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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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Currently just waiting for people to wrap up any business they have. Once that's done, we'll TS to Ursentius. Not going to wait forever though.

@ Robonik

A couple of things you should know(probably useful for anyone to know actually):

Ursentius is absolutely huge. Since it's one of the oldest surviving settlements in the world, it's also one of the largest. If you need a modern day visual comparison, try something like Manhattan, minus the water, with four fortresses nestled at the edges of the metropolitan areas, and a never ending expanse of suburbs and farmland. Come to think of it, the party will probably see the place hours before they ever reach the suburbs.

If Saken's going to meet up with the party it should probably be in Ursentius or fairly close to it. He's not as close to the party as you might have thought. In fact since's he's only been on the road for a few hours, he's no farther from Ursentius than the party currently is from Europa (mind you there's roughly a hundred miles between the two cities). Another reason I'm thinking he should just wait in Ursentius is because on the road, even if they pass by each other, they've got no reason to stop and interact and neither does he as far as I can tell (correct me if I'm wrong).

also I don't wanna get stuck out on the road agaaaain :sob:

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It's cause she's Skotian. Neviskotia is based off of Eastern Europe (like Russia)

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-'Valkryie' class renamed to 'Mage Knight'.

-Lethal Weapon ability changed. Lethals now retain the killing weapon crit modifier(+/-1) but apply doubled and tripled damage before defenses.

Note: This causes far more potential damage.

-HP weapons added (Ambush/Blitz/Assault).

-Shield Tomes, Barrier Weapons, Defending Tomes, and all the upgraded versions have had their effects changed.

-New Item: Skill Book added.

-Class skills may now be upgraded at tier 2 via Skill Book purchase.

Note: See classes in OP for details. (Check "upgrade" at the bottom of each class)

Second note: Upgraded skills are only available to PCs. (non-GM controlled NPCs do not have access to these abilities)

-Several Characters added to the archive(old news).

Edited by Phoenix
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What were the changes on the shield tomes, defending tomes, and barrier weapons? I don't see a difference in the item's list in your profile. I'm about to go check the OP, but just letting you know it's not there.

EDIT: I updated teams in the discussion topic. If you wanna be on a team, you should head over there and chat some.

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A couple of the versions likely got missed. They're updated now so that's fixed.

Also disregard the part about shield/barrier tomes. There was nothing to fix there since they were on the same principle as defending weapons: str-->def, mag-->res.

What I changed were the barrier weapons and defending tomes: now str-->res(BWs) and mag-->def(DTs)

Oh and another UPDATE:(forgot to put this one up with the others last night)

-Defending series of weapons have had their names changed to Defending/Warden/Guardian, instead of Defending/ADW/Defender.

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EDIT: I'll be on later if the hotel has internet, I won't if it doesn't. Ok?

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