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New site layout


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If you check the main site now (you may need to refresh your browser), you should notice the layout has been completely redesigned, thanks to the efforts of TheEnd, with some assistance from NTG.

Any comments or suggestions about the new layout may be posted here. Please try and make them constructive though ^^

When I have time, I'll upload some sample pages with the old style, in case you've forgotton what the old layout looks like.

Note: Some pages might have some minor errors caused by switching to the new design. At this moment in time, you don't need to point out these pages.

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For what my feedback's worth: why don't the Japan-only FEs have their Japanese names in their main pages, but FE7-on do? I assume this isn't a bug because the pattern is too regular.

Otherwise, I most distinctly like the new background.

Edited by Integrity
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The green on the part with the buttons kind of ruins the um...flow of the design? I'm not sure how to word it better. Why not make it the rest of the background used for the buttons? Although I'm not sure if that would work well with the text. Maybe I'm just nitpicking and it will look better as time goes on.

But it looks great, nonetheless. I guess it was time for us to finally have a fancy main page.

Edited by Nightmare
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For what my feedback's worth: why don't the Japan-only FEs have their Japanese names in their main pages, but FE7-on do? I assume this isn't a bug because the pattern is too regular.

I haven't finished adding all the game indexes ^^

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I haven't finished adding all the game indexes ^^

Ah! I see the differences immediately below the titles, now.

Disregard that.

Edited by Integrity
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I like it, especially now that the navi buttons are easier to read.

The fonts more modern and the background is cool. :)

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I've been a fan of SerenesForest for a while, loads of Fire Emblem information (:

I just joined the forums to say; This is an awesome new look. Not saying that the old one was bad, I liked that one too. But this goes above and beyond.

Keep up the great work!


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For what my opinion's worth, it looks fucking amazing.

EDIT: To put it into some context: I pretty much hate the color green, however this new website layout is just pure awesome. TheEnd (and NTG, too) is amazing. Thanks a lot. :)

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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I dislike it. The buttons look too rectangular, and that beige color should be a bit darker, IMO. But mostly I just dislike the overly modern appearance.

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I have nothing but approval for the site. The adjustment of the data tables is a huge help visually. Not being packed together makes it easier to deal with.

Also, I think the site appearence is important to a sites creditability.

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New layout is good, save one small thing which has been bugging me. The first thing I see whenever I enter this site is the note about Blazing Sword, and it's been this way since the old layout. Should it really have such a prominent position? Could it be moved to a less prominent spot? Maybe a smaller font or something? I guess it's not too big a deal, but it still bugs me, just a little bit.

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New layout is good, save one small thing which has been bugging me. The first thing I see whenever I enter this site is the note about Blazing Sword, and it's been this way since the old layout. Should it really have such a prominent position? Could it be moved to a less prominent spot? Maybe a smaller font or something? I guess it's not too big a deal, but it still bugs me, just a little bit.

Well, I'm assuming that's there for the purpose of telling people who don't know that "Blazing Sword" = the GBA game simply called "Fire Emblem". It lets you know which one to look at for information if you only have this box that says "Fire Emblem" and have no idea which of the 12 games it is if you need help.

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Well, I'm assuming that's there for the purpose of telling people who don't know that "Blazing Sword" = the GBA game simply called "Fire Emblem". It lets you know which one to look at for information if you only have this box that says "Fire Emblem" and have no idea which of the 12 games it is if you need help.

Well yeah, but my point is that it's the very first thing anyone sees when they come to the website. They would see it before the question "what is Blazing Sword?" even enters their minds. Like, the news updates or something else should be more important, you know? I'm just suggesting moving the note to a different spot.

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Well yeah, but my point is that it's the very first thing anyone sees when they come to the website. They would see it before the question "what is Blazing Sword?" even enters their minds. Like, the news updates or something else should be more important, you know? I'm just suggesting moving the note to a different spot.

If they don't know, they'll click on it. :)

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