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Two book slots would be kinda over-powered, I think, seeing as how potent book benefits are already. I'd say we should limmit the LP to being unable to hold books. As for storage, you'd have to switch out for the book in the book slot anyway since you can only use what's equipt. If the LP remains an omni-slot, though, I'm only somewhat worried about this. However, duplicates shouldn't be allowed. As I understand it, we're not allowed to have anything else non-consumable (whether weapon or special item) duplicate in our inventory, so books should be no different. That's my take on it, anyway.

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I'm against duplicate books, but only because it would be stupid to have two of any type of book. Notice ...

Two skill books:

This does nothing for almost all classes save for possibly the bards and myrmidons.

Two dual books:

... I'm not sure I even have to say anything on this.

Two triangle books:

... see Two dual books.

LP Book Slot:

The most devastating set ups for this I can think of off the top of my head cost at least 680 points total.

First there was the Book!Paladin who with 680 points could reach level 2/1, buy an LP for the extra book slot, and buy two books, a skill book so he could use Charge twice per turn, and a dual book so once every three turns he could get an almost guaranteed ravaging blow in against an enemy(which increases the likelihood of Charge activating in the first place).

Overall, a very expensive set up, and not constantly potent. Obviously a Cav with poor overall offensive ability(low hit or low mt) isn't even going to profit much from this.

The second was the Book!Warrior, who with 680 points could reach level 2/1, buy an LP for the extra book slot, and buy two books, a skill book so he could use his Cleave ability every turn, and a dual book so once every three turns he could get an almost guaranteed ravaging blow in against an enemy(which increases the likelihood of a KO).

Overall, a very expensive set up, and not constantly potent. Defenders are not always present throughout battle so this is also a bit situational.

Next there's the Dual Book+Triangle Book set up. Looks nifty and it's actually pretty useful, but like always, the former requires at east one more person have the book, and be 'ready, willing, and able'. The latter requires two people have the book, and so on. They only work once every three turns so while their attacks are pretty strong(depending on users), it's probably ever only going to occur twice per battle. Not to mention this will cost 160 points plus whatever points you had to spend leveling up. They don't have level requirements yet, but it'll still probably end up around 560 or something.

If anyone can think of any other powerful class+book combos, lemme know.

So in summary I'm not opposed to multiple books, only duplicates.


Forgot to answer this:

What are the changes? I don't see any difference in prices.

Not the items list, the level requirements list. There were some missing items that got placed.

Edited by Phoenix
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To clarify, the guns can basically down anything for the low low price of 490 on one unit with a gun, and 80 on the other unit for criticals.

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Not the items list, the level requirements list. There were some missing items that got placed.

I meant the prices for levels, but I get what you're saying now.

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Sorry if this suggestion is a bother, but for the upgraded Bard ability, instead of Str-Def/Mag-Res split, which in my opinion might make some groupings less favourable, like Spellcasters prefering the latter except for the occasional useful Def buff, let the upgraded buff be Str-Mag/Def-ResOffensive and Defensive split. Str and Mag a usually exclusive to each other in usefulness, so if they are paired, the bard appears to specialise in boosting offense and healing capabilities of the group, while a boost in Def/Res increases group survivability. That way, the Bard is split into Offensive/Healing and Defensive archetypes instead of Physical and Magical.

Problem with Physical and Magical split is Def/Res are situationally useful depending on enemy composition, while Str only ebenfits Physicals, Magic only benefits Magicals. Meaning balanced teams will suffer a bit since the Physical/Magical split is super situational. As in against Physical heavy enemy a magical Bard's buffs are lackluster among a team consisting of 2 other physicals...

Offense/Defensive split is IMO ok Anywhere. In a balanced team Str/Mag boost means everyone can hit harder or heal better...while Def/Res might give them that extra point to not get 1HKOed. In an all Physical Team, Str/Mag still boosts damage capacity of the team, while Def/Res still boosts overall survivability.

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Not a bad suggestion, actually, but to be honest I'd rather just 'add the options' than replace them. Four possible combinations would make them a much more customizable class(more potentially unique bards would be possible, I mean).

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You know, at first I thought the real issue here would be someone trying to anchor down the wagon when it has no stabilizers to speak of ... which could very well end up like this.


But now I'm just wondering where Robin got the rope from in the first place :mellow:

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-Sardius Map Updated


-Vasili section relocated to profile(right above Weapons and Items list).

It was to save space. The OP is starting to have character limit issues.

-Mageslayers updated. They now grant bonuses against Bards as well.

-Class skills updated.

-All sixteen classes have had a second possible upgrade added to them.

How this works is when someone purchases a skill book, they will have an option. They can pick 'Upgrade 1' or 'Upgrade 2' for their respective class. To see the specific new skills, just check 1.5 Classes in the OP.

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*roymbrog is pathetic, hasn't even been a week*

I miss you guys :(

How go things? Did everyone die?

*Playing a guitar*

You see we've been through the desert on mounts with no names...


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Phoenix dropped us in the middle of a desert, Gabbie threatened to kill Robin, our wagon tried to run away on us, and the group is freezing to death out in the desert with no fire or hope of rescue.

You and context are just mortal enemies, aren't you?

@ Roy:

I'd miss everyone after about sixteen hours, so I check in daily :^_^:

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Roy!! Hi!! Norbert has been taking care of Phyllis while Valter's been KO'd, I moved both Synthia and Valter into the wagon for when you came back if you don't mind. Also, Phyllis doesn't have her tack (besides her bridle) since we're in the desert (Norbert removed Rizen's tack, too, to prevent overheating.) So, that's basicly what's up with your dudes. Also, we're far from dead.

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