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Post your Christmas Wishlists here


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I'm probably not going to get anything for christmas this year. oh well. *a bit homesick*

my wishlist anyway:

a warm scarf,

a bag of hersheys chocolate,

and a snowboard.

The first two are actually kinda possible.

Anyone willing to mail it to me for my lonely lonely christmas? D: no? ok.

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Well....I have a VERY short list. There isn't much I want.






World Destruction.

(Just one of the above is enough to satisfy me)


2. Less people bothering me IRL.

Yes, I've been pretty depressed lately.

get laid

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Why does everyone want Tales of the Abyss? But anyways.

I want money for my computer I'm building and some clothes. Maybe some other random stuff, but whatever.

What I'd like for Christmas is for all you fat, sweaty, outta shape losers to pipe down while I take my robe off and show the ladies what a real man looks like!


I swear this is the first thing I thought of.

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I don't know about the rest of you but I want Tales of the Abyss because I wanted it around when I quit playing Symphonia, but gave my PS 2 away to a family of 7 children with divorced parents. When I finally got a PS 2 Slim to replace it years later I still wished I had gotten TotA and still haven't.

So yeah the rest of you who "want Tales of the Abyss" are just copying me!

Also, eclipse didn't say no quickly enough, so I can only assume she's okay with the idea.

Edited by XxXevisceratedgoddessxXx
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