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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 69


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If Lilina, the daughter of a marquess, counts as a princess, then Lyn, the granddaughter of a marquess, counts as well. Of course, Hector is also the leader of the Lycian League, while Caelin is a pretty minor place, but still.

On the other hand, unlike Lycia, Etruria does have a king (King Mordred) and by extension, a prince (Mildain/Elphin), and Clarine is not related to them, so I don't know why she was brought up. And so harshly to boot - I think she is hilarious. =O


I'm clueless as to exactly why Clarine was brought up as well.

Lance refers to Clarine as "Princess of the Rigley family" in his conversations with her, so that would indicate that she is indeed a princess. I don't remember Lyn ever being called a princess, but I think her father was referred to as a nomadic prince some time during Lyn's mode, and "princess" can be used as a generic term for a woman married to a prince or the daughter of a prince.

Sain called Priscilla a princess in his conversations with her, and I have my doubts on that one...

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Lance refers to Clarine as "Princess of the Rigley family" in his conversations with her, so that would indicate that she is indeed a princess. I don't remember Lyn ever being called a princess, but I think her father was referred to as a nomadic prince some time during Lyn's mode, and "princess" can be used as a generic term for a woman married to a prince or the daughter of a prince.

Because translations are perfect and nobody makes mistakes.

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I have not seen the anime, but I have read her melodramatic/inconsistant/schitzofrenic recruitment conversations. Maybe a better way to describe her would be "emotionally unstable."

Support conversation ramble time!

[spoiler=Yes, really]Castor - Once she figures out why he's fighting for the pirates, she guilt-trips him into defecting (quite nicely, I might add).

Navarre - I don't know if she knew of him or his weird-ass chivalry beforehand, but she plays to the latter to get him to join.

Roger - She must be really good at reading people, because she charmed him into defecting (much to Marth's displeasure).

Jake - If only Marth was a girl. . .but he isn't, so Caeda gets another conversation.

Lorenz - He comments about her ability to read people, including himself.

Other conversations:

Ogma - Perhaps this was her way of telling him that he didn't have a chance with her.

Marth/Lorenz (after Caeda recruits the latter) - Lorenz will tell Marth that Caeda was really good at manipulating her elders, even when she was small.

tl;dr: Caeda is good at making people do what she wants.

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I'll put my argument in spoiler tabs too (though I don't know how to lable said spoilers yet)

My point is that there is absolutely nothing leading up to her random, dramatic outbursts. Castor's was fine. However, she randomly flies up to an enemy swordsman (Naverre) and starts moaning about how she's willing for him to outright kill her. That is, she goes out of her way to fly to one of the enemies who she's never met before and suddenly starts yapping about dying. This is too isolated. At least in FE10 when Elincia put amitti down it was for a logical reason and with much forethought. With regard to Roger, again, it was a random enemy she'd never met before and she suddenly starts flirting with the guy. Again: FAR too isolated a behavior (especially after her talk with Ogma about how (even though he was faithful and always watched out for her (from what I'd gathered) she didn't love him but loved Marth instead.) Jake made sense since Anna told her (either directly or indirectly) to talk to Jake and what to say. I don't think I've come across Lorenz yet. I mainly blame bad writing (seeing as Marth is schitzo as well) but no matter who's to blame, she's a good combat unit with a good lance and the most annoying personality I have ever come across in FE. The only other that is near her level of annoyance is Micaiah. I've heard about some lady called "Clarine" or something, but I've never met her so I can't say.

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Lorenz knew her as a child, so he's not some random stranger to her.

Clarine's rather selfish and arrogant, but she's like, a 13 year old brat so I cut her some slack. Though I have unit-based bias on her, since she's one hell of a dodgetank.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I don't think Shiida is a slut, and in fact, I think she has some of the best recruitment conversations in the series (and not only because of Roger) and possibly the only playable character in FE11 that actually has a personality. Shiida is great. wub.gif

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I would personally count Lilina as a princess because Ostia is head of the Lycian league (Hector is also a prince in FE7 by this logic). Lyn is not, because Caelin is not the head of Lycia. Clarine and Priscilla are just nobles, they are not princesses in the least.

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I would personally count Lilina as a princess because Ostia is head of the Lycian league (Hector is also a prince in FE7 by this logic). Lyn is not, because Caelin is not the head of Lycia. Clarine and Priscilla are just nobles, they are not princesses in the least.

That was my line of thinking.

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