbert, Lloyd, Linus, Hector, Glen, Ismaire, Vigarde, Lyon, Greil, Shiharam, Rajaion, Levail, Zelgius.

4. Gheb

5. I figure with the presence of quintessence (especially in FEs 4 & 7), and the fact that there's magic in certain FEs that can bring certain people back to life (Aum in the Archanea FEs, and the Valkyrie staff in FE4), I'd imagine FE characters would go straight to the source of where their quintessence came from upon dying. Think the Lifestream from FF7, or something similar to it.

6. I really let no one die in FEs that aren't numbered 11. (Though I would gladly off Florina after recruiting Fiora, if the survival rank was a tiny bit more lenient.) But as far as FE11 is concerned, usually Gordin, Castor. Can't really think of anyone else though.

Edited by LittleAl
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1: Kempf, Alvis (maybe for part 1?), Narshen, Michalis, Jarod. With Jarod and Kempf being my favorites.

2: Oscar and Kieran, even though they are less of a duo than most of the others.

3: Holy shit! I assume you mean PCs only, otherwise this would be insane. Cuan, Ethlin, Vylon, Sigurd, Levin (even though he comes back as Holsety), probably a bunch of other FE4 characters from part 1 but I'm not sure which ones canonically die since I know at least some of the women survive not to mention Finn, wow that was a run-on sentence, Hector, the Black Knight, Pelleas maybe (Dunno which is considered canon and probably never will).

4: Catalena from FE10. She's the falcon knight in 4-1 of RD.


(heh, I see Aquilae answered this already!)

6: NPCs are the only cannon fodder in Fire Emblem, and the only ones I treat as expendable are the...nameless ones. So, I'm sorry but I don't have an answer.

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I've got a project idea and I'm doing some research as I put together plans for a hack when I finish Elibian Nights. I have a few questions I'd like FE fans to answer. It may seem like a dumb survey, but it's for a good cause! And of course your input is valued.

Reading the questions, I think I know what you're planning. If I'm right, I must say that I approve.


Eltoshan (FE4)

Arion (FE4)

Rinehart (FE5)

Glen (FE8)

Zelgius (FE10)

FE10 Bandit

Not including Camus because

he's Sirius in Book 2 and possibly Zeek in Gaiden

Q2: Oscar and Kieran.

Q3: I assume this means people that you don't outright kill or cause to die (so no listing Lloyd/Linus because Sonia finishes them or Sonia because Nergal finishes her).

Boa, Ephidel, Elbert, Uther, Hector, Desmond (Zephiel's dad), Glen, Brendan Reed, Greil, Zelgius, Sigurd, Ethlin, Cuan, Eirika and Ephraim's dad (was it Fado? Or was that the Frelian king), Levin, Briggid, Lachesis, Tiltyu, Claude... Probably a bunch more of first generation.

Q4: If I remember them, then they aren't the most unmemorable, now are they? Anyway, probably some boss from FE1 or 6. Maybe even the generics in Book 2 (Ch. 13, 18, and 22) although I don't really count those.

Q5: For some reason I always thought of it like the GBA remake for FF2 bonus Dawn of Souls thing (where you control the three characters that died in the normal game plus a fourth guy that also died but you never got to use in what was basically an afterlife. It was pretty neat)

Q6: Cannon fodder as in "use with the intent to get killed?" None. "Use as meatshield to divert fire from other units," though... Probably Marcus. FE6 to be specific.

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Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game).

Gale, Ishtar, Shagaal (Seriously, that guy is a legend), Trabant and Hetzel (he didn't deserve to die.)

Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran.

Luke and Rody, but Cain and Abel from your list.

Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head.

Sigurd (Tear comes to my eye at that one), Hector, Boah, Zephiel, That Rausten Knight at the beginning of chapter 19 in FE8.

Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable?

Eins (It had to be one of them, I don't even remember if they had boss music. Yuria beat them far too easily)

Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative.

A heaven/hell of sort, probably somewhere in the same dimension as the dragon tribe where the alterspire is in FE11, since the divine dragon tribe are basically gods themselves, or at least the guardians of the gods/God.

Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name

Fiona (It was the only use I could think of for her.)

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Q1: Alvis, Nedata, Lloyd Reed, Gale, Arion

Q2: Oscar and Kieran, I guess.

Q3: Sigurd, Diadora, Cuan, Ethlin, Greil, FE6!Hector, Uther, Fado, Ismaire

Q4: The one I can't remember for the life of me.

Q5: If they're good, Anna's House. If they're bad, Gheb's House.

Q6: Jeigans.

Edited by El Rey León
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