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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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I forgot to put it in the post but I can't find a good place to put it now

Other things about area:

-Crater has smoke coming out of it still, there is stuff smoldering inside of it

-smells like burnt flesh around it

-one wagon horse is dead as earlier but the other is still alive. It's exhausted and has given up struggling

-only two bodies are visible, roger and the other dude who got shot by an arrow

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Do you mind rephrasing that last sentence? xD You wanted to know more about the RP? There's a sign up topic buried somewhere on the main board if you'd like to start there.

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2 context issues in Flight right now

1. Kamal isn't driving a wagon, it's just a cart. It can't really obscure that much.


2. He's on the opposite side of Amon and co as Al and co

[horses] [destroyed wagon]

[kamal] [amon wagon] [al and peeps]

3. Not an issue but it's relevant and I never made it clear before. Jam and Angelica probably recognize dog.

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33 posts to read in Rev, 20 in Flight, wowza. Aaaaaand no time to do it right now. Welp. Here's hoping I catch up soon. x_x

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Over half the posts in Flight aren't relevant to Bert atm, if you want to come back to them after catching up on his end. I'll wait a bit on the next bandit/wagon update.

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I fucked up flight and its been at a point no one wants to do anything at. I'm gonna try to wrap this up asap and we can get a ts going on so people can actually do what they want.

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Well I'm in no rush, but I've got my reasons, heheh. Anyway, scout team. I'm thinking we should just do a retro of whatever side activity they got into and TS the main group to Ursaea (by which point, scout team would have reunited with and brought extra supplies to the main group). Somebody else start the retro, though, I don't care when/how lol.

Also, Team Valcyn, the next TS will be as soon as any important things are handled (assuming they really need to happen 'onscreen') and then it's off to the capital. So try to keep that in mind. The reason for the TS happening this early is because there's a whole batch of other things happening in Ursentius and this chapter's going to be longer than intended if we linger at Weyland's too long. Normally this wouldn't matter but I want to keep both groups as close to the same day as possible, as well as alternate on battles (which means Team Valcyn's lagging behind a bit right now).

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Ehhh, on second thought, a retro isn't even necessary ... you guys just seemed to want something to do with those characters. Might just be better to have it quickly summarized during and post-TS.

Might not be on IRC tonight ... really tired.

Edited by Phoenix
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Er, you can leave it as is if you want, Eail, but Gregory isn't terribly close to the group. Pretty much everything he's been saying he's been yelling over or just generally being loud. There'd be a good several meters of distance Al'd have to cover to reach Lagar and Gregory would've tried to stop him before he got close enough to kick Lagar in the head :x


Edited by roymbrog
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