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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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Seems like an odd time to place an order...well maybe not that odd considering what's happened. "Sure there are a number of mail shirts we can try to have fitted to yo-" he began saying to Robin before being cut off by the beam of light ripping through the Dauntless.

Cynthia did have Connor react, it just happened to get interupted by the giant beam of light.

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Just to clarify, Robin did NOT get hit by the beam. She has been badly stunned though due to a huge blast of light suddenly going off in her face and is dazed and confused by it in the burning wreckage of the Dauntless. Tia is trying to pull her out as best she can right now, but lacks the muscle to do so.

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How was Robin able to be burned despite not being hit by the aureola spell?

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Tiki and Toogee, I'm waiting off on writing a response in para to allow you guys to react to anything being done. Let me know if you don't intend to post on the matter however

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Erasmus: "I do fear for the safety of the captives Lord Steinn has taken though, especially poor little Siv Finnian. Humans can be so barbaric, as we all know."

First thing I thought of, Siv in a maid uniform at Weyland's. Yes, humans are cruel.

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Not entirely sure you saw it, Eail, since it was just before your post and now on the 2nd to most recent page (with default post-per-page settings) in the rp, but I replied to you. Let me know if you weren't planning on replying back.

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Robin is depressed and keeping to herself in the Dauntless and Tia is outside with no one to talk to if anyone wants to spend time with them.

Snowy... All I have to say at this point is pay attention.

At 1 AM last night, or close enough to that timeframe, I forget exact timestamps, you were getting miffed that tia got ignored. This is a fair thing to feel after she did get snubbed. I offered a countermeasure which you did not say no to and even seemed mildly ok to it, which was for Mushirah to actively talk to her, for Mushirah to note that Tia was looking pretty agitated.

I followed through on my word after a game of ToR, as literally as I planned it. "I'll post after I'm done with this Warzone."

I finished the warzone, I put the game down and did exactly as you wanted and as I offered, no strings attached.

What am I greeted to when I wake up? A huge pity party argument about how no one likes your characters in and out of character and how no one wants to interact with them, and while I will not speak to the first part, I can sure as fuck speak to the last part being entirely false. Here I am, interacting with Tia, who has apparently gone into a coma.

You are making it extremely difficult to want to interact with your people if A: They don't even fucking respond (after I've told you I will, and even after I friggin told you I friggin did the deed) and B: you get all defensive about it as soon as you interpret the situation so wrongly without even reading.

Edit: just want to throw in this quote

3:25 AM: <Snowy_One> So does ANYONE want to talk to Tia/comfort Robin right now?

Said nearly 2 and a half hours after my part of the situation. Snowy, just read. If that is legitimately a thing you have problems with, I'm sorry, but seriously, just... just read.

Edited by ReformBlade
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For the record, when peole don't want to interact with your characters, Snowy, it's mostly because of how you treat people who do (like what just apparently happened with Joey), not because every single person has burning, searing hatred for your characters.

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For the record, when peole don't want to interact with your characters, Snowy, it's mostly because of how you treat people who do (like what just apparently happened with Joey), not because every single person has burning, searing hatred for your characters.

roy can I hug you?

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In this case you are right and I do apologize. I missed Blade's action and should have seen it in review.

AIM chat-log. Unaltered from the original chat.

You mind if I rant at you for a bit? I need a wall, but one that can respond and not give an obvious response either.

I'm so sick of all these Roleplay problems. Everywhere I go it seems to be the same story. I join up, worried that I will be tossed out of the 'main group' for being a newcomer. I make a character and instantly start stumbling. As soon as I do people gang up on me and tell me I'm doing things wrong until, at last, I make a stand for myself. Then people turn aside and start being apathetic or outright kick me from the RP and I'm forced to move on, more jaded than before. They say it's not them, it's me, but all that tells me is that the problem is that none of them want to bother to care enough to even play nice. I try to smile, try to play by their rules, but nothing changes and I revert back to my older ways which they get mad at me for. Why should they get mad at me? What right do they have? I tried to change and do things there way, but they didn't even try one bit to help, and NOW they're mad at me for failing?

