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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 66


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Best Canon Couple: Raven x Lucius. They have more development as a couple than half of the more explicit options and a paired ending. They are eligible for me~

Worst Canon Couple: Ugh, so many options. But I'll go with Colm x Neimi. It's probably because Neimi is so awful, but Colm can't save this pairing by himself.

Edited by Axie
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Best: Ike x Soren. Honorable mention to Eliw00t x Ninian and Pent x Louise.

Thanks to SilentShaman, I got reminded of LEHRAN x ALTINA. ;~;


Worst: Micaiah x Sothe (It's the whole reason why I dislike Sothe!). And also, like SilentShaman mentioned, it is pretty strange when the two never really had a romantic relation going for them. Astrid x Sothe would actually make more sense...

Dishorable mention to Astrid x Makalov, because it reeks as a crack pairing to me, and Eirika x Ephraim, for being a hype of delusional fans.

Edited by Soul
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Best: Eirika/Lyon. Paired ending requirement not applicable, right? If it's not allowed, then AmeliaxFranz.

Worst: MicaiahxSothe

This pairing just doesn't make sense to me. It's obvious that Micaiah just thinks of Sothe as a younger brother.

Really, I don't like the ending requirement. I understand the need to weed out crack pairings, but EnaxRajaion, GreilxElena, LehranxAltina, and plenty of other pairings I'm too lazy to think of are clearly canon. Arguably more canon than some with paired endings.

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Best: Seth x Eirika. Totally biased here since I've read 362692860280 fanfics of them, and Seth deserves the woman he loves especially after all that hard work he did for me by wtfraping the game all he had done for her. And it's not like Eirika doesn't like him, either.

Honorable mentions to Ayra x Holyn, Lakche x Shanan, Raven x Lucius, Fin x Lachesis, Hector x Lyn, Rutger x Clarine (fuckyouFE6nopairedendingsbesides Roy), Natasha x Joshie... the list goes on.

Worst: Abel x Est.

What the hell is Est thinking? If a guy would do so much to sacrifice for you, OBVIOUSLY he loves you and wants you to stay with him, and you just go ahead and leave him? It's one thing if you guys WEREN'T married, but since you are... why can't you just stay with him? After all he's done for you?

Abel x Palla would've been much better. And they match too.

Dishonorable mention to Seth x Natasha which I was talking about earlier but decided that AbelxEst is worse.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Worst: Seth x Natasha. Also totally biased. Seth and Natasha is kinda WTF to me. There's not much behind it. Natasha and Josh just have so much and so does Eirika and Seth and I see it as a randomly thrown together pairing. Either that, or the way I see it, is that Seth, blind by duty and suppressing his feelings for Eirika, went for Natasha. He'd totally get Eiri if it weren't for that damned duty in the way.

Yeah. Natasha's cool and all, probably one of my favorite clerics, but I just see her so much better with Josh than with Seth.

I thought you would say Abel x Est. But I suppose you were blinded by your Seth x Eirika love.

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I'm seeing Sigurd x Deirdre get a lot of votes for Best Couple and I don't really get it...? They would be the most boring couple ever if Deirdre didn't end up with Alvis, and even that doesn't make Sigurd x Deirdre more interesting. "Love at first sight" couples don't really do it for me. x_x

But Celice x Yuria is interesting! emo11.gif I mean, of course the incestuous pairings end up having more development in one way (Priscilla x Raven) or another (lol Clarine x Klein), but still.

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It might be partially influenced by the Oosawa Manga, which did a insanely beautiful job of portraying Dierdre and Sigurd's story.

When I played the part in game I was just like "oh she got kidnapped", but when I read it in the manga, I actually felt sad when Diedre got abducted. Oosawa did a wonderful job of portraying the pairings, and even though she had to cut out Holyn I forgive her.

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Best: Kent x Lyn. Seth x Eirika is a close second, though.

Worst: Abel x Est. Abel could have had Paola, but he settles for a second-rate girl like her... maybe he's a lolicon or something. Sigurd x Deirdre gets the dishonorable mention.

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It might be partially influenced by the Oosawa Manga, which did a insanely beautiful job of portraying Dierdre and Sigurd's story.

When I played the part in game I was just like "oh she got kidnapped", but when I read it in the manga, I actually felt sad when Diedre got abducted. Oosawa did a wonderful job of portraying the pairings, and even though she had to cut out Holyn I forgive her.

Oh, that makes sense then! Because Dierdre in the game needs a personality, seriously.

