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Strider Zero's Sprites

Strider Zero

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Jeez, some of you people are harsh.

I mean they are what they are but there's no need to insult the man.

Just keep practicing.

I would agree to that, except he kinda ignored most of our critiques, or, at the very least, didn't fully accept them.

Yeah, he should just keep practicing if he wants to get better, but, with sprites of these quality, not completely accepting critique from people who are actually good at it, is kinda insulting to those people.

Sorry to say.

Edited by seph1212
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I would agree to that, except he kinda ignored most of our critiques, or, at the very least, didn't fully accept them.

Yeah, he should just keep practicing if he wants to get better, but, with sprites of these quality, not completely accepting critique from people who are actually good at it, is kinda insulting to those people.

Sorry to say.

This is why I don't bother criticizing fucktard newbies.

It's not even worth the time wasted, considering they never listen. It annoys me so badly when people just recolour, cause it's pointless, and I also extremely dislike it when people splice and pretty much make it look retarded.


Why is his face shape so deformed? Where's the shading under the neck? Why is he twisting his head so fucking far?


What the hell did you do to the body? I swear, is your dick controlling the mouse or are you that incapable of spriting? If you wanna edit the body, if you can't custom for shit, then splice. -.-


I don't even know what the fuck to say to this..

Seriously, the reason I'm so pissed at this is what, it'd take him just about an hour to search the fire emblem forums and look at other people's sprites, maybe some tutorials, it wouldn't kill him, but no, people have to be stupid about this shit. -.-

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Seph, I must thank you for your criticism. I went from...




I do see now that it looks a whole lot better using the Fire Emblem colors. I never knew it made such a difference till now.

Also to that guy in the not English letters, fuck you because I never said I was good. Thanks to Seph, I now know how terrible I actually am.

Edited by Strider Zero
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Seph, I must thank you for your criticism. I went from...




I do see now that it looks a whole lot better using the Fire Emblem colors. I never knew it made such a difference till now.

Also to that guy in the not English letters, fuck you because I never said I was good. Thanks to Seph, I now know how terrible I actually am.

Kid, it's still a recolor. Gawd, splice something, and splice it well.

And, Nickt is 100% correct in his critique. What the hell were you doing?

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Kid, it's still a recolor. Gawd, splice something, and splice it well.

And, Nickt is 100% correct in his critique. What the hell were you doing?

Do you not read? I was thanking you for pointing out the flaws of my sprites. I am merely re-doing some of my sprites. I will try splicing as well, just not this second.

Yes, I know he is correct in his critique. I'm just saying he didn't have to comment on them so harshly when you've already clearly done the job.

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Do you not read? I was thanking you for pointing out the flaws of my sprites. I am merely re-doing some of my sprites. I will try splicing as well, just not this second.

Yes, I know he is correct in his critique. I'm just saying he didn't have to comment on them so harshly when you've already clearly done the job.

Do YOU not read? You redid nothing. Fixing a recolor is still a recolor. I don't care for your thanks until you fix the problem that is your lack of actual splicing.

And, yes, he did. That post was amazing. It was beautiful. It was written justice towards all idiots of your caliber.

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Do YOU not read? You redid nothing. Fixing a recolor is still a recolor. I don't care for your thanks until you fix the problem that is your lack of actual splicing.

And, yes, he did. That post was amazing. It was beautiful. It was written justice towards all idiots of your caliber.

Very well. The next thing I present will be a splice.

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To seph and Nickt: I would like it if we could keep our criticism civil. No matter how frustrated you may be at a person's disobedience or difference in experience/intelligence/skill, there is no need to show severe levels of hostility, and definitely no need to insult.

And as for receiving criticism, even if it's not well worded, you have no right to insult back, Strider Zero. Take it well, or if you can't, just report it to us if you think it does not comply with the rules.

Speaking of rules, I'm going to have to dump them here:


Because you three seem like you would want to freshen yourselves up a bit.

Good day, gentlemen.