CRRP. They said I sucked and gladly kicked me around despite me trying my best to smile and ignore it until they finally booted me? The thing that caused it? I refused to accept some dickbag who made horrible jokes as being better than me.

LoaF: I make an RP and entire world. I work hard, but eventually get forced to step down as GM as well as leave the RP. What caused it?
I caused it.
I caused it all.
Oh god they're right. I am a horrible person.
I did all of this. They were nothing but nice to me and I kept letting my burns and old wounds get the better of me.
Maybe the people on CRRP were dicks, but these people aren't.
But I keep treating them like CRRP never died and this is the same crowd that, gladly, let it's GM's treat people like crap simply because they held power.
Even you and Burner.
I treated you horribly, accusing you of being monsters for killing a kid. Maybe you were wrong for what you did, but even so...
That doesn't justify that I was willing to leave an RP, ruining the friendships I had, over that.

Edit to the whatever degree: I'm so sorry. Roy, Scorri, Phoenix, and all you guys. Even people not even on this site. You've tried your best to be nice to me and all I did was focus on what I saw as mistakes and shortcomings and use it as justification for the conviction that you all hated me. Maybe some of the problems are real. Maybe you could have done better on some things. That doesn't change I've been such a dick to you all and that more than half the blame rests firmly on my shoulders. I don't want this to be a half-hearted revelation though, to be quickly forgotten the moment I next get badmouthed. If I really have caused all this trouble, I want there to be a lasting change and effort to correct it. When I get on tonight, I really want to fix this.

Edited by Snowy_One
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Oh my gosh Snowy I want to hug you. Don't worry, we'll help you out. ^_^ A lot of us have been trying to help for a long time now, so I don't see why that will change. Admitting you were wrong where everyone can see it takes guts, too. As long as you're serious about this, I don't see how you won't succeed. Also, that was sweet what you said about LoAFpeople. :3

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Protip: Don't use your stupid gimmick misspelling of shadrak when trying to have a serious reflection of your own mortality. Nobody will take it seriously.

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-OP updated.

-Reworded a few things here and there and did some general typo searching.

-Group B or 'Amon group' is a go.

Once the bandit fight ends, Amon's group and Greta's will meet up. Meanwhile Raquel's group will handle any post-battle interactions and developments needed. Once both sides are ready, that catastrophe you've likely been hearing about will happen and both groups will meet on the main road on the way to Urquium and Ursaea. During this point, any transfers desired can be handled. Amon's group will operate in paralogue chapters once they finally split up again.

-PC limit is now three for those only adding to one group, and four for those adding to both. Only up to three PCs from a single person can be in any given group.

-The SKL to Hit formula has been amended. Instead of translating directly, SKL is multiplied by 1.25 first. For example a raw SKL of 8 is now 10 Hit simplified. This formula has no effect on weapons that work on raw skl; the 25% increase is added separately.

-The Burke Challenge has expired. There'll be a new challenge entry or two sometime in the near future, possibly a different one for each group if desired.

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Crisis averted. No longer do I have to endure a several hour road trip into Tennessee's mountains to see a probably insignificant waterfall.

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"We oughta just go through the roads, I think. Don't trust this thing t' keep together if we leave th' path." Content with this logic, Greta spurred the horses onwards.

Then the earth shattered beneath the horses' hooves, and the ground belched fire.

The horses reared and shied away from the massive explosion from underneath, Wilhelm instinctively grabbed his mace and Greta attempted to regain her footing, shouting "Whoa, whoa, whoa! I was worried about bandits, not minefields!"

If this massive explosion occured beneath the horses' hooves, wouldn't the horses be dead (or at least burned severely)? I don't mean to sound like a douche, but no one "shies away" from a massive explosion. They haul ass out of there. Sorry, I'm just very confused as to how powerful the explosion is and how to react to it.

Edited by Toogee
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