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Name: Kobayashi Sinbad (小林 シンドバッド)

Nickname: Rawhide

Gender: Male

Age: 2X

Class: Horseman

Affinity: Firearms

Weapon proficiency: Sword

Weapon of Choice: Pistol

Inventory: Flintlock Pistol, Pellet Pouch, Tonic, Speed-Disabling Sword

Raw Stats:

Lv 2/1

HP:8 STR:4 MAG:0 SKL:11 SPD:8 LCK:1 DEF:2 RES:2

Simplified Stats:

HP: 24 MT: 4 (22 if FP) Hit: 11 Evade: 9 AS: 8 Defense: 2 Resistance: 2

[Not 100% on allocation of stats, but this is a decent baseline at least]

Occupation: Cowboy


Nearly always sporting a broad-brimmed, Stetson-style hat, this half-Kigen, half-Rexan has hazel eyes and deep black hair, inheriting more of his looks from his mother's side of the family than his father's, though if you know what you're looking for you can certainly spot the signs. With a well groomed mustache, he takes a certain degree of pride in his appearance, wearing high quality clothing typically only flawed from the dust of the road. The ensemble includes a nice leather vest and matching gloves and boots, atop shirt and trousers made from a sturdy cotton weave, topped off with a silk neckerchief, and heavy wool cloak.


A firm believer in justice, and doing the right thing, he also possesses a strong work ethic. Sinbad tempers much of traditional Kigen values with lessons learned from his father's home culture, providing him with an entirely different point of view, especially where treatment of women may be concerned. His vices primarily include tobacco, with alcohol and gambling making occasional entries.

Hometown: Sado

Connections: Asami Yoshida (2nd cousin)


Sinbad is currently on the trail of a one-armed criminal. He's hunting him down for /reasons/. Sinbad's father was exiled from Sanctuary because of /a thing/ and made his way to Kigen. He successfully managed to make a living for himself, and against odds made a successful marriage proposal to the only daughter of one of the black sheep splinter families, despite their "connections", under certain /conditions/. Growing up with the mix of traditions was at times rough for him and his younger sister. I'll probably have some glorious secret PMs with Phoenix or Cynthia.

(All optional: But we love mounts)

Mount Name: Hatsune

Mount Nickname: maybe, I'm still considering it

Mount Gender: Mare

Mount Species: Mustang (Lusitano derived)

Mount Age: eh, I'll figure something out

Mound Appearance: Bay colored.

Mount Personality: playful

Mount Relations: I'm sure she has some somewhere

Mount Backstory:

There's actually probably a pretty good story here, if you can get him to open up and tell it.

[spoiler=mostly lulz, may drop]Mount's actual name is Hatsune, but Sinbad will refer to her about half of the time as Aisha. This is mainly a cover, so that he ever slips up and is all like "Wheee-yu, that was a lucky hand of cards, thank Aisha," he can be, "Just talking 'bout my horse there, pardner. Ya'll never met a luckier mare than that one, I guarantee." [i will probably think on this bit, and maybe drop it if it feels too shoehorned or I change my mind over the next day or two.]

Edit: Sinbad has 2 point remaining after purchases. Unless I math failed, or decide to alter build.

Edit: Little sister's name is Dunyazad (ドゥンヤザード), affectionately referred to as Dunny.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Norbert -90pts. pts remaining: 6.

Previous stats:

Class: Pegasus Knight

Level: 4

Weapon proficiency: Axe (affinity)

Inventory: leather mount armor, swordslayer axe, Splinter and Crunch (steelaxe), LP(half-plate armor) (points remaining: 96)

Stats: HP: 6 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 3 RES: 3

Simplified Stats: HP:18 MT: 6(7 when S&C, 9 when PA vs. thieves,mercenaries or myrmidons) HIT: 5(7 when PA vs. thieves, mercenaries ormyrmidons) AVO: 6 DEF: 3(+1) RES: 3 AS: 5

New stats:

Class: Pegasus Knight

Level: 5

Weapon proficiency: Axe (affinity)

Inventory: leather mount armor, swordslayer axe, Splinter and Crunch (steel axe), LP(half-plate armor) (points remaining: 6)

Stats: HP: 6 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 6 LCK: 1 DEF: 3 RES: 3

Simplified Stats: HP:18 MT: 7(8 when S&C, 10 when PA vs. thieves, mercenaries or myrmidons) HIT: 6(9 when PA vs. thieves, mercenaries or myrmidons) AVO: 7 DEF: 3(+1) RES: 3 AS: 6

Also, Gytha -5pts, reinstating her pistol. New point total is 75.

