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Silly mistakes you've made in FE?


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I'm still not convinced Medeus the almighty dark dragon poses a challenge otherwise compared to say, the climactic FE4/5/7 boss rush sums or antagonists with skills in FE10's endgame.

Medeus would require over 75k worth of expenditures to kill in FE3 DS 0% growths. Seems pretty challenging to me. Relative to the quality of characters in the game, of all endgame bosses, he has the highest numbers in all parameters. You basically have to use a maxed out Marth to kill him reliably, and if Marth is screwed, you're SOL.

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FE12. Palla. Good lord, I need something to remind me everytime when she gets a chance to move. I get hasty with the "End Turn", and I end up getting her killed on accident. Except this last run where I kept her on the middle fort when she was supposed to move to the north fort. <_<;

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FE12. Palla. Good lord, I need something to remind me everytime when she gets a chance to move. I get hasty with the "End Turn", and I end up getting her killed on accident. Except this last run where I kept her on the middle fort when she was supposed to move to the north fort. <_<;

Yeah, I'm terrible with stuff like that as well when there's 1 loner off seperated from the rest of your army. Like FE6 Lilina.

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I double and triple check by using whatever button in a particular game cycles through units that haven't moved yet.

Then before hitting end turn I hit that button like 3+ times to make certain.

What annoys me is when a command isn't what I expect (as others have mentioned, waiting instead of healing or whatevering). Or when I am trying to rescue one unit and am not paying attention and the game picks up a different unit because that's the one the cursor defaults to.

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So I was going through my 4space account and I came across this experimental run of the final FE12 chapter:


Marth was fed stat boosters to cap his speed and strength, of course. Holy crap, my memory was off. I do believe I underestimated New Mystery's Medeus. You need either two criticals to slay him......or at least one and two extra charges of an again staff.


Didn't stop me from buying time to reload for critical in the form of an extra turn and the save point.

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So today I got to 3-6. I realized I made a fatal mistake in Part 1..

Most of my levelups in part 1 were BEXP, so each character only got +3s.

I'm screwed over.

Did I mention Micaiah has 12 speed?

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Silly mistakes? Ah, where should I start?

Well, on my first playthrough of Radiant Dawn (or my first shot at a fire emblem game, ever) I...

Didn't use Nolan,

Didn't use Jill,

Didn't use Gatrie,

DID use Leonardo :facepalm:

Kept cancel on Leonardo,

Didn't realize the importance of info conversations until halfway through part 2, and thus missed out on a whole lot of stuff (like Meg, but she sucks anyways),

Killed Rafiel on the level you get him,

Killed Astrid on the level you get her (thus losing paragon but I didn't even really know at that point what that was so yeah...)

"Trained" the Black Knight ,:lol: ("How come his exp bar isn't increasing?")

and, this is probably the dumbest thing I've ever done, didn't use Micaiah because she couldn't take a hit and I didn't really see the point in Sacrifice(oh how wrong I was)...thus she kinda promoted to second tier at level 3 and to third tier at level 10 :lol:

I had to keep her on the edge of the map so she wouldn't die on the last level :).

At least I managed to finish the playthrough...

Worst Fire Emblem player ever? Yes, go me!

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Worst Fire Emblem player ever? Yes, go me!

Not necessarily true. FE10 is a pretty bad Fire Emblem to play as your first (though, I've heard easy mode IS pretty easy.)

On my first ever Fire Emblem run (Blazing Sword,) I did countless stupid things. I probably wouldn't have even been able to complete Easy Mode on FE10 at the time. Granted, I was 12 or 13 at the time, but still. Give yourself SOME credit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

FE5, Chapter 12x. Rifis is fatigued from the previous chapter, so I bring Lara to it. I Warp her next to Tina, and try to steal her Thief Staff... turns out Lara's build is just two points too low to steal it.

Restart the chapter about four times, because of all the thieves stealing my stuff. To get Tina out, I use Silence on her on the first turn. An hour later, I'm about to end the chapter, just having to recruit Pahn and Tina, and wait for the reinforcement dancers. I move Saphy to recruit Tina... Turns out because I used Silence, she can't be recruited at all.


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But then all the enemies start running away and the dancers won't appear. I think Trewd also runs off. :/

It's been a long time though, I don't remember entirely.

You mean the Knight Proof and Warp Dancers? They won't appear if you kill one of them, but Warpskipping is fine.

Also Trewd leaving can be cancelled via Salem's Sleep Staff and a possible Torch use. Even then, Trewd isn't anything special, so him leaving isn't the end of the world.

Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster
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You mean the Knight Proof and Warp Dancers? They won't appear if you kill one of them, but Warpskipping is fine.

Also Trewd leaving can be cancelled via Salem's Sleep Staff and a possible Torch use. Even then, Trewd isn't anything special, so him leaving isn't the end of the world.

I have to have Trewd; he's one of my favorite characters.

I'll just open up Nightmare and change the Thief Staff's weight or something. :/

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I'm pretty sure you can recruit Pahn on turn 1 and catch up to Trewd without using the sleep staff anyway. You just need to block him off.

I'm not sure that's possible. You could either warp or sleep, as near as I can tell. He should only be 3 turns away from leaving. I don't think you can get there so quickly.


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