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Currently pending whether I should be hurt or honored :/

Suppose Cam won't be jumping in any time soon, so might as well respond to Seph :/

He made me posing as you OP for like, 10 minutes.

Be Honored.

And he only banned me after because I revealed myself.

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Thanks a lot for the help guys, really.

Aargh, I hate my Internet now more than ever...reason for which I'm out of here for some time...

As for the locations, Acacia and Joerachi appear to be with me then, considering for my next post.

Mmmm, as for villains we have the next Lopt vessel (which Lightning posted); also we have Dread, the next right hand for this RP. At some point we'll all join...when we meet Dread and he has found Lightning's character.

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He made me posing as you OP for like, 10 minutes.

See this is why I don't like IRC, there's no logs for me to check to see how inaccurate your impersonation is. And hence I can't laugh at him about it.

It sounds like I'm boring you XD

Oh, so you did get the hint? Not boring per se XD Just used to having someone butt in :P *Doesn't like having one on one conversations both in RP's and RL* Everything comes out so weird sounding in one-one conversations >_< Only exception is when I'm flaming people, I gain confidence from degrading others see XD

For better or worse, I've picked which characters I'll be hostile to, and Ameru isn't on the list :(

Acacia is though, he would of been anyway, but his characters names concretes it. I mean, he's ruined 50% of this RP for me by naming his character "The Phallus-which-must-not-be-Named." If he calls his spear the Gay-Bulge I'm running for the hills.

Edited by Kanami
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Oh, so you did get the hint? Not boring per se XD Just used to having someone butt in :P *Doesn't like having one on one conversations both in RP's and RL* Everything comes out so weird sounding in one-one conversations >_< Only exception is when I'm flaming people, I gain confidence from degrading others see XD

For better or worse, I've picked which characters I'll be hostile to, and Ameru isn't on the list :(

Awwww... No Kanami rage... I swear I keep reading your username as Konami

Oh well XD Cam'll interrupt soon enough.

@Kanami's newest post: ...Oh, you had to do that XD

Edited by seph1212
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Don't worry, Only 4 of us are supposed to get it, (plus a few randoms). To translate, your choice in name has shot you up to the top of Shirisu's most hated list :P


..... Being silent was enough to trick him? Poor boy, should have learned by now that Kanami is never silent <_< *Chalks it up as mental defect*


Konami XD It was actually a name I considered years ago, but discarded it since I didn't want to name myself after the company, I'm more of a Bandai Namco fan.

As for Kanami rage, well, nothings concrete yet, might just turn 180 and start bashing Ameru if the circumstances are right XD


@Seph :P

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Well, since everyon heads to Yied, why not letting this the chance to show off Dread's power?

It also serves as a chance to begin the foundation of the new squad that will take care of the Lop Sect surviviors.

My opinion, tear apart as you see fit :lol:

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Don't worry, Only 4 of us are supposed to get it, (plus a few randoms). To translate, your choice in name has shot you up to the top of Shirisu's most hated list :P

And I suppose nothing will be told about it...? Prejudice hatred, eh, because of a name? Hm...

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Well, since everyon heads to Yied, why not letting this the chance to show off Dread's power?

It also serves as a chance to begin the foundation of the new squad that will take care of the Lop Sect surviviors.

My opinion, tear apart as you see fit :lol:

Wait, my character is still in Barhara...

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Well, all of us that will go there, do you think its fine?

I will go there, I don't know if Acacia will do too, Lumi's character goes there. Joerachi too, I would like your opinions on this.

As for Dread, anyone can suddenly use it in their posts, he has mysterious powers. Just keep him in character, he's cold, violent, serious, and quite strong. Not killing him yet.

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