Edited by Mercakete
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Axel has 67 points.

He refunds his Skill Book and Barrier Lance for 150 pts because they're so last month.

He now has 217 points.

He purchases a Blood Lance (80 Pts), Weapon affinity(30 pts), sells the free Iron (-20 pts), Purchases a Killer Weapon (70 pts), and buys a catalyst(30 pts).

Simple Stats: HP is 21, Might is 6(9 if BL), Hit is 7, Evade is 9, AS is 7, Defense is 6, Resistance is 1.

He has 27 points remaining.

Edit: Retooling Axel.

New Raw: HP: 6 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 8 SPD: 8 LCK: 2 DEF: 4 RES: 1

Items: Skill Book B(100), Silver Lance(80)

New Simple Stats: HP is 18, Might is 7(10 with Silver Lance), Hit is 8, Evade is 10, AS is 8, Defense is 4, Resistance is 1.

37 points remain.

Edited by Snike
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Affinity: VIOLENCE


+ A yew longbow with a leather grip (Silver) 80

+ Chainmail 30

- Sold Iron Bow -20


HP: 3 + 5 STR: 3 + 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 + 1 SPD: 5 + 1 LCK: 4 DEF: 1 + 3 RES: 1

Level 2/2 Sniper

24 HP, 12 Might, 8 Hit, 6 AS, 10 Evasion, 4 Defence, 0 Resistance

Occupation: VAGABOND

Appearance: Tall, strongly-built. Wears a black hooded cloak and red leather armour under a light cuirass, gauntlets and plated boots. Usually talks wildly gesticulating with his cigar in his favoured left hand with his right hand tucked into his belt. Black hair, pale green eyes. Unshaven, has a mullet. This face.

Nature/Disposition: You will discover this the hard way.

Hometown: He is a CITY BOY

Connections: He knows people DIE when he SHOOTS THEM in the THROAT


Backstory: Rook will not tell you his backstory.

Notes: 7 points to spare.

Mount Name: Chariot

Mount Nickname: "Pretty thing isn'- OH GOD IT JUST KICKED ME IN THE BALLS"

Mount Gender: Stallion

Mount Species: Palomino horse

Mount Age: Ancient

Mount Appearance: A palomino. I don't know much about horses.

Mount Personality: Chariot will bite you in the fucking face.

Mount Relations: Chariot has fucked every mare in the land.

Mount Backstory: Back when he was a merchant, Rook had a horse called Chariot. Now he is a vagabond. He has a horse called Chariot. That horse called Chariot is now very old and even more ill-tempered.

I would like him to arrive on a merchant galleon taking on water at an alarming rate within Being Rescued range of the PCs.

Edited by Furetchen
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Name: Marella

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Class: General

Affinity: Water

Weapon proficiency: Sword


Advanced Barrier Sword -80

sold Iron sword +20

Full Plate Armor -70

Raw Stats: HP: 6+2 STR: 4+4 MAG: 0 SKL: 3+2 SPD: 2+2 LCK: 1 DEF: 7+2 RES: 1

Simplified Stats: HP: 24 Mt: 8 Hit: 5 AS: 4 Evd: 5 Def: 9 Res: 1

Appearance: shoulder length brown hair, hazel eyes, pale skin, 5'10", solid build, typically wears long brown leggings and a colored tunic over a thin long sleeved brown shirt, plus armor when fighting. (duh)

Nature/Disposition: Fairly easy going, likes to laugh, is fine being by herself or with others

Connections: Been hanging out with Rook for some reason. She met him, he was desperate, she felt bad for him. Or... well... something like that. She's still not exactly sure how he latched onto her.

