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Tales of the Abyss Mafia


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Once again, if you are Mafia, contact me here on SF.

EDIT: I'm serious about this shit, mafia. If I kill you at night, don't come bitch at me the next morning because you didn't contact me now.

DOUBLE EDIT: I don't expect the town to get organized because this is Serenes Forest and EVERYONE wants to feel like a hero by scum hunting but if the town does get kinda organized early, I may offer to be your personal vigilante until the Mafia is dead. If not, I'm siding with the Mafia and picking you bastards off.

Edited by Life Admiral
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Ok guys, I'm going to make this simple.

I'd like the following people to speak to me on MSN or AIM or Skype or whatever you have that you can hit me on. My MSN is lifeadmiral@hotmail.com while Skype and AIM are in my profile. The following people have been chosen for a variety of reasons AKA they're smart and I've played Mafia with them before. Aside from Eclipse who's probably double my age so she should be smart.

Radiant Dragon









Everyone else can fuck off. Or you can try to speak to me if you want but know that if you say something stupid, you will pay.

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I just realized something.

Here's the thing

Every single person's role name

Is the same as their account

Which is a mod mistake

Since it's basically public claiming

Like I bet that Luke Fon Faber or whatever his name is has to be a good role

Because he's the main character

So I'll just kill that person asap

JB25 says:


Rafi says:


The point is

Certain people are screwed because of a mod mistake

Now if you went into every account

And changed the name of the account to any other theme

That would be OK

I'll post this argument in public to show where I'm coming from

So if your account name is Luke Fon Fabre or someone else important and morally good in this game, I am killing you ASAP since you can't possibly be mafia. And I will continue to do so until JB decides to change every account name to a different theme. Like you know how Spoon had all of the accounts as dog names? Yeah.

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I agree with Life. People given the role of an antagonist are probably going to be lynched right away for no other reason. And it gives the Town free clears.

My opinion of you just spiked.

EDIT: JB, I hate you. Officially. Viva La Mafia my ass...

Edited by Life Admiral
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Hello my fellow players.

I have a proposal for the more intellectually inclined of you, and it is simple. I want to work with you, and if you wish the same, then I ask you to make yourselves known to me. I shall explain in greater detail when you contact me, but let me say I can help to clarify those seemingly vague win conditions for you were you to join me.

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Finally, people are playing properly.

Once again, I want to be contacted. If you run a faction (you know who you are), contact me. If you plan to lead the village, contact me. If you have a win condition that is not ambiguous, contact me. Do so and you'll probably like the results.

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OK, I'm going to put you out of your misery. And JB, thank you for changing the "no showing your PM" rule. Because otherwise, shit that you intended to happen would not happen.

Many of you (not all) have told me that your win condition is as follows:

You win with the faction which you supported.

This is not wrong. It's just horribly worded since JB didn't want to give away the main theme of his game (TOO BAD I FIGURED IT OUT DURING N0, BITCH). What it should say is this:

You are unaffiliated at the moment. You win if you survive or you win with the faction that you have been recruited to after being recruited.

That is all I'm going to say on the matter. If you have anymore questions, go to smogon.com/forums and look for a Mafia game called Viva La Mafia.

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If you get modkilled for whatever reason, can I laugh?

I haven't broken a single rule yet. And I even got JB to change one of his rules.

Also, no you can't. First you must become decent at mafia. Then you may laugh.

Edited by Life Admiral
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