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So I was randomly IM'd on AIM


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[16:14] John William: 'Ello?

[16:14] magictiger123: hi?

[16:14] John Williams: Greetings.

[16:14] magictiger123: who are you?

[16:15] John Williams: A friend of a friend.

[16:16] John Williams: But that is not of one's concern.

[16:16] John Williams: Shall I empose a question?

[16:16] John Williams: How are you doing this day?

[16:21] magictiger123: which friend?

[16:21] John Williams: Does it matter?

Yes, yes, it does matter. Creeper.

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Yes, yes, it does matter. Creeper.

Wow you were lucky to escape his Jaws, by the looks of it 'ET-eamed up on you with your friend, I'm not sure but it you might want to Endor'll contact with the afforementioned friend.

Edited by mikethfc
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That's nothing. I'm sure I've told this story before, but a few years ago some guy looking for a date IM'd me thinking I was a girl. Apparently some asshole put my AOL screen name on a dating site. Another time, an angry guy messaged me because the number in my screen name was his army number or some shit like that.

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One time this guy sent me a message about how sexy I was and how hard I got him, then sent me a picture of his penis.

Then he realized I was some guy who he knew from a game and not his girlfriend. Apparently I was right beneath her on his list. Fucking AIM, man.

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No I think I was pretty spot on with that one.

OH you mean someone else. I would never play games with you.

*feels hurt and left out*

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On my really old MSN account, I was invited into a mass convo by some random person who I added somehow, or who added me. Some guy was gonna become an hero, so we were trying to make him not do it. Turns out later he did, or someone killed him or some shit. It seemed like a complicated state of affairs.

About a week or so later I was invited again being threatened and shit, saying how I ignore them whenever I see them and stuff. They didn't even live in Wales. Turns out they mistook my MSN account for a Shaun that they did know in RL, but they were having none of it and seemed adamant that I was the one they knew. I just feel sorry for the Shaun they actually know. Guys involved were blocked and deleted and never heard from again.

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On my really old MSN account, I was invited into a mass convo by some random person who I added somehow, or who added me. Some guy was gonna become an hero, so we were trying to make him not do it. Turns out later he did, or someone killed him or some shit. It seemed like a complicated state of affairs.

About a week or so later I was invited again being threatened and shit, saying how I ignore them whenever I see them and stuff. They didn't even live in Wales. Turns out they mistook my MSN account for a Shaun that they did know in RL, but they were having none of it and seemed adamant that I was the one they knew. I just feel sorry for the Shaun they actually know. Guys involved were blocked and deleted and never heard from again.

Too red didn't read.

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One time this guy sent me a message about how sexy I was and how hard I got him, then sent me a picture of his penis.

Then he realized I was some guy who he knew from a game and not his girlfriend. Apparently I was right beneath her on his list. Fucking AIM, man.

fucking hilarious

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Last night somebody tried to IM me telling me they met me at a party somewhere and this chick thought I was hot. I'm like PFFFFFFFFFFFT YEAH RIGHT. If there was a party it was in their head, cuz I've been at home sick the past week. T_T

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