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Hmmm, I see. Thank you~!

The combed-back part of the non-hawk seems a bit odd to me, but that's probably my inner (blind) stylist complaining. Don't pay it too much heed.

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I would be so fucking happy if my every other post wasn't attacked.

Then get happy and stop thinking you're being attacked. o 3o It's a forum. People discuss shit. We can't all agree all the time.

Anyway, onto something more relevant:

@eclipse - I'd agree. It doesn't really make sense like that.

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I'm sure you'll be able to do it! And thanks. :)

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh I do not like spriting fauxhawks. mellow.gif


Eyes and eyebrows are buggin' me.

Ref'd vamp's personal mug(I think it is personal mug...) for the fauxhawk shading.

Cavalier btw. C:

Please read Nayr.

No one was "attacking" you either, just saying. Thank you Seph and Jealousy for picking up for me. :)

As for the non-hawk part, I'll fix. Thanks for the feedback!

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Please read Nayr.

No one was "attacking" you either, just saying. Thank you Seph and Jealousy for picking up for me. :)

As for the non-hawk part, I'll fix. Thanks for the feedback!

Maybe not from your perspective. But Seph has a habit of stalking me and cutting up my every action and word.

Also I admit I didn't see that post. I clicked the link that takes me to the last page of the thread and saw the post without that comment. But this proves my eyesight and logic aren't messed up. :p

Getting back to the topic at hand. His nose looks a little too curved for that angle.

Edited by Rian Mahariel
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On topic:

I like the two face sprites you've posted, granted one is incomplete but still, I haven't seen much from you in the mug department and I remember you saying something like "I'm awful at face sprites, I'll never do them" on FEU. Oh how the times have changed~

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While I agree with Nayr that it looks really similar, I did read she reffed Vamp's mug, and I understand why it looks similar (and I don't mind it, at any rate).

Anywaays, the face itself seems really small, I dunno if that was intended or not, but if you'd want it to be a real mug, I think the face should be a little bigger.

Other than that, the hairstyle looks pretty good to me, it really does resemble a fauxhawk. But yeah, it could still be improved some (although I can't pinpoint what and how).

His visible ear, the part of the earlobe, I think you should retract the dark line right of it by one pixel, since at the moment it looks detached from the face.


Other than that, yeah the eyes and eyebrows are a bit meh ish as well. The brows could be a little less thick and perhaps a little lighter (although mostly less thick).

And the eyes... maybe make him look less dreamy orsomething (right now he's staring at the ground/down emotionlessly).

With that being said, I like how it's progressing. It's great to see you improving so much =).

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You know they'd be worse, because you'd think "oh, it's a fat loser, IGNORE" and then he robs you. ANd then you blame the skinny black guy in the corner. Interesting idea.

Thanks! I'd imagine he'd be an interesting unit... It would be like a thief-knight hybrid. o.O

Got the idea when I was playing FE8. Damn Nintendo for putting it on the eShop.

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Thanks! I'd imagine he'd be an interesting unit... It would be like a thief-knight hybrid. o.O

Got the idea when I was playing FE8. Damn Nintendo for putting it on the eShop.

Colm isn't that big... Oh you mean dozla

man i should stop rambling...

Oh, I never mentioned, the blue seems kinda brightish, is that eph's or something? It doesn't look so great as a stache imo

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Next in line of the female classes that-never-was... Dart with a vagina! Berserker!


I don't think I have seen a female berserker made yet so I took my shot at it... Totally got lazy with the legs. :p

Enjoy. :)

And a fat battle sprite is hard to make.

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Next in line of the female classes that-never-was... Dart with a vagina! Berserker!


I don't think I have seen a female berserker made yet so I took my shot at it... Totally got lazy with the legs. :p

Enjoy. :)

And a fat battle sprite is hard to make.

Honestly, don't even click it I say.

And that is very nice, and I don't think frames for it should even be that difficult, with the berserker as a ref (or rag's edited berserker would be better).

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Awh... I like that skirt thing. :( Wish I thought of that!

And I disagree about the axe Deranger; I believe downsizing it any further would not suit the class. I do appreciate your suggestion though!

And and thank you Kitty and Seph. :)

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You could change it...?

Just please don't do the boob jiggle. I beg of you.

I could but I don't want to steal their design.

And trust me, I won't do the boob jiggle. :P

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The tits on FEGirls' Berserker are, like most of FE, disproportionate. They're massive for the body. She shouldn't be able to lift that axe, let alone attack with it. I like Ecut's because it's more proportionate. The bust is a little lacking in that one, however, she's muscular and has reason to lift that damn axe.

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Thank you Octavian! I didn't really give her much of a bust because if you have seen female body builders then you can see that their boobs are not large and fatty but flatter and muscular.

And uh... Yeah.


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