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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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They mean Nadya

And Kete stop rewriting your characters; Everyone can clearly see that Gytha's shoes are actually a winged lizard in disguise. And Norbert is actually a wyvern on a bear. On a pegasus.

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I've been looking at some stat things, and I have things I noticed/suggestions for people. I don't remember what everyone's final builds were so ignore me if I'm contradicting it (except you Snowy, you might want to listen).

Ignoring most of those who can get levels because levels, also assuming both swordmaster and survive objectives obtained.

Rook and Bert will be able to upgrade their chain mail to plate mail after this battle. That's +3 def for both of them.

Snowy, buy Robin some splint mail after this. She'll have 5 def and immunity to slayers. That should help some of her problems.

Merc, I kinda want to suggest Gytha getting something from either the defending or barrier sword lines. She can afford it and unless you were planning on a different sword (I don't know if you were, ignore this if so) it'll improve her defending and protect her when she attacks. She can afford a level right now, but just for the future I guess.

AKA this is roy plan less deaths help everybody.

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And why is ANeda defending Gar? Why not Chelsea?

virtually guarantees ep survival.

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Gar can take anything but an autohit, and Sardis moves first, so he will hit the defend if he goes for Gar. It gives us a higher chance of not wiping in case we get swarmed by lethals or something dumb like that.

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Oh my gosh, new serenes does something awesome. It notifies you when you have a topic open and someone else posts in it. And you can see the post without refreshing. adsdagsafdfadsdf <3

EDIT: Or, well, I think it only happens when there's text in the quick reply box.

Edited by roymbrog
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-OP updated.

-New classes added; Dark fliers and Barbarians.

[spoiler=New Classes]Dark Flier: A warrior on a winged mount skilled in both weaponry and magic.

Versatile: May shift any amount of points from strength into magic, and vice versa, before attacking. The change lasts until the beginning of the dark fliers' next turn. A maximum of 5 points can be shifted.

Starting Stats: HP: 3 STR: 2 MAG: 2 SKL: 3 SPD: 3 LCK: 3 DEF: 0 RES: 4

Dark Knight promotion bonus

+1 SPD, +1 LCK, +2 RES

Dark Chevalier promotion bonus

+1 SPD, +1 LCK, +2 RES

Proficiencies: Dark/Anima/Swords/Lance/Staves

Upgrade 1: Maximum point shift cap increased to 10.

Upgrade 2: Resistance can also be transferred to either strength or magic, maximum 5 points of resistance.

Barbarian: Fearsome axe fighters who gains strength from felling enemies.

Rage: After KO'ing an enemy, the barbarian gains +1/-1 on the skill roll modifier which lasts until the end of the barbarian's next turn.

Starting Stats: HP: 5 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 2 SPD: 4 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Berserker promotion bonus

+2 STR, +1 HP, +1 SPD

Marauder promotion bonus

+2 STR, +1 HP, +1 SKL

Proficiencies: Axes

Upgrade 1: The bonus is now +2/-1

Upgrade 2: The bonus now lasts an additional turn and can stack with previous bonuses.

-Slayer types and arrangements revised.

[spoiler=Slayer Types]Mageslayer: Deals extra damage on Clerics, Mages, Shamans, and Troubadours

Armorslayer: Deals extra damage to Knights, Soldiers, Fighters, and Mercenaries

Rogueslayer: Deals extra damage to Thieves, Archers, Myrmidons, and Barbarians

Mountslayer: Deals extra damage to Wyverns Riders, Pegasus Knights, Cavaliers, and Horsemen

Spellslayer: Deals extra damage to Bards, Monks, Magicians, and Dark Fliers

-Phase amendment: From now on, using the following items alone will not count toward the battlepost limit. They will however still count as 'actions taken':




-Firewalls amended. AS/Evade penalty is now 50%.

EDIT: (Additional updates)

-Ring and amulets no longer stack uses.

-Guardian Rune added.

[spoiler=Item]Guardian Rune: 50

This is a special item that allows the wielder to act swiftly and defend allies even outside of their combat team.

Edited by Phoenix
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Dark Flier: A warrior on a winged mount skilled in both weaponry and magic.

Does this mean we can choose between peg and wyvern? Dare I say Griffin or true wyvern (Sacred Stones)?

Edited by Toogee
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Does this mean we can choose between peg and wyvern? Dare I say Griffin or true wyvern (Sacred Stones)?

Technically you're allowed flavoring leniency with a number of the classes- like if you wanted a bow wielding wyvern rider you could make a Horseman and flavor the wyvern in or something to that effect.

I don't think griffins are native to Sardius though.

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O_o Question abot slayers. For those of us who already have one, which one do we have now? I'd assume Valter and Bert now have rogueslayers, but just making sure.

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Was that factored in on the spreadsheet?

EDIT: So going back the last few pages in the sign up topic I noticed something. Snowy, you never say what Robin's points are when you buy stuff =__= Please do that from now on, because I'm going to have to go through the topic when I get back and try to figure out how many she had and it's going to take at least ten minutes to fix this.

Edited by roymbrog
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