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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 67


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Does IkexSoren even count as a crack pairing? They have a paired ending in RD, and paired ending = canon.

I honestly don't know whether or not if Ike X Soren counts as crack, but the FE series does have a tendency to turn crack pairings into possible canon choices. For example, even though the Kyle X Lute and the Astrid X Makalov pairs have paired endings, they both count as crack pairings.
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I honestly don't know whether or not if Ike X Soren counts as crack, but the FE series does have a tendency to turn crack pairings into possible canon choices. For example, even though the Kyle X Lute and the Astrid X Makalov pairs have paired endings, they both count as crack pairings.

The difference is, Ike x Soren has a lot going for it while the other pairings just come out of the blue. :awesome:

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MajorOdoCest is the best pairing in Gen2 hands down.

I did that on Lakche's favoritism run and didn't regret it one bit.

Fear the Shin Patch and Noish!

Best: HolynxLachesis - The lack of pursuit didn't actually hurt that much.

Worst: NoishxSylvia - Despite the amazing skillset, Corple was neither magical or tough so was stuck on Libro duty.

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Best: So many to choose. There's Shinon X Lethe (lol laguz-hater and beorc-hater), Fir X Shin, Raven X Rebecca, Eirika X L'Arachel, Tana x Marisa, Tana x Cormag, Sigurd x Ayra, Micaiah x Pelleas, Boyd x Titania, and of course, Gatrie X Tree In A Skirt.

I think I'll go wiiiiith...

Best: Sain X Florina. Shoula happened.


Fuck all you Ike X Mia fans. The pairing sucks.

I will second this motion.

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I honestly don't know whether or not if Ike X Soren counts as crack, but the FE series does have a tendency to turn crack pairings into possible canon choices. For example, even though the Kyle X Lute and the Astrid X Makalov pairs have paired endings, they both count as crack pairings.

Uhh, but both KylexLute and MakalovxAstrid have paired endings, which means they aren't crack pairings. They're canon, even if they came out of nowhere. A pairing can't be both canon AND crack at the same time.

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Uhh, but both KylexLute and MakalovxAstrid have paired endings, which means they aren't crack pairings. They're canon, even if they came out of nowhere. A pairing can't be both canon AND crack at the same time.

Actually I think FE has managed to strike that weird territory. Paired endings are all accepted as "possible canon" but that doesn't stop some from looking like they came out of nowhere.

Such as Hector x Florina, Astrid x Makalov, and Serra x Oswin.

Think of it as "officially endorsed crack pairings". A more (MUCH more) tame version than what the BlazBlue team does with their Rachel x Noel and Litchi x Taokaka art.

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Uhh, but both KylexLute and MakalovxAstrid have paired endings, which means they aren't crack pairings. They're canon, even if they came out of nowhere. A pairing can't be both canon AND crack at the same time.

As shown in the below quote, there are people that would disagree with you on that.
Fire Emblem doesn't even need wacky fan pairings (though there are certainly plenty of those out there): some of the canon pairing possibilities are downright Crack Pairings.

Other than that, El Rey Léon pretty much hit the nail on the head. Paired endings really don't stop the ideas behind some of the possibly canon pairings from (at the least) looking like they came out of the writers' butts.

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Hmm, I guess you're right. Although I still wouldn't vote a canon pairing for best/worst crack pairing, but that's just me.


Best: SigurdxAyra.

Worst: IkexMia. At least IkexElincia has PoR going for it.

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Does IkexSoren even count as a crack pairing? They have a paired ending in RD, and paired ending = canon. Plus there's also the unlockable conversation...

But their paired ending is not romantic. Neither is the unlockable convo, really. It's just people that want to see that type of thing who create this fiction in their minds to make themselves happy.

@bold: Merlinus and Marcus have a paired ending in fe7. Are they gay for each other?

Raven x Lucius (jokes aside)

Nils x Ninian

Ephraim x Eirika (jokes aside)

Eirika x Tana

Garcia x Ross

Kyle x Forde

Saleh x Ewan

Gerik x Joshua

The crackiness of the Ike x Soren pairing is suggesting that there was more to it than there actually was. And hence you can vote that pairing for worst crack pairing if you want.

The difference is, Ike x Soren has a lot going for it while the other pairings just come out of the blue. :awesome:

Even Astrid x Makalov has more going for it. She's clearly (for whatever crazy reason) attracted to him in her PoR support convos and they even start RD together. Having them end up married if you get them an A support is hardly surprising. Ike x Soren is never mentioned in the game that way, so suggesting anything of the sort is absolutely out of the blue.

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Firstly, been away for a bit, and what's up with the result of the last one? HectorXLyn is not canon. Granted, it is just about as close to canon as you can possibly get without actually being confirmed, but that confiration is still required. NO FE7 pairings are canon except BartreXKarla. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge supporter of the pairing, but I don't think it belongs in the 'canon pairings' topic. The fact that the official artbook says "Hector X Lyn OR Florina OR Farina" pretty much confirms that they haven't made anything canon, yet.

But that's pretty much irrelevant.

Best: So many options... NoishXIra, Male!MUXFemale!MU, GatrieXTree, (although I actually think that's more likely canon) TibarnXNailah...

I'll go with NepheneeXHeather. No, not in a creepy fetish-fuel way, but just because it seems kinda cute.

Honourable mention to IkeXElincia, but I

m going to discount that because it was just about the opposite of crack in FE9. I'll say what I always have: "if PoR ended where it did and didn't have a sequal, I would ship IkeXElincia."

Worst: Whatever couple gave birth to Gheb. Ugh.

And a note on IkeXSoren. I agree with those before me. I think it mainly stems from the fact that whenever ANYTHING includes to guys who are very close friends, the fangirls will ALWAYS say they're gay. Especially if said guys are bitter rivals who utterly loathe eachother. Just look at the Kingdom Hearts fandom... or ANY fandom for that matter.

Genrally speaking, in games, a character is only gay is that fact is very obviously confirmed. Heather is the only FE character who this can be said for.

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Firstly, been away for a bit, and what's up with the result of the last one? HectorXLyn is not canon. Granted, it is just about as close to canon as you can possibly get without actually being confirmed, but that confiration is still required. NO FE7 pairings are canon except BartreXKarla. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge supporter of the pairing, but I don't think it belongs in the 'canon pairings' topic. The fact that the official artbook says "Hector X Lyn OR Florina OR Farina" pretty much confirms that they haven't made anything canon, yet.

But that's pretty much irrelevant.

Well, the last round was about Official Couples. Meaning, canon or not, if it's possible in-game, it is recognized as valid.


Best: GatriexTree

Worst: IkexSoren

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Worst: Whatever couple gave birth to Gheb. Ugh.

I'm gonna need some names, I'm afraid....

I just noticed NM edited his post and voted Mia X Rhys as Worst.


I support IkeXMia (and I don't care what anyone says).

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I'm gonna need some names, I'm afraid....

Gheb's Mom x Gheb's Dad?

I support IkeXMia (and I don't care what anyone says).

As long as you give them an A support (fe10) I don't really care what you think they do off-screen.

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Gheb's Mom x Gheb's Dad?

A pair of actual names would be nice (like everyone else has done)

As long as you give them an A support (fe10) I don't really care what you think they do off-screen.

I do, usually...

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