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Is there another character you use as for magic?

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Bord, Cord, Merric, Linde, Lena, Maria, Wrys, Caesar, WINdell, Jagen, and Abel have all gotten their turn as mages for me,

And Gaggles once, for lulz.

He ended up with <10 in every stat at 20/--

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Caeda can be. . .but I like that Spear. . .

Draug makes a scary-fast Sorcerer. I did that to the Green Skittle once, and it did not go as expected (his RES growth didn't kick in).

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Oddly enough I was about to make a similar topic asking who made good mages but is seems I was beaten to it. I'm currently looking into building a good team of magic users for a mages only run (only at a feasibility study stage, mind you) and was wondering if anyone could give me recommendations. I'm currently weighing everyone who is unpromoted (since promoted folks probably won't have the time to respecialise) and has a non zero personal magic growth.

I used Caeser as a dark mage last run and was generally underwhelmed, is this typical for a class-changed mage to be mediocre compare to native mages?

Edited by Byte2222
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I imagine units would turn out better if they had non zero magic growth but only Cord and Caeser have 10, everyone else has 5 or 0 (or is a mage already). Anyway, it's looking like I'd be using 4 of the 6 feasibly usable units in set A so it looks like I have my answer for that part; natural capacity and Wendell and Boah dying leaves 4 vacancies and there's a fifth if I kill Wrys which is looking like a more and more inviting prospect by the second. The big question now is who my dark mage will be: Draug, Cord or Caeser.

To stay on topic Frey, Abel, Cain, Shiida, Nabarl and Athena have magic growths of 5. The cavaliers and Nabarl have the advantage that they already have all the strength they'll ever need and a positive growth too, Shiida had high skill, speed and luck and her lack of defence is moot as a mage, Nabarl has less skill and speed outside his native class and Athena's about as good as a mage as I hear she is as a myrmidon. I'd have Shiida and probably Cain as mages because their skill, speed and luck are good and their lack of durability isn't important as mages, although Cain has pretty decent HP. Obviously Frey is the best of the cavs. but I doubt people here play much on normal mode so Cain wins. Of course it's still always better to use a native mage if there's one on offer.

Edited by Byte2222
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While I mostly use Merric, I generally use Lena as my second mage(well mostly sage, as she only spends 1/7 maps as a mage in the first tier, then promotes C10 or C12, depends on when Ogma is ready to use the damn seal). I remember at one point I used Shaman!Caesar in a test file(I sometimes run a file on H1 mode to test out some new shit.), and I got him to 20/0 using the C11 arena. He only turned out decent after all that crap he went through. I also used Mage!Shiida in another test run, which wasn't that bad.

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Caeda can be. . .but I like that Spear. . .

Draug makes a scary-fast Sorcerer. I did that to the Green Skittle once, and it did not go as expected (his RES growth didn't kick in).

My Draug on my Pickmyteam Run is lv. 20-09, and Max'd his speed (25) and has 13 Mag. He's no doubt the fastest Magic user I've ever had., and currently the only person on my team with 20+ in speed. He outspeeds Gharnef, and I'm only on chapter 17!

I'm seriously considering using him in future runs as my Dark Mage again. It's nice to have a fast Magic user.

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I generally use Linde and Lena exclusively, haven't really used Merric except in the next game.

One time, I did a joke run using only Marth and Wolf and Sedgar as Sorcerers. They're absolutely terrible at the beginning, but later on they become solid magic casters.

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I've only ever used Merric. No one else really makes for a decent mage except Lena (who I tend to have as my healer because of weapon ranks) and Sheeda (who is much better as a peg) and then there's Gotoh, who I use, but is only there for one chapter, and only sometimes... I guess you could count Lena since I usually make her a sage after promotion, but...

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Except for the part where Merric like doubles her in every single stat when she shows up and she'll never ever have any real advantages over him. Even playing casually, the effort that goes into making her presence contribute anything is more than I'm willingly to deal with.

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One time, I did a joke run using only Marth and Wolf and Sedgar as Sorcerers. They're absolutely terrible at the beginning, but later on they become solid magic casters.

Don't you only have one Dark Mage -> Sorcerer slot until Etzel happens?

Edited by Byte2222
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Yeah, that's right. I had to put one of them into reserve before I recruited Etzel. I was playing on Normal mode, where a Marth solo is perfectly plausible, so it wasn't that hard only using one Sorcerer.

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It's hard to go wrong with units native to a magic-using class. Merric is good all round but as observed above can get a bit boring, Linde comes very underlevelled but has the highest personal magic growth in the game (tied with Elice). Wrys has decent magic and luck but the rest of his growths (speed, skill etc.) are not so impressive, a trait shared with Lena and Maria as well, though they are more balanced for a better fighter as a Bishop or Mage. With a very small number of exceptions units reclassed to Mage etc. from physical classes will be poor due to pathetic personal magic growth but there are one or two as explained above.

Of course I don't talk with much authority on these matters; this is just what I've concluded from handy tables.

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Check out my PickMyTeam run

In it you'll see this:

Name    Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES   Class      Weapon Rank
Guard  19.86  35   3   16   24   25   11    4   14    Scorcrrr   Tome-A, Staff-A

Look at that speed! All I did was use 1 spirit dust on him too, so his Mag is decent, but his Spd is to die for

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