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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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A few questions...class ability needs to be activated as a battlepost or it passively just boosts the team as long as the RPer made a post that the character is in battle alongside the team? Will there be a minimum increase? For example say the stats of the character is 0, example being mag in all non-spellcasting classes, will the class ability increase the stat by 1 or zero?

Also, does the effects stack?




...reclass? 8]

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1. It's a "free" action one can take at the beginning of a player phase, similar to the mercenary ability that lasts for one round.

2. Minimum bonus of one to all affected stats.

3. It does not stack with items. Let's say a Bard empowers a Mage with an Arc tome. If the Mage had 20 Mag, the total would be (20x.25= 5) + (20x.5)= 10 for a total of 35 Mt.

4. Reclassing may be possible on a situational basis for new classes added, though the old class should be similar to the new one.

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So for reclassing. How are the Stats going to be spread? Current stats - Old Class base + New Class base? Or complete redistribution?

Hmm...Instead of Boosting Mag, have it boost Def since Def is universally useful like Res. Same goes to Spd and Ski. Mag only helps spellcasters and Str only helps physical. Boost Str and Mag could prove...interesting for Arcane wepaon users in the the same team though.

Also if there are somehow Two bards in the same team. Will each Bard benefit off the other's buff? And would the third character get buffed from both?

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1. It's boosting what it's boosting currently.

2. Bards can benefit off of other bard's buffs but not their own.

3. I guess a third team member would get both bonuses separately.

4. I imagine that just bases would change when reclassing, no respending level ups.

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Wait, why can bards use tomes and staffs? There should be "bard only" instruments in the items, I think, with the instruments each benefitting the bard in a different way, similar to weapons on attacking characters. Like, say, the drum provites +1 to the str benefits to the teammates. Something like that to alter which stats are increased by how much to the bard's teammates.

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I think if it's a support class then it should be a support class. Not a healing or fighting class. This is a way to carry with the theme.

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I'm going to stop dragging you guys down; things run much more smoothly when I'm not here. I may return one day when I'm feeling lonely or something, but for now you guys can enjoy the RP without me coming in and complaining every night...

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I'm going to stop dragging you guys down; things run much more smoothly when I'm not here. I may return one day when I'm feeling lonely or something, but for now you guys can enjoy the RP without me coming in and complaining every night...

I disagree with this decision personally, but it's your call. Hope you come back soon, and on a slightly unrelated note, if you want some ideas about characterization, drop me a line. I might have a few tricks that can help.

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-Bard ability updated.

Bards now boost skl and spd while being able to add either str/def or mag/res after acquiring a skill book.

The skill book additions are permanent, similar to the myrmidon upgrade.

-Level Requirements list updated.

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Edit: Changing question cause derp.

What are the changes? I don't see any difference in prices.

Edited by Mercakete
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It's impossible to get two Skill Books since there is only one Book Slot, so no.

Large Pack OR Storage. Your answer is invalid.

Moving on, this might be a good time to inquire about that.

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Large Pack OR Storage. Your answer is invalid.

Moving on, this might be a good time to inquire about that.

On the other hand, it's only half-invalid, since it only contradicts the latter part of my statement. Until proof of that surfaces, the former portion stands.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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