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Best: Lachesis and Fin. Mostly because Fin is one of my favorite characters. Moreover, I enjoyed what the Oosawa Manga(I think that's the right one) has done.

Worst: Micaiah and Sothe. It's mostly just them. I find them both really annoying. Not to mention Sothe needs a shirt that fits and needs to stay behind in the last chapters in 10!!!:angry:

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Best: I want to vote for Elincia and Geoffrey but Eirika and Seth take my vote! Theyre similar in the sense that a Princess and her Knight fall in love. Except Elincia is cooler than Eirika and Geoffrey is a lot more handsome than Seth but Eirika and Seth just have more character? together as a couple ^_^. Elincia x Geoffrey seem to get more along like friends.

Worst: Astrid x Makalov. I feel so bad for Astrid! She's sooo nice and pretty and she falls in love with a clown! IS shouldn't have ruined her so much in RD, they obviously hated her!:sob: they should have let her stay with Gatrie instead, a much better fate but 3 bow users in Part 3 idk if that would of been such a good idea ^^'.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Best: Eliwood X Ninian. Absolutely Beautifully done, storyline and support wise. I love it. Man, I support this to the point of aruging its absolute canon-icity with the game's official artwork, etc. Runner up to Hector X Lyn for being hilarious and cute. Marth X Caeda for carrying through without even having support conversations, haha. Ephraim X Tana, Eirika X Innes, Erk X Priscilla...

Worst: Naesala X Leanne. Ugh. Runner up Boyd X Mist due to lack of good storyline support without support conversations. Merric X Elice and Nyna X Camus for being silly and rather annoying.

Does Ike X Elincia even count as canon? :P Unfortunately, its Ike X Soren - *pukes* /shot

And I am rather fond of Astrid X Makalov because of her rather blind devotion, though I do think she can do much, much better, so I do not actually pair them much.

Nominate: Best/Worst Fire Emblem Theme.

Worst: Abel x Est.

What the hell is Est thinking? If a guy would do so much to sacrifice for you, OBVIOUSLY he loves you and wants you to stay with him, and you just go ahead and leave him? It's one thing if you guys WEREN'T married, but since you are... why can't you just stay with him? After all he's done for you?

Abel x Palla would've been much better. And they match too.

Dishonorable mention to Seth x Natasha which I was talking about earlier but decided that AbelxEst is worse.

So true. Still upset with her for stealing her sister's man. Palla must've wanted to kill that b...bad girl.

I wonder, how will the Crack pairing part work? Anything a fan can think of?

Edited by Maria's Bro
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Best: Tana x Cormag.

Worst: Astrid x Makalov. I hate Micaiah and all, but at least her getting paired with Sothe makes FAR more sense than Astrid getting paired with that scr00b. Someone quick, give me a barf bag....

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Best: DevdanXNadved. HolynXAyra. "Mmm, identical speed scores while pregnant." "Yup." "Guess this'd be a bad time to say we're related, huh?" "...Fuck you, Holyn."

Worst: PattyXShannan. YOU CAN DO SO MUCH BETTER BRO. Seriously, if it's blonde Ulirs you want pick Faval.

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Best: Ike x Elincia

Dude... Ike never winds up with anyone. Elincia's pairing is Geoffrey. Ike and either Soren or Ranulf can go on an adventure but those are the only support A endings in FE10 where he winds up even just excellent friends with someone.

Best: Man, this one's hard... I like Erika x Seth and Geoffrey x Elincia but my favorite is Elena x Gawain/Griel. <3

Worst: Marth x Caeda. I dislike them both. They're just so annoying! Sheesh, the drama king and drama queen...

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Worst: Marth x Caeda. I dislike them both. They're just so annoying! Sheesh, the drama king and drama queen...

Don't forget the only one in which Akaneians get any character hasn't...actually been translated yet. Not fully, at any rate.

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Don't forget the only one in which Akaneians get any character hasn't...actually been translated yet. Not fully, at any rate.

Well Marth has one.

And remember chapter 8 Caeda? Dtizy flirty one?


Shes cool in Chapter 20 though.

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Best: DevdanXNadved. HolynXAyra. "Mmm, identical speed scores while pregnant." "Yup." "Guess this'd be a bad time to say we're related, huh?" "...Fuck you, Holyn."

Worst: PattyXShannan. YOU CAN DO SO MUCH BETTER BRO. Seriously, if it's blonde Ulirs you want pick Faval.

:awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

You always come up with the best lines.

Shanan wants to continue his quest for Odocest and go with Lakche of course.

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