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I always miss the good stuff >_<

Trents trolling again XD You tell him his colors are bad, and after a long winded debate he gets proper colors (sorta), and then you yell at him for only presenting recolors? XD

IMO if you can't recolor you're an idiot or new to spriting, and you really shouldn't be attempting splices. OP is gone now, but looking at the images in Nickt's post the recolors have gotten better. So going against the flow, good job Zero, now reading up on a few tutorial in splicing might be a good idea. (I won't suggest any since I don't know of any good ones)

While I will say those splices were of rather.... poor quality, it's nothing to get your panties in a knot for Meat head Nickt. :/

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I always miss the good stuff >_<

Trents trolling again XD You tell him his colors are bad, and after a long winded debate he gets proper colors (sorta), and then you yell at him for only presenting recolors? XD

IMO if you can't recolor you're an idiot or new to spriting, and you really shouldn't be attempting splices. OP is gone now, but looking at the images in Nickt's post the recolors have gotten better. So going against the flow, good job Zero, now reading up on a few tutorial in splicing might be a good idea. (I won't suggest any since I don't know of any good ones)

While I will say those splices were of rather.... poor quality, it's nothing to get your panties in a knot for Meat head Nickt. :/

Yes, when I get back from work today I will certainly look up some more tutorials on splicing.

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So, I went overboard More than just a bit there last night, and I'd like to apologize for being an ass.

I've had too many bad experiences with new spriters in the past, so I guess I just didn't give you a chance when you showed up. Sorry for that.

I'll see what you can cook up, and give you a nice, proper, not insulting critique, if you don't mind me doing so.

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Hey there, Strider! Glad to see you're stepping up and trying to get better at sprite work. That Joshua recolor got alot better!

Since you want to get into splicing, here are some handy links:

Felover3's Splicing Tutorial

Nickt's Splicing Tutorial

CO Raptor's Splicing Tutorial

Dei/TheBlindArcher's Mug skin color reference

An FEU splicing discussion thread

K00r00's splicing discussion on FEPlanet

FEPlanet Spriter's Resource

FEU Spriting Resources

I've also attached a sheet containing every GBA mug. I found it deep in some thread on FEND, I wish I could remember where. It was compiled by Aeorys on FEND. It's really useful for finding pieces you want to splice, grabbing colors, or referencing how to shade something.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, anyone looking to do sprite art needs to read this: Pixel Joint's "So you want to be a serious artist?" discussion at FEND.

I hope these help. Good luck on your first splice, we'd all love to see it and help you make it better.

Edit: Fixed my sources :V

post-2283-032691100 1289574254_thumb.png

Edited by Astelaine
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Just to let you know, Astel, it was Dei, AKA, TheBlindArcher, who put together the skin color reference.

EDIT: The sheet you attached was from Aeorys' thread on FEND, just to let you know, again XD

Edited by seph1212
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Just to let you know, Astel, it was Dei, AKA, TheBlindArcher, who put together the skin color reference.

EDIT: The sheet you attached was from Aeorys' thread on FEND, just to let you know, again XD

Holy crap, thank you. I could not remember for the life of me!

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So, I went overboard More than just a bit there last night, and I'd like to apologize for being an ass.

I've had too many bad experiences with new spriters in the past, so I guess I just didn't give you a chance when you showed up. Sorry for that.

I'll see what you can cook up, and give you a nice, proper, not insulting critique, if you don't mind me doing so.

That would be great. I know I was being rather thick headed in the beginning, but I realize my mistake and am ready to move on. I'll make a concerted effort in splicing something good.

Hey there, Strider! Glad to see you're stepping up and trying to get better at sprite work. That Joshua recolor got alot better!

Since you want to get into splicing, here are some handy links:

Felover3's Splicing Tutorial

Nickt's Splicing Tutorial

CO Raptor's Splicing Tutorial

Dei/TheBlindArcher's Mug skin color reference

An FEU splicing discussion thread

K00r00's splicing discussion on FEPlanet

FEPlanet Spriter's Resource

FEU Spriting Resources

I've also attached a sheet containing every GBA mug. I found it deep in some thread on FEND, I wish I could remember where. It was compiled by Aeorys on FEND. It's really useful for finding pieces you want to splice, grabbing colors, or referencing how to shade something.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, anyone looking to do sprite art needs to read this: Pixel Joint's "So you want to be a serious artist?" discussion at FEND.

I hope these help. Good luck on your first splice, we'd all love to see it and help you make it better.

Edit: Fixed my sources :V

Thank you very much for this. Some of these links I recognize, but I will look into these as best as I can. I do have all the GBA mugs though, but thanks for your consideration.

Also, a question. Is there an extra pixel density in FE8 sprites compared to FE7 and FE6 or is it ok to mix the colors around?

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Might want to fix the borders around the chin. Eyes need help too. Other then that, looks alright. Then again, I'm a noob spriter so I wouldnt know as much as someone like ASL or Seph. :mellow:

EDIT: Collar is missing a pixel or two.

Edited by Soma Cruz
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