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I had something planned in Europa involving Synthia and Valter, unless Amon is going there too I either abandon plans or not move either

EDIT: Oh also, Synthia is treasurer of Raquel's group or something. It would be kind of a dick move to just up and leave.

EDIT:EDIT: Phee, I want to talk to you about this but won't really have time till post-Thursday. When is this going to be started if it goes up?

Edited by roymbrog
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If we split the groups, how will we handle upgrades/enchants/doo-hicky's of that sort? One possibility is that they get ignored for the group that doesn't have Connor, or Tia could go with that group and serve as an impromptu Connor for any upgrades they buy.

Robin will go where Raquel tells her, though Zach may be enough to push her one way or the other... depending on how he treats her it might be towards or away from his group.

Edited by Snowy_One
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I'm surprised Samael hasn't threatened to kill the families if people whose name isn't Raquel.

You'd think the GM would do that and in response some of the PC's would have no choice.

Geez it's like Raquel is the only PC that exist.

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If we do split the group, maybe we could have a mail-system? Basically, at the end of the RP day, messages get sent via flying pony/magic/plothole to the other group? That way they can stay connected, interacting, and linked despite possibly being miles apart?

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(so that this post is not just an emoticon, I do have a question)

How are things like battles going to be handled under this? If one group fights and the others don't, do non-participants get the average as usual? Or does it only apply to PCs in that specific group? Is it going to be done so that battles tend to happen around the same time? (honestly it'd probably be easier to just dump the average on everyone else and the total in the OP, but yeah, just making sure I guess.)

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(so that this post is not just an emoticon, I do have a question)

How are things like battles going to be handled under this? If one group fights and the others don't, do non-participants get the average as usual? Or does it only apply to PCs in that specific group? Is it going to be done so that battles tend to happen around the same time? (honestly it'd probably be easier to just dump the average on everyone else and the total in the OP, but yeah, just making sure I guess.)

Yes, the average will apply to all of those who did not participate, so if group 1 has a battle and group 2 does not, group 2 gets the average.

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I had something planned in Europa involving Synthia and Valter, unless Amon is going there too I either abandon plans or not move either

EDIT: Oh also, Synthia is treasurer of Raquel's group or something. It would be kind of a dick move to just up and leave.

EDIT:EDIT: Phee, I want to talk to you about this but won't really have time till post-Thursday. When is this going to be started if it goes up?

Amon's group is going to be rescuing Joanna from the Wrathites as a sort of intro-mission, so they're definitely going to Europa. After that, the two groups' destinations will probably be different.

As for starting time, after the party leaves the fortress and after Greta's group leaves Urden.

I'm surprised Samael hasn't threatened to kill the families if people whose name isn't Raquel.

You'd think the GM would do that and in response some of the PC's would have no choice.

Geez it's like Raquel is the only PC that exist.

@ Bold

Don't be; there's two reasons for this, and IC reason and an OoC reason. The former is that so far the rest of the group has been viewed mostly as pawns, similar to the org mooks(there's also not enough information per individual for it to even work). The OoC reason is after that situation with Acacia, there's no way in hell I'm going to target PCs that don't belong to either myself or Luna. Sure, not everyone is overprotective of their PCs but it's not worth the risk. If you want in on stuff like this, you're going to have to make a request and have the exposure for it to work. Not even going to consider it otherwise.

@ Italics

Nope, better to just put the spotlight on Raquel and save myself a massive headache. Besides, the Org doesn't actually have much info on anyone other than Raquel since she's been the focus of their investigations. You can't find out much on people without a name in this time period.

@ Underline

Look on the bright side, no harm can come to your dudes if not directly because they still have a vague bit of anonymity. It makes them completely irrelevant in situations like this but that's only natural.

If we do split the group, maybe we could have a mail-system? Basically, at the end of the RP day, messages get sent via flying pony/magic/plothole to the other group? That way they can stay connected, interacting, and linked despite possibly being miles apart?

@ Bold

They could end up being half a continent apart, not just miles. Just saying.

@ General

Eh. Maybe they'll devise a way to get messages to each other, but it's not strictly necessa-oh hey, I think I just found a use for Kit. But yeah, not strictly necessary.

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I did not mean anything bad by my post so I'm sorry if it was a bother :(

So where's the keyboard and mouse for Kit. Lol.

Though thanks for answering Phoenix.

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Just for the record, I don't mind if GMs mess with my chars. I know the org probably doesn't care or anything, but yeah, if you ever want to do something I don't mind.

EDIT: I guess I should mention something, with Synthia being handed around and stuff at the moment. 5'11", about 150-160lbs, maybe not the easiest thing to carry around. Just... thought it was relevant, I guess. (No clue how strong people are, feel free to ignore)

Edited by roymbrog
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Well thanks for letting me know, but I'm still disinclined to do those without IC reasons and actual requests, so ... don't expect anything in the meantime lol.

Okay, a few things:

-Snowy; Robin should probably react to the following;

inside a wagon that just got skewered along the roof from a light ray

Gabbie came, grabbed Connor and left

it's hot inside

Reign came in and tried to deal with the fire only to have the flames addressed by Ayano who's been inside for an undetermined length of time(specifically she's blowing them toward the exit; some are being doused by this, others are just leaning or spreading in that direction)

-Snowy; Tia should probably react to the following;

outside a wagon that just got skewered along the roof from a light ray

the call to help put out the fires(outside; inside is already addressed)

-Rothene; Mireille's actually slowing us down right now, with trying to take stuff out of the wagon. I mean we could just leave a quarter of Raquel's inventory behind, but if the fires are going to be put out anyway, not much point in unloading and then reloading; we're trying to evacuate the fortress. Some things are probably already on fire and should be patted out or doused if possible(some things, it's not a blazing inferno or anything due to thisv)

Reign came in and tried to deal with the fire only to have the flames addressed by Ayano who's been inside for an undetermined length of time(specifically she's blowing them toward the exit; some are being doused by this, others are just leaning or spreading in that direction)

-Furet: There aren't any trees in the courtyard.

Anyway, just a few ... context things, some of which have me holding off on posting for the time being.

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Well thanks for letting me know, but I'm still disinclined to do those without IC reasons and actual requests, so ... don't expect anything in the meantime lol.

Anyway, just a few ... context things, some of which have me holding off on posting for the time being.

1st part ;n; Fine forget I asked, it's not like I wanted to be involved more anyway ;n;

2nd part


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