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The Crusade of Hope Chat


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Bullet was annoyed when no one seemed to respond to his jeering.:( Except that one strange girl, but she didn't seem to be doing anything.:( He sighed.:( Figures, no one these days wanted to fight.:( The mercenary wished he had a sword so he could go join some guild, but, of course, it was broken.:( Bullet never had any care for his weapons. So now he had to scrounge up money to buy a new one.:( He'd be a fool to challenge armed soldiers to a fistfight anyway, though.

He chased them anyway. He had nothing better to do.:(


Edited by seph1212
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@AstraLunaSol: I never specified a direction, but I don't exactly know Chalphy's position relative to Barhara. :/


Chalphy's the one blue castle south.

Barhara is that castle near the middle that looks different from the others.

Dozel is right above Chalphy (Which I've already passed) And Freege is the castle to the left middle. (Which Solaris and co. are at.)

You'd have to be somewhere around the Freege-Barhara region.

Or right behind us.

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Well, now that most of us are already beginning their paths/journeys, we have two choices: we can call an end to chapter 1, beginning the second. Or we can continue it, giving time for the groups to get along and reach their destinations or things of this nature.+I had the idea of managing the entire RP in the same topic, changing the chapters as we proceed.

Not sure if this would be well done or not.

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It's okay if I totally BS up a random outpost outside of Rivough so the Issacian army can dismount, right? It's so much faster to travel on horses, except in the desert and dem Issacians are more accustomed to fighting on foot for the most part anyway.

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That doesn't really make sense. I know LoAF does it, but it's kind of jarring to just "OH, THERE'S A NEW TOPIC NOW" whenever we reach X amount of pages. I think we should advance chapters whenever we're about to start something new. Like, advance the chapter once we all meet up.

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I actually agree with Kai regarding the chapters, though set a minimum. (I honestly don't want to see a 5 page chapter). 30page'ish is probably a good place to start. And then wrap the chapter up once you've exceeded page 30, and the plot has properly wrapped itself up.

Killing off a chapter mid-stride and continuing it from an awkward start makes little to no sense to me. As for managing one topic, I've found people tend to post less when an RP hits three integers. So starting a new thread before then might be a good idea at the latest.


She had her name changed mid-post (my last post) from Shirisu -> Shiris. So it's not a typo :P


I always have to pick on someone at the beginning, sorry XD

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>_< Sorry >_< *fixed*

Played a rather long RP a few years ago with two twin characters called Ameru and Ameri XD

Habit, will work on fixing henceforth.


..... Liar! >: I just checked, I only wrote Ameru in that last post <_< What do you mean "all this time"


Edited by Kanami
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