Backstory: Had been part of the Neviskotian army, left for an unknown reason, has been wandering ever since.

Notes: 597-400-80+20-70= 67 points remain

Edited by scorri
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Name: Tia

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Class: Mage (Water)

Affinity: Fire

Weapon proficiency: Water Anima Magic.

Weapon of Choice: Water Magic

Inventory: Advanced Barrier tome (80 points)

Raw Stats: (Base stats with nothing else factored in eg: HP: 4 STR: 0 MAG: 11 SKL: 6 SPD: 8 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 4

Skills: Overcast

Simplified Stats: (Stats simplified to in-battle specifics)

Occupation: Student of magic.

Appearance: Tia stands at about 4'11" tall with a head full of fiery red hair that falls down to her shoulder. She wears a short-sleaved shirt and skirt of light-blue fabric with a pointed hat resting atop her head (she likes it a lot). She normally keeps several small casks of water by her at all times, many hidden away within her clothes, though some in plain sight attached to a small belt that hangs about her waist. She also carried a hand-bag by her side with her tome as well as what appears to be several educational books and works of fiction.

Backstory: Tia was born into a small family of fish-traders in Ursium. Even as a small child she was unusually attracted to water and enjoyed such things as playing in the local ponds and streams even before she had turned five. As she turned five her parents started to talk about how their little girl was going to grow up and what sort of schooling she should take. Her father wanted her to become a fish-trader while her mother was looking for her little girl to focus on home-ec. Unbeknownst to them Tia was listening in on their talk. She proudly marched in and said she wanted to study water magic. At first her parents laughed at her and tried to get her to study other things, but Tia refused until they finally relented and let her study just a bit of magic. She was good.

Soon after her parents started hiring tutors and sending her to schools to further her magical prowess. For the next several years Tia was shuttled between schools where she learned the ins and outs of magic, and home where she learned on a more personal level. However, her family's business soon started to suffer direct competition from a major fishing group and had to start tightening its belt in order to compete. Before long, however, there was no choice and Tia's schooling had to be cut. Unwilling to give up her studies Tia decided that she needed to study on the road, traveling the world to master her art and become the best water mage ever!

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dude get on irc there's a great idea afoot

Last great non-GM idea I can remember is Sinbad. That's just ... we're not topping that any time this month I don't think. Still I'll be on in a minute.

kdanger knows what's up


I love you Phoenix

I love you too, Eail.

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Name: Aaron Ryadite

Nickname: Aaron or 'Dite'

Gender: Male


Class: Wyvern Knight

Level: 2-1

Points Remaining: 107

Affinity: Ice

Weapon Proficiency: Lances

Weapon of Choice: Lance

Inventory: Advanced Barrier Lance, Chain Mail

RAW STATS: HP: 7, STR: 8 MAG: 0, SKL: 5, SPD: 7, LCK: 1, DEF: 7, RES: 1

SIMPLIFIED STATS: HP: 21, MT: 8, HIT: 5, EVD: 8, AS: 7, DEF: 7, RES: 1

Occupation: Freelance Mercenary

Appearance: A young man with vibrant red eyes and spiky, short white hair. His skin is white but it is not malnourished as he tans it regularly, therefore it would be more accurate to say he has tan skin at the time he joins the party. His build is pretty good as he has a six-pack chest and keeps his body fit along with his wyvern. Aoto wears light red armor covered by a black longcoat, and additionally with black pants and riding boots.

Personality: A laidback young man, who wished to enjoy life to it's fullest. He enjoys drinking, fighting and partying as is expected of stereotypical mercenary, but he what he enjoys most is the feeling of riding his wyvern and feeling the winds on his face, therefore he never wears a helmet when he takes to the skies, which allowed him the ability to repel most of the vapor present in the air, so he doesn't need some sort of armor on his head, like a visor or goggles so that his eyes cannot be damaged. Alternatively, this does make him sleepier when he finally does land on the ground.

