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.... I didn't spell it out clearly enough?

Got bored of Rp'ing again. Pulling out early with a bang! XD

And what better way to do it then killing off someone elses character?

I didn't see your post before your "EDIT" so I'm not sure what you "scratched out" then.

I was assuming you meant, "scratch out" the events of the RP back to a safe time period. Hence it would be you BS timewarp so that Amera doesn't die :P

Accepting "Flames" and complaints ...... now XD

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Naw, I was gonna pull something with Amera waking up, and Dirk coming back to find her because "I can't let you die yet! I have to be the one to kill you!" Cause, I don't mind sacrificing Dirk for Amera XD

Oh well~

Edited by seph1212
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Nyargh, I was expecting just a wee bit more hostility :/

Half the fun of doing something like this is dealing with the angry people, and counter-logic/complaints that come with it <_<

Screwing around with my plans to the very end Seph! >_<

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Nyargh, I was expecting just a wee bit more hostility :/

Half the fun of doing something like this is dealing with the angry people, and counter-logic/complaints that come with it <_<

Screwing around with my plans to the very end Seph! >_<

Huh, wha? Naw, I'm just waiting to see if anyone other than you complains about my partial BS recovery.

I'm not the kinda guy to complain about this stuff in an RP XD Especially since I never thought this was going anywhere.

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Horrible little me, a selfish bitch right to the end XD

Guilty as charged, and proud of it! :P

Most likely won't be participating in any RP's for the rest of my life :P And I used to think I'd never outgrow my bratty ways and continue RP'ing/gaming forever

What can I say? I used to think right (striked out part).
I'm not the kinda guy to complain about this stuff in an RP XD Especially since I never thought this was going anywhere.
Hmmm? So you joined up expecting it to go nowhere?.... I'd call you stupid, but I honestly can't say I expected this to be a long-lasting RP. More then half the interest in this RP comes from the setting, not an actual will to RP. And considering the starting position of the group. (All over the continent) I was thinking of pulling the suicide act sooner or later. Just didn't expect it to be this soon XD Edited by Kanami
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Well, LL, you do what you want. Kanami, as out of left field as that ending was, it was well written, and well done XD

I have a robot game to play, and a hack to work on, SO, y'all have fun.

Kanami, I totally want to steal Shiris and use her in my hack now XD

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Super Robot Wars Original Generations. Alternately, Super Robot Wars Z.

Also, shit. Now I have to think of a reason to head to Yied on my own.

Edited by Camtech086
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Hacks never go anywhere anyway


And when they do, not many people bother playing them, = aka = waste of time

As for robot game, I wonder what game, but probably never heard of it XD

It's a hobby. I'm enjoying writing out the story, making the portraits, maps, events, etc. If one person plays and enjoys it, I will be content.

And, what Cam said, Super Robot Taisen Original Generations. Really fun game. Jap only, but oh well. Too bad I don't speak Japanese... Glad they released SRT games on the GBA in the US, though, or I'd be soooo lost

That still doesn't answer my question of being able to steal Shiris into my hack, or not XD

Ehhhh... Fuck it, I'll do it. Kanami, you can get mad at me for taking your character and make me take her out later

Edited by seph1212
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Really? I thought there was an english version out :/ Then again I don't really pay attention to translated games. They're much better raw XD


Sure, Maps, mugs, character(concept) and script is fun. Can't say the same for hackscripts though. Tried, failed, not trying again XD


I actually already had a mug done for her, (not happy with the hair yet). But if you want to splice her and turn her into a character, by all means. No skin off my back :/

(Editted out unwanted crap info.)

Edited by Kanami
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Really? I thought there was an english version out :/ Then again I don't really pay attention to translated games. They're much better raw XD


I actually already had a mug done for her, (not happy with the hair yet). But if you want to splice her and turn her into a character, by all means. No skin off my back :/

There was OG1 and OG2, released on the GBA, but Banpresto remade them both into one game on the PS2, and called it OGs.

Splice? Custom, baby XD I'll just copy/pasta the bio you gave for LL's RP, and go from there.

...Except that post doesn't describe her appearance at all, ASDF. Kanami, help?

Edited by seph1212
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Custom XD

Well good luck with that, interested in seeing how it turns out. Though again good luck... since I didn't give any description to her appearance in the bio XD Think I only put vague crap in there, mainly as to why she was in Jugdral.


Got the disc, but never bothered to try it due to having finished the GBA ones.


Honestly, can't XD

I hadn't determined anything, hair color, height, face structure. Nothing XD

Edited by Kanami
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Custom XD

Well good luck with that, interested in seeing how it turns out. Though again good luck... since I didn't give any description to her appearance in the bio XD Think I only put vague crap in there, mainly as to why she was in Jugdral.


Got the disc, but never bothered to try it due to having finished the GBA ones.

Awwww, it's soooo much better than the GBA games. Seriously. ALmost ten times the fun, watching these amazing animations.

Help me, then? XD I need a description of her appearance.

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:/ I usually turn animations off while playing anyway, only turning them ON occasionally when I want to see the move again, can't remember what the move looked like. Or occasionally during boss kills.

Why the hell would I want to help a hack? (as minimal as the help is) They never get completed anyway! Not worth my time!

Ahem, best I can do is show the splice of Shirisu I had in the works.


But the pallete was just something I was playing with, so I'm not actually attached to the white hair XD

EDIT: I was so sure Acacia would jump right in if SRW was mentioned :/ Ah pooie

Edited by Kanami
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:/ I usually turn animations off while playing anyway, only turning them ON occasionally when I want to see the move again, can't remember what the move looked like. Or occasionally during boss kills.

Why the hell would I want to help a hack? (as minimal as the help is) They never get completed anyway! Not worth my time!

Ahem, best I can do is show the splice of Shirisu I had in the works.


But the pallete was just something I was playing with, so I'm not actually attached to the white hair XD

EDIT: I was so sure Acacia would jump right in if SRW was mentioned :/ Ah pooie

Ah, I see. Well, I love all the animations, so I always leave them on XD

Dat splice... Dat head size... *shuts up before he gets into critique mode*

I'll see what I can accomplish.

I'm actually surprised that Acacia didn't jump in, as well. He (She, don't know) normally does.

I can't believe I got killed by someone so ugly! XD jking

Edited by seph1212
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Well, I was...

But I wasn't sure if I was going to be able totype fast enough. Hehe... :mellow:

And I'm a male, Seph. It says so in the info next to the post... :/

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Leave my crappy splicing skills alone <_<

Was actually planning to work on it properly before I posted it, plus, the eyes still need to be changed as they're just Karla's at the moment XD

As for head size, I don't know what the issue is but if the heads too big, it's an anime style character, huge heads on small bodies is the genres trademark.


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That's not anime, that's Chibi XD There's a difference.

And, the head size is fine, should've worded that better. The head is too tall, or too long vertically.

Again, I'll see what I can sprite, but an actual written description would be awesome.

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The activity is absolutely stunning!

More importantly though...


Why'd you make a IRC, and plan a baddie if you're not even going to post? (waste of IRC space, as if the internet didn't already have enough inactive dead shit)

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