He is not fickle with his preference in a person's gender as he only desires to have a good time with his chosen partner. While he is distrustful of most people when sober, he is secretly very touchy-feely and it shows more when he is drunk. He likes the chaos of the battlefield, but he has his standards and won't kill without reason. His major dislike is boredom.

Backstory: Not much is known about Aaron past, nor about where he acquired his wyvern, Rov. However he has set camp around Ursium for at least 2 years and it is implied that he was born in Neviskotia, heavily reinforced by the fact that he can speak Skotian. However he is also able to speak a bit in Kigenese, though he is not proficient at the language. More to come?

Added: He likes to be called by his last name, and even more so when they call him the shorter version of that name 'Dite'. When trying to avoid people he uses 'Dite' as an alias.

Mount Name: Rovorel

Mount Nickname: Rov

Mount Gender: Male

Species: Wyvern

Age: Unknown

Mount Appearance: Black Wyvern covered in the vital areas with red armor. A few scars are present on it's face.

Mount Personality: Restless, aggresive, distrustful of others. Kind of like it's master.

Mount Backstory: N/A

Inventory: Advanced Barrier Lance, Chain Mail

RAW STATS: HP: 7, STR: 8 MAG: 0, SKL: 5, SPD: 7, LCK: 1, DEF: 7, RES: 1

SIMPLIFIED STATS: HP: 21, MT: 8, HIT: 5, EVD: 8, AS: 7, DEF: 7, RES: 1

Edited by World Watcher
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So here is something:

Chelsea currently has 45 points. I sell the vulnerary I have for 5 points, it's full FYI.

Chelsea then has 50 points. I purchase the chain mail for 30 points, and then use my remaining 20 to upgrade into splint mail.

Chelsea now has 0 points.

Is this acceptable?

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Blake sells his stimulant portion for 7 points.

Blake buys Au Revoir, a Quarter staff, and Cloak, a Leather Padding, for 80 points. 4 points remain.

New simples:

Simple stats: HP is 15, Might is 9(7 with AR), Hit is 9(13 with AR), Evade is 10, AS is 8, Defense is 2(6 with DS), Resistance is 1. Immune to poison.

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Name: Arietta Eberhardt

Nickname: Aria

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Class: Warrior

Affinity: Fire

Weapon proficiency: Axe

Weapon of Choice: Grand Maul(Poison Axe)*

Inventory: Grand Maul(Poison Axe), Steel-reinforced dress(Plate Mail)

Raw Stats: Hp:8 Str:9 Mag:0 Skl:7 Spd:6 Lck:2 Def:3 Res:1

Simplified Stats: Hp:24 Mt:9 Hit:7 AS:6 Evd:8 Def:7 Res:1

Occupation: Bodyguard


31740844_p121_zps7627023f.jpg - although bulk her up a bit

Nature/Disposition: Hotheaded and confident, generally rowdy and boisterous

Hometown: Ursentius

Connections: Weyland Enterprises

Backstory: Arietta was the daughter of an Ursian nobleman, though by the dawn of her adolescence she grew sick of being coddled and treated like some sort of princess and proper lady. Stealing away from her studies, Arietta found a man under the employ of Weyland enterprises, Raphael Boehm. Impressed by her drive and enthusiasm, he agreed to teach her the basics of combat.

Training under Boehm, as well as her own drive to rebel against the rigid expectations of her father leading her to many the bar and street brawl, Arietta had cut all ties with her family by her adulthood. Deciding to begin her life anew, choosing her own way, Arietta took work under Weyland as well, at Boehm's recommendation, as a bodyguard. Starting small, she eventually made her way to escorting VIPs, and on several occasions, Seth Weyland himself. Her current assignment being to assist in the escort of Raquel Valcyn.

*The Grand Maul is flavoured as damage over time via internal hemorrhage and broken bones. I've been calling it Bleed Damage, for lack of a better term. There is no actual poison involved.

*57 points remaining

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